Showing posts with label giants. Show all posts
Showing posts with label giants. Show all posts

Sunday, January 31, 2021

The Iroquois Legend of the Stone Giants


The Iroquois Legend of the Stone Giants

The Iroquois believed that in early days there existed a malignant race of giants whose bodies were fashioned out of stone. It is difficult to say how the idea of such beings arose, but it is possible that the generally distributed conception of a gigantic race springing from Mother Earth was in this instance fused with another belief that stones and rocks composed the earth's bony framework. We find an example of this belief in the beautiful old Greek myth of Deucalion and Pyrrha, which much resembles that of Noah. When after the great flood which submerged Hellas the survivors' ship grounded upon Mount Parnassus they inquired of the oracle of Themis in what manner the human race might be restored. They were bidden by the oracle to veil themselves and to throw the bones of their mother behind them. These they interpreted to mean the stones of the earth. Picking up loose pieces of stone, they cast them over their shoulders, and from those thrown by Deucalion there sprang men, while those cast by Pyrrha became women.
These Stone Giants of the Iroquois, dwelling in the far west, took counsel with one another and resolved to invade the Indian territory and exterminate the race of men. A party of Indians just starting on the war-path were apprised of the invasion, and were bidden by the gods to challenge the giants to combat. This they did, and the opposing bands faced each other at a spot near a great gulf. But as the monsters advanced upon their human enemies the god of the west wind, who was 
lying in wait for them, swooped down upon the Titans, so that they were hurled over the edge of the gulf, far down into the dark abyss below, where they perished miserably.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Hebrew Weapons Discovered with Giant Nephilim Remains in New York

 Hebrew Weapons Discovered with Giant Nephilim Remains in New York

Socketed spearheads were developed by Amorite (Nephilim) metal traders around 1500 B.C. in the ancient Levant.  This weapons technology was replacing the earlier tanged daggers and spears. Are we to believe that "state of the art" Babylonian weapons technology found in North America's copper region is serendipitous?
 More giant's remains from New York here.  
The diagram shows the sequence from the "Stone Age" to the "Copper Age" in the Great Lakes Region.  Note how the jump was made from crude stone weapons to tanged daggers, sockets, and sickles that were just being utilized by the Babylonians, Hebrew, and Egyptians

History of New York, from "Prehistoric Man" 1888
 Brockville, New York
        In 1856, Dr. Thomas Reynolds of Brockville exhibited to the Canadian Institute a collection of copper and other relics discovered in that neighborhood under singular circumstances; and possessing a special interest owing to the distance of the site from Lake Superior. They included a peculiarly-shaped chisel or gouge, six inches in length (fig 67), a rude spearhead, seven inches long (fig 68), and the small daggers or knives, one of which is show fig 66, all wrought by means of the hammer out of native copper which had been subjected to fire, as is proved by the silver remaining in detached crystals in the copper. They were found at the head of LesGalops Rapids, on the river St. Lawrence, about fifteen feet below the surface, along with twenty skeletons disposed of in a circular space with their feet toward the center. Dr. Reynolds remarks of them: “Some of the skeletons were of gigantic proportions. The lower jaw of one is sufficiently large to surround the corresponding bone of an adult of our present generation. The condition of the bones furnished indisputable proof of their great antiquity. The skulls were so completely reduced to their earthly constituents that they were exceedingly brittle, and fell in pieces when removed and exposed to the atmosphere. 

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Amorite Giant's DNA in The Great Lakes and Ohio Valley

Amorite Giant's DNA in The Great Lakes and Ohio Valley

This map clearly shows the migratory DNA imprint left by the Amorite giant's movements from the Biblical Levant to western Europe and eventually to North America.


Tuesday, August 11, 2020

The Algonquin's Walam Olum and the Story of the Eradication of the Ohio Giants

 The Algonquin's Walam Olum and the Story of the Eradication of the Ohio Giants

The Algonquin Indians were originally in the north but desired the lands to the south in the Ohio Valley.  The battles were fought along the southern tier of the St. Lawrence.  In the lands of today's New York and Pennsylvania are numerous mass graves of giant warriors who were outnumbered and slaughtered; leaving an open path to the Ohio Valley.

