Showing posts with label Babylonians. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Babylonians. Show all posts

Monday, September 21, 2020

Ancient Canal Discovered in Illinois. Evidence of Amorite CopperTrade.

             Ancient Canal Discovered in Illinois. Evidence of Amorite Copper Trade.

 The Babylonian Amorites were a culture of peace and progress. The building of temples, the adorning of cities, the digging of canals, the making of roads, have also been noted in areas of the Midwest where giant human skeletons have been found.  More on Missouri canals photographed  Mysteries of Ancient America Books: Ancient Canal Discovered in Illinois. Evidence of Amorite CopperTrade.

History of Mifflin County Illinois 1885
    On the banks of Green River, in Henry County in Illinois, are traces of an ancient city, which was once the abode of a commercial people, and points to a time when the Rock River was a navigable stream of some commercial importance. A canal connected these two rivers some three miles above the junction. This canal is about a mile and a half long and is perfectly straight for about one-fourth of a mile from the Green River end; it is then relieved by a perfectly easy curve, reaching the Rock River at a bend, and showing that the engineering was done in a masterly manner. The soil is of a very fine texture, mixed with a ferruginous mineral deposit; hence its firmness, and the reason of it withstanding the washings of rains, for this great lapse of time. About twelve miles back and above this canal is another partly natural and partly artificial connecting Rock and Mississippi Rivers. This is so well preserved that about twelve years ago the "Serling" a small Rock River steamer, passed through it into the Mississippi River. These works are as old as the mountains of Egypt and were in all probability built by a contemporaneous people.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Ancient Navigable Canal Discovered on the Rock River in Illinois

Ancient Navigable Canal Discovered on the Rock River in Illinois

The ancient canal is discernable from the bed of the old channel of the Green River. This is almost exactly three miles from the natural junction of the Green and Rock Rivers as the article described.

History of Mifflin County Illinois, 1885
     On the banks of Green River, in Henry County in Illinois, are traces of an ancient city, which was once the abode of a commercial people, and points to a time when the Rock River was a navigable stream of some commercial importance. A canal connected these two rivers some three miles above the junction. This canal is about a mile and a half long and is perfectly straight for about one-fourth of a mile from the Green River end; it is then relieved by a perfectly easy curve, reaching the Rock River at a bend, and showing that the engineering was done in a masterly manner. The soil is of a very fine texture, mixed with a ferruginous mineral deposit; hence its firmness, and the reason of it withstanding the washings of rains, for this great lapse of time. About twelve miles back and above this canal is another partly natural and partly artificial connecting Rock and Mississippi Rivers. This is so well preserved that about twelve years ago the "Serling" a small Rock River steamer, passed through it into the Mississippi River. These works are as old as the mountains of Egypt and were in all probability built by a contemporaneous people.

Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee

  Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee Fabric from a cave burial in Kentucky At an early date in the history of the country r...