Showing posts with label Ohio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ohio. Show all posts

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Was the Newark Octagon Mound the Place for Ritual Sacrifice?

 Was the Newark Octagon Mound the Place for Ritual Sacrifice?

There are many similarities with the religion of the historic Natchez and the anient mound builders in the Ohio Valley. The Natchez performed ritual human sacrifice upon the death of a Sun. When a male Sun died, his wives were expected to accompany him by performing ritual sacrifice. Pictured above are 8 people who are being sacrificed at the death of the Natchez Sun King. The number reoccurs within the earthworks in the Ohio Valley.  Were these places of sacrifice of the Sun King?

Were subjects sacrificed at the 8 gateways of the Newark Ceremonial Center at the death of the Sun King?

Prehistoric America, Stephen Peet, 1903
First, let us consider the traditions of the Indian tribes as to their migrations.
1. The Cherokee were a tribe situated, at the opening of history, among the mountains of East Tennessee and perhaps as far east as North Carolina. There is a common tradition that the Cherokee were at one time in the Ohio Valley.
2.) The Dakotas; this tribe or stock was, at the opening of history located west of the Mississippi River, in the State that bears their name.  The Dakotas have a traditon they they were once on the Ohio River, and that they migrated from their to the west.
3.) The Natchez were a tribe formerly situated near the city of Natchez.  They were sun-worshippers.  It is supposed by some that the Natchez built the sun temples in Ohio, but they changed their methods and adopted the pyramid as their typical work afterwards.
4.0 The Tetons, a branch of the Dakotas, were probably once in the region, though their home was afterward in the northern part of Georgia.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Megalithic Stone Circle Described in Ross County, Ohio


Megalithic Stone Circle Described in Ross County, Ohio

Centennial History of the County of Ross County, Ohio - 1902
To the south of this, about two hundred yards is a stone circle one hundred feet in diameter and five or six feet high. In the center of this is a large stone mound some ten feet high.
This work was located in Huntington township, on the east side of Black Run, 200 yards south of the old Minney farm.

Henges eventually replaced the stone circle as solar and celestial observatories. Before transitioning to the henge they were combined.

Monday, November 2, 2020

Ohio's Tarleton Cross was to Scare Evil Spirits Away From the Graves at the Site

Ohio's Tarleton Cross was to Scare Evil Spirits Away From the Burial Mounds at the Site

There is a phase of sun and fire symbolism which seems hitherto to have received but little attention, viz., the presence of such symbols in crests or in the coats-of-arms of many of the oldest families and landed gentry of the British Isles. We find them in the greatest numbers in the armorial bearings of our Scottish families and those belonging to the most northern counties of England; probably for the same reason that they are most numerous on objects which have been found in the northern portions of Scandinavia. Some of the emblems of the sun and of the swastika as a fire symbol and the wheel are in use in some countries to this day as a preservative against fire. A type of fire symbol exists in some parts of England at our very doors. In Gloucestershire and Herefordshire — possibly also in some of the other southwestern counties of England — it is not an uncommon circumstance to see on the external walls of some of the older houses one or two pieces of iron in this form:  And sometimes thus : tershire man, and on being asked the reason of the + form of these irons, he replied that "they were made thus V_) in order to protect the house from fire, as well as from falling down." In the little village of Kingstone, in Herefordshire, it is still the custom of the people on the eve of May-day to I take two short pieces of wood and nail them in this form X over the door of a house or stable, removing the one of the previous year. On inquiry why this was done, the reply was, "To scare the witches or the evil spirits away." H. G. M. A.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Giant Skeleton and Roman Coins Found in Jackson, Ohio

 Giant Skeleton and Roman Coins Found in Jackson, Ohio      

Roman Emporer, Scipio Africanus (236–183 BC)