Friday, August 7, 2020

The Great War to Exterminate the Ancient Giants in the Ohio Valley

 The Great War to Exterminate the Ancient Giants in the Ohio Valley

History of Marietta and Washington County, Ohio 1902

    The history of this West is a long history of war, from the earliest days even to our own century. This territory between the Alleghenies and the Mississippi is one of the greatest battlefields in the world. It is certainly the oldest and most renowned in our America. The first of our race to enter it looked ‘with wondering eyes upon the monstrous earthen forts of a prehistoric race whom we have named from the relics they left behind the Mound Builders.” Of this race the Indians knew nothing, save what the legends handed down by their fathers told of a race of giants which was driven out of the Central West, and sent flying down the Ohio and Mississippi to reappear no more in human history. Antiquarians find that these forts and mausoleums reveal little in addition to the bloody story told by crude implements of war, of old, unhappy, far off things And battles long ago. In certain instances, great piles of human bones are found at strategic revetment angles where the heaviest attack was made and stoutest resistance encountered. Here bones are sometimes found pierced by death-dealing arrowheads. What power hurled the flints of these warriors of prehistoric days? The Indian legend, that they were giants in strength, is easily believed. Nowhere else on the continent are found such forts as were ‘built by these ancient defenders of the Central West.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Is the Ohio Valley Spiritual Hell? The Bible Says It's So

Is the Ohio Valley Spiritual Hell? The Bible Says It's So

Hell is the residence of fallen spirits or buried giants. This more than any other place in the world in Ohio.

     The next race of giants which we find mentioned in Scripture is
In A. V. the words used for it are the “Rephaim” “Giants”, and the “Dead.” That it has the latter meaning in many passages is certain 

Biblical Quotes

"The ghosts of the dead writhe under the waters along with those who live there with them.

like one set loose among the dead, like the slain that lie in the grave, like those whom you remember no more, for they are cut off from your hand.

The person who strays from common sense will end up in the company of the dead.

They are dead, they will not live; they are shades, they will not arise; to that end you have visited them with destruction and wiped out all remembrance of them.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Prehistoric Axes Hint of a Giant Race

Prehistoric Axes Hint of a Giant Race

Was New Jersey the Home of a Race of Giants?
Alton Evening Telegraph, May 3, 1934
Jersey Farmer Plows up Prehistoric Giant's Axe
JERSEYVILLE, May 3,    (Special) One of the largest axes of prehistoric origin in the memory of residents here was uncovered the past week by Louis Houseman on the farm where he resides, seven miles northwest of Jerseyville.
   The ax was weighed at the post office and lacked but several ounces of 10 pounds. The field where the ax was uncovered had been in cultivation for a number of years, but Housman has a reputation for plowing several inches deeper than the average farmer, and it was to his practice in this respect that the ax was brought to the surface. Houseman recently began farming the place where the find was made.
   The ax had been scratched on a former occasion by a plowshare, a mark on one of its sides showed. The relic was brought to Jerseyville by Houseman and left at the Munsterman filling station on South State Street. He has received several offers for his find but has refused them.
   Much speculation has arisen relative to the physique of the man who carried such a heavy weapon or implements. Such a tool corresponds to some of the unusually large skeletons of prehistoric men that have been unearthed in western and southwestern Jersey county.

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Ancient Giants Remove Three Ton Blocks of Stone From a Lake Superior Copper Mine

Ancient Giants Remove Three Ton Blocks of Stone  From a Lake Superior Copper Mine

One of the few skulls discovered at one of the copper mines shows that it was not that of American indigenous peoples

The modern mining works are mostly confined to that part of the copper region known as Keweenaw Point. This is a projection of land extending into Lake Superior and described as having the shape of an immense horn. It is about eighty miles in length, and, at the place where it joins the mainland, about forty-five miles in width. All through this district, wherever modern miners have worked, remains of ancient mining works are abundant; and they are extensive on the adjacent island, known as Isle Royale. The area covered by the ancient works is larger than that which includes the modern mines, for they are known to exist in the dense
 forests of other districts, to which the modern mining has not yet been extended.

One remarkable mining excavation of the Mound-Builders was found near the Waterbury mine. Here, in the face of a vertical bluff, was discovered “an ancient, artificial, cavern-like recess, twenty-five feet in horizontal length, fifteen feet high, and twelve feet deep. In front of it is a pile of excavated rock on which are standing, in full size, the forest trees common to this region.” Some of the blocks of stone removed from this recess would weigh two or three tons and must have required levers to get them out. Beneath the surface rubbish
 were the remains of a gutter or trough made of cedar, placed there to carry off water from the mine. At the bottom of the excavation, a piece of white cedar timber was found on which were the marks of an axe. Cedar shovels, mauls, copper gads or wedges, charcoal, and ashes were discovered, over which “primeval” forest trees had grown to full size.