The Holmes County Republican, March 16, 1859

Discovery of a Mysterious Vault
Jackson, Ohio February 21.
     Our village is full of wonder and excitement.  Martin Marker, J. W. Hughes, and Washington Long, in digging a grave in the cemetery near this village, about ten o'clock, this morning, came to a large flat stone about four feet below the surface, which stopped their further progress, until they procured assistance and removed the stone from its resting place of ages when it was found to have closed the entrance to a subterranean vault.  All efforts thus far 3 P. M. ) to enter it with light have proved unsuccessful, on account of the foul air with which it is filled.  By means of a rake, human bone of gigantic size has been raised, and small chard of silver, with coins attached to each end.  The coins, though much defaced by time, have the appearance of those used among the Romans in the days of Scipio Africanus, though there were evident traces of hieroglyphic devices than cannot be deciphered.
       The men at the cemetery have by means of burning straw, made light in the vault and, though none have the courage to enter further than the entrance, it has been discovered that there is, immediately to the west of the opening, a chamber of about ten feet square, with steps dilapidated down its eastern side.  Three other chambers,rs branch out of this; one to the north, one to the south, and the other to the west. We are all curious of course, to know when and by whom these vaults were made and filled.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

The Nephilim King Returns to the Marietta, Ohio's Great Mound and Earthworks

The Nephilim King Returns to the Marietta, Ohio's  Great Mound and Earthworks

The painting shows the King  and his attendants at the Sacred Via at Marietta, Ohio.   The sacred via where the Kings attendants wawait his arrival is aligned to the winter solstice sunrise.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Is the Ohio Valley Spiritual Hell? The Bible Says It's So

Is the Ohio Valley Spiritual Hell? The Bible Says It's So

Hell is the residence of fallen spirits or buried giants. This more than any other place in the world in Ohio.

     The next race of giants which we find mentioned in Scripture is
In A. V. the words used for it are the “Rephaim” “Giants”, and the “Dead.” That it has the latter meaning in many passages is certain 

Biblical Quotes

"The ghosts of the dead writhe under the waters along with those who live there with them.

like one set loose among the dead, like the slain that lie in the grave, like those whom you remember no more, for they are cut off from your hand.

The person who strays from common sense will end up in the company of the dead.

They are dead, they will not live; they are shades, they will not arise; to that end you have visited them with destruction and wiped out all remembrance of them.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Ancient Giantess Nephilim Queen of the Little Miami River: Her Tomb is Discovered in Warren County, Ohio

Ancient Giantess  Nephilim Queen of the Little Miami River: Her Tomb is Discovered in Warren County, Ohio

The Middleton, Ohio Daily News Signal,    March 21, 1908


Found in Gravel Bank on Warren County Farm

    Yesterday when digging into a gravel bank on his farm near Stubbtown, in Warren County, John Watkins discovered the burial grounds.

   The skeleton of a huge woman was unearthed.  It measured seven feet and five inches in length. About her neck were ropes of pearls and in her tomb other articles of value. Much excitement was aroused among the farmers in the vicinity and further excavation brought to light many other skeletons of this extinct race.  Some were found in sitting positions and some on their faces.  Watkins will try to interest the Ohio Archaeological Society in his find.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Mastodon Remains Show it Was Killed by Humans in Ashtabula County, Ohio



    A mastodon has been recently discovered in Ashtabula county, Ohio. On the 25th of April, Mr. E. Owen has engaged in ditching the farm of Mr. Boudinot Seeley, in Austinburg, Ashtabula county, O., when he suddenly came upon the bones of the animal. These were situated about three and a half feet below the surface, in the middle of a small swail or muck swamp, called by the farmers a “cat swamp.” The bones were lying below the swamp embedded in the clay, but projecting above it and partially contained in the muck. The bones consisted of the head, the atlas, twenty-five ribs, the scapula, several dorsal vertebrae, and three vertebrae of the coccyx, but no tusk or tooth or lower extremities. The measurements are as follows: Head, as found, length three feet nine inches, width two feet six inches. Ribs, smallest, length three feet one inch, width three and one-half inches. Ribs, largest, length four feet six inches, width six inches. Scapula, length three feet four inches, width two feet six inches. Socket of ditto, eight inches by five. Vertebrae, with the lateral process, two feet two inches, width thirteen inches. clay, at a depth of two and a half feet below the surface, and about fifty feet from the skeleton. 
   Fragments of charcoal were distributed through the upper soil, and some in the clay and near the bones. The bones themselves evidently were disturbed, as they were scattered over a distance of twenty or thirty feet, and were not in place. The search has not been completed, and it is believed that other traces of flint weapons and of fire may yet be discovered if a proper examination shall be made. 
    The location is about four miles from the upper part of the Lake Erie terrace formation, and about six miles from the present lakeshore. The soil is thick clay, is very level, and was formerly covered with heavy timber. The clay rests for the most part upon the Erie shale, through which the streams have worn deep gorges, especially as they come into the lake.
    It is worthy of remark, that relics of the latest geological period are found in the terraces, as other fragments of bones of the mastodon and the remains of logs have been discovered in various places, situated low down in the gravel beds or embedded in the top of the clay. 
   This, however, is the only case where there are traces of the human epoch, either in the Tertiary, the Quaternary or in the terrace formations of this region.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Ancient Oil Lamp From the Near East Dating to 500 A.D. Discovered in Ohio

Ancient Oil Lamp From the Near East Dating to 500 A.D. Discovered in Ohio

Inscribed on the lamp was, "The light of Christ shines for all"

Bryan, Ohio Times April 19, 1997
Oil Lamp More Than 1,000 Years Old is Unearthed in Southern Ohio Village

   South Point, Ohio [AP]  A Near Eastern oil lamp estimated to be more than 1,000 years old has been unearthed in this village located in an area of southern Ohio better known for its arrowheads and other American Indian relics.

   John Hudnall was digging in his front yard last fall in preperation for replacing a sewer line when, about six feet down, he found the lamp. 
   "I thought it was an Indian artifact," Hudnall said. But when he showed the lamp to Charles West, owner of the Indian Relic Museum in New Richmond, West said it was not an Indian relic.  
   "It's beautiful, the only problem is it's not an Indian," West said.   West turned to Bob Price of the Lawrence County Historical Society, who helped him find similar lamps in an illustrated encyclopedia of the Bible.
   That lead west to the Institute of Archaeology at Andrews University at Berrien Springs, Michigan. David Merling, the institute's assistant director, said the lamp was probably crafted between A. D. 400 and 800 in the Near East, an area that includes southwestern Asia, northeastern Africa, and the Arabian peninsula.
   "Its a common form of an ancient lamp ...but I have no idea where it came from," Merling said. 
More Mysterious is how the lamp, on which the words, "The light of Christ shines for all" are inscribed in an ancient language, ended up in Lawrence County.
  Hudnall said he believes settlers who considered it an ancestral relic could have brought it to the area, which is about 110 miles south of Columbus, near the Ohio River. 
   "I think someone, probably a group of Indians, got together an buried it, thinking it was evil," he said.  "You can't burn it - its an oil lamp, and they were probably afraid that if they broke it, it would release evil."
  Hudnall said he will probably lend the lamp to the Huntington W.V. Museum of Art for exhibition and then donate to the Institute for study and preservation. 
   The lamp is probably only worth a couple of hundred dollars, but its discovery would be well worth documenting, Merling said.
"It's a curious find to find in Ohio," he said.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Ancient Nephi Square Enclosures


Ancient Nephi Square Enclosures

A series of square enclosures have been documented from Long Island, New York to the Susquehanna River the lower tier of the Great Lakes in northern Ohio to Michigan.  The reports generally describe the giant human remains near these earthworks. Indian legends reveal that these works were constructed by White Indians. Are these the Nephi?

Nephi remains found in New York earthwork here
History of St. Joseph County Michigan, 1880
Within three hours ride of Colon Village, there are no less than six fortifications of these ancient people. One of them is distinct visible yet, and is in a square form, fronting the St. Joseph River, with an avenue leading to the rear to Bear Creek.

A Place Called the Thumb, Sanilac County Michigan, 1880
In 1931, Wilbert B. Hinsdale in his "Archaeological Atlas of Michigan" located for a record, Indian villages sites, mounds, garden beds, circular and square enclosures, and other remains. In Watertown Township in Sanilac County, an unusual construction consisted of a square enclosure with an interior mound. In the southwest corner of Worth Township, Hinsdale located a rectangular enclosure with an opening to the north and a mound in front of the opening.

History of Sandusky County, 1882
There are pieces of evidence of another fort of the same kind above the Williams Reserve a short distance, on the high bank of the river, In section thirteen, township five, range fifteen, (Sandusky Township) This work is different in form from those heretofore mentioned, being nearly square, and is supposed to include about three acres of land. It is situated at a place where there was once an Indian village called Muncietown, about three miles below the city of Fremont.