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Lilith as the Mother of the Nephilim Giants

Lilith as the Mother of the Nephilim Giants

   In the Jewish Apocrypha, Lilith is a Mesopotamian demon who was created by God to be Adam's first wife. Lilith disobeyed Adam's commands and so was rejected by Adam. After that, she was cast out of the Garden of Eden. In retribution, she became a demon and promised to give birth to a race of demons named "Lilim" who would murder humanity's children. From "Lilith's Cave," Lilith's Cave: Jewish tales of the supernatural
    The "Lilim" are the Neph "ilim" whose gigantic skeletal remains have been found extensively in the British Isles and the Ohio Valley within the burial mounds. In Genesis 6: 4 it says that the giant race was spawned by the union of the Fallen Angels and mortal women.  "There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown."
   The Apocrypha corroborates the version that attributes Lillith as the mother of the Nephilim. "Though he avoided intercourse with Eve, Adam was visited in his sleep by female spirits, and from his union with them sprang shades and demons of various kinds, and they were endowed with peculiar gifts."  Female spirits visiting men while they sleep for the purpose of fertilization is the definition of a succubus.
    "One of the earliest mentions of succubus comes from Mesopotamia on the Sumerian King List, circa, 2400 BC, where Lilitu, a female demon, appears to men in their erotic dreams. Two other corresponding demons appear as well: Ardat Lili, who visits men by night and begets ghostly children from them, and Urdu Lili, who is known as a male counterpart to Ardat Lili and visits women by night and begets from them.  According to Zohar and the Alphabet of Ben SiraLilith was Adam's first wife who later became a succubus. 

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Eight Foot Nephilim Tomb Photographed in Ross County, Ohio

Eight Foot Nephilim Tomb Photographed in Ross County, Ohio

This is a photograph of the burial mound near Londonderry, Ohio in Ross  To get directions to this mound and 32 other of the largest burial mounds in Ohio get "The Nephilim Chronicles: A Travel Guide to the Ancient Ruins in the Ohio Valley.  Here's a sneak peek of the 32 mounds

It was reported in The Washington Post

Although much reduced in size the burial mound at Londerry, is still visible in this field.  Note how the contour of the hill in the background matches the original, earlier photo.

Friday, March 16, 2018

Rephaim Spirits Haunt Athens County, Ohio

Rephaim Spirits Haunt Athens County, Ohio

This large burial mound is located north of Athens, Ohio. For photos of 121 burial mounds and earthworks in Ohio from "The Nephilim Chronicles: A Travel Guide to the Ancient Ruins in the Ohio Valley."

    A little research unveiled the horrific truth about the County and the city of Athens that confirmed my intuitions about the haunted nature of these lands. rated the city Athens, Ohio as the 8th most haunted place in America. USA Today ranked Athens as the 7th most haunted place in America listed Athens, Ohio as the 7th most haunted place in the world, and the British Society for Psychical Research ranked it as the 13th most haunted place in the world.
    The paranormal began early in Athens County, wherein the 1850s Spiritualism became popular in America and no more so than in Millfield Township in Athens County. A man called Jonathon Koons claimed that he and all of his eight children had the gift to contact spirits. The spirits instructed him to construct a special room where the spirits would manifest. People were traveling long distances from the east and across Ohio to hold seances with Koons. Several of the churches in the area closed because of dropping attendance, do to their new allegiance to the ghostly spirit world. 

    There has been a history of the occult associated with Athens for years. Five of the earliest cemeteries in the city of Athens, if drawn out on a map, form a pentagram. Was the pentagram protection from those spirits associated with the occult? Was it used to protect the dead from the evil spirits that roam the county? 
   There is some precedent for evil lurking in these lands. The Shawnee never lived nor hunted in this region because they feared the spirits that roamed the hills about Athens.
The ancient spirits of the giants that once inhabited this region are the culprit behind the paranormal activity in this city, county, and region. Burial mounds were constructed as portals to connect the living with the dead. The spirits of the dead giants were earthbound and were worshiped like demigods. What people don't realize is that those spirits are still around, and those doorways are still open. The problem with the doorways is that you don't know who is going to come through. This is what makes ghost hunting, Ouija boards and seances so dangerous.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Ancient Giant's Lead Mine Discovered in Pennsylvania