Friday, July 13, 2018

What "Ohio" Really Means

What "Ohio" Really Means

The Word "Ohio"
  The word "Ohio," which comes directly from the Iroquoian language, does not mean beautiful, as is widely believed, but means great. True, the French called the Ohio "Le Belle Riviere" or "Beautiful River," but they borrowed no such name from the Indians; it was their own name for the stream.  In Wyandot and Seneca it is O-HE-ZHU; In Mohawk and Cayuga it is O-HE-YO, and in Oneida, it is O-HE - all of which means great, not beautiful

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Nephilim Queen's Tomb Uncovered in Athens County, Ohio

Nephilim Queen's Tomb Uncovered in Athens County, Ohio

Large human Nephilim skeletons were found in many of the burial mounds in Athens County, Ohio. There are still 7 burial mounds that can be seen from the road, with more hidden in the woods.  Athens County is a dark and foreboding place to visit.  For 32 of the largest burial mounds in Ohio

Centennial Atlas of Athens County, Ohio, 1905
    A small mound located on the very top of the hill bordering the eastern part of the Wolf’s Plains and a little northwest of the house now occupied by Mr. J. Taylor, superintendent of the Johnson Coal Mining company’s mine here, was opened by two or three of the citizens in the spring of 1905. They were in search of copper and stone articles and more especially inscriptions. At the bottom of the mound and lying on a huge flat stone was a skeleton apparently of a woman. The lower limbs were crossed. The bones had been much decayed by the action of water. The explorers stated that the bones were remarkably large. The jaw bone would fit over that of the average man of today and leave plenty of 

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Mass Grave of Giants Found at a Nephilim Square Temple in Michigan

Mass Grave of Giants Found at a Nephilim Square Temple in Michigan

Giant skeletons have been discovered at my of the square earthworks like this one in Jackson County, Ohio.

Civil History of Michigan, 1895
    Forts of the square or rectangular kind are sometimes found. There is said to be one or two miles below the village of Marshall, one in the township of Prarie Ronde, several on the Kalamazoo, and in other places. In Bruce Township in the county of Macomb, on the north fork of the Clinton, are several...eight miles from Lake St. Clair. In sinking the cellar of a building for a missionary, sixteen baskets full of human bones were found of a remarkable size. Near the mouth of this river, on the east bank, are ancient works representing a fortress, with a wall of earth thrown up similar to those in Ohio and Indiana.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Eight Foot Nephilim Tomb Photographed in Ross County, Ohio

Eight Foot Nephilim Tomb Photographed in Ross County, Ohio

This is a photograph of the burial mound near Londonderry, Ohio in Ross  To get directions to this mound and 32 other of the largest burial mounds in Ohio get "The Nephilim Chronicles: A Travel Guide to the Ancient Ruins in the Ohio Valley.  Here's a sneak peek of the 32 mounds

It was reported in The Washington Post

Although much reduced in size the burial mound at Londerry, is still visible in this field.  Note how the contour of the hill in the background matches the original, earlier photo.

Friday, March 16, 2018

Rephaim Spirits Haunt Athens County, Ohio

Rephaim Spirits Haunt Athens County, Ohio

This large burial mound is located north of Athens, Ohio. For photos of 121 burial mounds and earthworks in Ohio from "The Nephilim Chronicles: A Travel Guide to the Ancient Ruins in the Ohio Valley."

    A little research unveiled the horrific truth about the County and the city of Athens that confirmed my intuitions about the haunted nature of these lands. rated the city Athens, Ohio as the 8th most haunted place in America. USA Today ranked Athens as the 7th most haunted place in America listed Athens, Ohio as the 7th most haunted place in the world, and the British Society for Psychical Research ranked it as the 13th most haunted place in the world.
    The paranormal began early in Athens County, wherein the 1850s Spiritualism became popular in America and no more so than in Millfield Township in Athens County. A man called Jonathon Koons claimed that he and all of his eight children had the gift to contact spirits. The spirits instructed him to construct a special room where the spirits would manifest. People were traveling long distances from the east and across Ohio to hold seances with Koons. Several of the churches in the area closed because of dropping attendance, do to their new allegiance to the ghostly spirit world. 

    There has been a history of the occult associated with Athens for years. Five of the earliest cemeteries in the city of Athens, if drawn out on a map, form a pentagram. Was the pentagram protection from those spirits associated with the occult? Was it used to protect the dead from the evil spirits that roam the county? 
   There is some precedent for evil lurking in these lands. The Shawnee never lived nor hunted in this region because they feared the spirits that roamed the hills about Athens.
The ancient spirits of the giants that once inhabited this region are the culprit behind the paranormal activity in this city, county, and region. Burial mounds were constructed as portals to connect the living with the dead. The spirits of the dead giants were earthbound and were worshiped like demigods. What people don't realize is that those spirits are still around, and those doorways are still open. The problem with the doorways is that you don't know who is going to come through. This is what makes ghost hunting, Ouija boards and seances so dangerous.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Adena Hopewell Numerology at Piketon, Ohio and the New Castle, Indiana Henge Site

Adena Hopewell Numerology at Piketon, Ohio and the New Castle, Indiana Henge Site

The largest henge at the New Castle, Indiana site was also 215 feet in diameter.
Map showing that the distance between the wall was 215 feet in length.  More on numerology and Ohi earthworks can be found with the measure of the Piketon, Ohio earthworks

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Adams County Ohio's Burial Mound and Henge Site. Near the Serpent Mound

Adams County Ohio's Mound and Henge Site

Three earthworks, including one henge was constructed by the Adena mound builders south of the famous Serpent Mound.  After years of being plowed, there are no remnants of the earthworks, but the one burial mound is still visible.

The large burial mound is still visible north of the city of Winchester, Ohio

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Babylonian Sun Cross at Tarleton, Ohio

Babylonian Sun Cross at Tarleton, Ohio

Tablet for the Sun God Shamash. The God of Truth, Justice, and Healing. Was this the Sun god venerated at Tarleton, Ohio.

Tarleton Cross in Ohio

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Larger Horseshoe Shaped Earthwork Diagramed at Portsmouth, Ohio "The Door of Life"

Larger Horseshoe Shaped Earthwork Diagramed at Portsmouth, Ohio  "The Door of Life"

   The horseshoe symbol was used as an ancient religious symbol in Assyrian and Egyptian hieroglyphs meant to signify the enigmatic “door of life”. 

Late 1800s Scioto County, map depicts a third horseshoe-shaped earthwork to the south as large as the two above it to the north.  

Map drawn by Squire and Davis in  1846 for "Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley" shows the earthwork's opening facing the northwest and much smaller.

Monday, February 5, 2018

Abraham Lincoln's Ohio Mound Tour

Abraham Lincoln's Ohio Mound Tour

    In December of 1848, Abraham Lincoln returned to Washington D.C. from Springfield. He took a boat to the Cahokia Mounds and then to Portsmouth, Ohio where he arranged to stay with an abolitionist family in Sargents Station, north of Portsmouth. Earlier that year Squire and Davis had published," Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley," that was distributed to members of Congress. 
   Abraham Lincoln visited the Portsmouth Earthwork Complex, probably stopping at the Tremper Effigy Mound and the Seal Township earthworks that were located in front of the house of the Barnes family in Sargents Station. 

In 1848 the axis-mundi of the sacred vias was still visible with a large burial mound to the west of the horseshoe-shaped works.  It is not known of Lincoln ferried across the Ohio River to Kentucky to examine the mound surrounded by circular earthworks and large square earthwork with to parallel earthworks extending from it.

The Sacred Vias extended across the Ohio River to the square earthwork that was 800 feet in length per side.  The Sacred Vias were both 2100 feet in length.

The Seal Township earthwork incorporated the same dimension as the Kentucky square earthwork of 800 feet per side.  The diameter of the Seal Township circle was 1050 feet which are half of the Kentucky Square's Sacred Vias.

   Native Americans had no system of measure of linking space and time, distance and direction. A measure of a hand or a days walk was about as precise as they needed. This is just one piece of evidence that these earthworks were not constructed by Native Americans.

Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee

  Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee Fabric from a cave burial in Kentucky At an early date in the history of the country r...