Ancient Giant's Lead Mine Discovered in Pennsylvania

Historical Collection of Pennsylvania, 1843
    A remarkable, irregular trench, the vestiges of which can yet be seen, with occasional interruptions, runs from the upper lead mines to the neighborhood of the lower; it is at least six miles in length. It was found there by the earliest emigrants, and thirty years ago, stout trees grew on the banks of earth thrown out in excavating it. It was there, it is said, and ancient in its appearance, when Roberdeau erected or commanded the fort at the upper lead mines.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Romano-Jewish Historian Josephus Described the Strange Appearance of the Giant Race

Romano-Jewish  Historian Josephus Described the  Strange Appearance of the Giant Race

Flavius Josephus wrote in the 2nd century, "There were till then left the race of giants, who had bodies so large, and countenances so entirely different from other men, that they were surprising to the sight.....the bones of these men are still shown to this very day, unlike any credible relations to other men."   

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Ancient Navigable Canal Discovered on the Rock River in Illinois

Ancient Navigable Canal Discovered on the Rock River in Illinois

The ancient canal is discernable from the bed of the old channel of the Green River. This is almost exactly three miles from the natural junction of the Green and Rock Rivers as the article described.

History of Mifflin County Illinois, 1885
     On the banks of Green River, in Henry County in Illinois, are traces of an ancient city, which was once the abode of a commercial people, and points to a time when the Rock River was a navigable stream of some commercial importance. A canal connected these two rivers some three miles above the junction. This canal is about a mile and a half long and is perfectly straight for about one-fourth of a mile from the Green River end; it is then relieved by a perfectly easy curve, reaching the Rock River at a bend, and showing that the engineering was done in a masterly manner. The soil is of a very fine texture, mixed with a ferruginous mineral deposit; hence its firmness, and the reason of it withstanding the washings of rains, for this great lapse of time. About twelve miles back and above this canal is another partly natural and partly artificial connecting Rock and Mississippi Rivers. This is so well preserved that about twelve years ago the "Serling" a small Rock River steamer, passed through it into the Mississippi River. These works are as old as the mountains of Egypt and were in all probability built by a contemporaneous people.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Giant Amorite's Burial Dolman Discovered Within an Illinois Burial Mound

Giant Amorite's Burial Dolman  Found Within Illinois Indian Burial Mound

The Indian mounds of Sterling County, Illinois, are described by W. C. Holbrook as follows:
I recently made an examination of a few of the many Illinois Indian mounds found on Rock River, about two miles above Sterling, Ill. The first one opened was an oval mound about 20 feet long, 12 feet wide, and 7 feet high. In the interior of this, I found a dolmen or quadrilateral wall about 10 feet long, 4 feet high, and 4½ feet wide. It had been built of lime-rock from a quarry near by, and was covered with large flat stones. No mortar or cement had been used. The whole structure rested on the surface of the natural soil, the interior of which had been scooped out to enlarge the chamber. Inside of the dolmen I found the partly decayed remains of eight human skeletons, two very large teeth of an unknown animal, two fossils, one of which is not found in this place, and a plummet. One of the long bones had been splintered; the fragments had united, but there remained large morbid growths of bone (exostosis) in several places. One of the skulls presented a circular opening about the size of a silver dime. This perforation had been made during life, for the edges had commenced cicatrizing. 
I later examined three circular mounds, but in them, I found no dolmens. The first mound contained three adult human skeletons, a few fragments of the skeleton of a child, the lower maxillary of which indicated it to be about six years old. I also found claws of some carnivorous animal. The surface of the soil had been scooped out and the bodies laid in the excavation and covered with about a foot of earth; fires had then been made upon the grave and the mound afterwards completed. The bones had not been charred. No charcoal was found among the bones, but occurred in abundance in a stratum about one foot above them. Two other mounds, examined at the same time, contain no remains.
Of two other Indian mounds, opened later, the first was circular, about 4 feet high, and 15 feet in diameter at the base, and was situated on an elevated point of land close to the bank of the river. From the top of this mound one might view the country for many miles in almost any direction. On its summit was an oval altar 6 feet long and 4½ wide. It was composed of flat pieces of limestone, which had been burned red, some portions having been almost converted into lime. On and about this altar I found abundance of charcoal. At the sides of the altar were fragments of human bones, some of which had been charred. It was covered by a natural growth of vegetable mold and sod, the thickness of which was about 10 inches. Large trees had once grown in this vegetable mold, but their stumps were so decayed I could not tell with certainty; to what species they belonged. Another large mound was opened which contained nothing

Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee

  Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee Fabric from a cave burial in Kentucky At an early date in the history of the country r...