Showing posts with label mound builders. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mound builders. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Early Man in North America Kill a Mastodon. Were They Mound Builders?

 Early Man in North America Kill a Mastodon in Missouri

Several Native American historical accounts claim the mound builders in the Ohio Valley used the Mastodon as a beast of burden to construct the large earthworks in the Ohio Valley.

     Several accounts have appeared of discoveries tending to prove that primitive man in the United States was contemporaneous with the mastodon or mammoth. Three of these have attained a wide circulation. First in time as well as importance is that of Dr. Koch, of St. Louis. " In the year 1839, I discovered and disinterred in Gasconade County, Missouri, the bones of a Mastodon giganteus. The greater portion of the bones had been more or less burned by fire. The fire had extended, but a few feet beyond the space occupied by the animal and had been kindled by human agency with the design of killing the huge creature which had been found mired in the mud. The fore and hind legs of the animal were in perpendicular position in the clay with the toes attached to the feet. All the bones which had not been burned by the fire had kept their original position, standing upright, and apparently quite undisturbed in the clay, whereas those portions which had extended above the surface had been partially consumed. Mingled with the ashes and bones were many broken pieces of rock quarried from the river to be hurled at the animal. I found also among the ashes, bones, and rocks, several arrowheads, a stone spear-head, and some stone axes. The layer of ashes, etc., was covered by a stratum of alluvial deposits from eight to nine feet thick. [Koch afterward] found in Benton County several stone arrowheads, mingled with the bones of a nearly entire skeleton, mentioned above as the Missourian. Two arrowheads found with the bones were in a layer of vegetable mold, which was covered twenty feet in thickness with alternate layers of sand, clay and gravel. One of the arrowheads lay under the thigh bone of the skeleton, the bone actually resting in contact upon it. The layer of vegetable mold was some five or six feet thick, and the arrowhead and bones were found buried in it. Above this layer there were six undisturbed layers of clay, sand and gravel." 

Monday, September 14, 2020

Celtic Mound Builders Skull Types Found the Ohio Valley

  England's Celtic Mound Builders Skull Types Found the Ohio Valley

One of the three contingents of the Celtic  (Beaker People) was the Borreby brachycephalics. The skull from a burial mound in England on the left is compared with Borrebys within Ohio's Adena mounds.  Celtic warrior found : Giant Celtic Warrior Unearthed in Ireland

   In the Bronze Age, or just before the introduction of bronze, Britain was invaded by tall, massive roundheads who seem to have come from about the same area near the mouth of the Rhine and northwestern Germany from which the later Anglo-Saxons sailed. Probably other brachycephalic came to England later during this period, but the custom
of cremation obscures their racial affinities. British anthropologists have long recognized a contemporary English and Scottish type as probably surviving from these Bronze Age invaders or as an effect of Recombination of the same subracial elements.

   It is tall, heavy-boned, weighty, and, in the middle and advanced years, obese. The skin is usually florid or beefy, the eyes blue or light mixed. Sometimes, however, and especially in Shetland, and in parts of northern England, and Scotland, and Ireland, the hair and skin are dark. The head is massive, brachycephalic, and sometimes rather flattened behind. If the high, pointed Armenoid-Dinaric brachycephaly exists in this type, it is uncommon. Brow-ridges are heavy, malars prominent, and the face rather broad, but not short. The nose is usually long, wide, and convex-decidely beaky. Beard and body hair are strongly developed.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Did the Adena Giant Mound Builders Construct a Bridge Over the Ohio River?

 Did the Adena Giant Mound Builders Construct a Bridge Over the  Ohio River?

At the Portsmouth, Ohio mound and sacred via complex, the parallel walls extend to the Ohio River and continue on the other bank.  This would imply that a bridge continued the sacred via across the river?  The following account given by the Iroquois Indians about the giants being bridge builders may confirm a little talked about a hypothesis.

Iroquois Legend
   In Iroquois hydrography, Ohio—the great river of the ancient Alligewi (Adena) domain—is the central stream to which all the rivers of the mighty West converge. This stream the emigrants now attempted to cross. They found, according to the native annalist, a rude bridge in a huge grape-vine which trailed its length across the stream. Over this, a part of the company passed, and then, unfortunately, the vine broke. The residue, unable to cross, remained on the hither side, and became afterward the enemies of those who had passed over. Cusick anticipates that his story of the grape-vine may seem to some incredible; but he asks, with amusing simplicity, "why more so than that the Israelites should cross the Red Sea on dry land?" That the precise incident, thus frankly admitted to be of a miraculous character, really took place, we are not required to believe. But that emigrants of the Huron-Iroquois stock penetrated southward along the Allegheny range, and that some of them remained near the river of that name, is an undoubted fact. Those who thus remained were known by various names, mostly derived from one root—Andastes, Andastogues, Conestogas, and the like—and bore a somewhat memorable part in Iroquois and Pennsylvanian history. Those who continued their course beyond the river found no place sufficiently inviting to arrest their march until they arrived at the fertile vales which spread, intersected by many lucid streams, between the Roanoke and the Neuse rivers. Here they fixed their abode and became the ancestors of the powerful Tuscarora nation. In the early part of the eighteenth century, just before its disastrous war with the colonies, this nation, according to the Carolina surveyor, Lawson, numbered fifteen towns, and could set in the field a force of twelve hundred warriors.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Hopewell Mound Builders Giant Skeletal Remains Discovered in the Aleutians Islands

Hopewell Mound Builders Discovered in the Aleutians Islands

The builders in the Ohio Valley had their origins with the Maritime Archaic.Thisis type of spoke burial that contained large skeletons is most prevalent in New York and the Ohio Valley. Evidence that the mound builders in the Ohio Valley had their origins with the Maritime Archaic.

Washington Post, Sept. 16, 1944
Major Finds Grave of Giant Aleutian
An advanced Aleutian Base (U.P.) Site of a strange burial of a prehistoric giant was discovered on an Aleutian Island recently by Major. E. E. Chittenden, Kearney Neb. The ancient Aleut, who had been at least 7 feet tall, has been buried on a low ridge overlooking the ocean, and in the same shallow grave with him were the skeletons of five women, placed to form a geometrical pattern.
Major Chittenden found the burial site while excavations for a military installation were being made, and he states the six skeletons had been placed with their heads together, so that trunk and leg bones extended outward like the spokes of a wheel. In the unusual grave were carved ivory ornaments and weapons made of polished slate.

This type of spoke burial that contained large skeletons is most prevalent in New York and the Ohio Valley. Evidence that the mound builders in the Ohio Valley had their origins with the Maritime Archaic.

Plummets from New York are associated with the Maritime Archaic  7000 B.C - 2000 B.C. Identical plummets can be found on the west coasts and within burial mounds in New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, West Virginia and Kentucky.

Polished slate implements discovered with these large skeletons in the Aleutians are indicative of the Maritime Archaic that spread across North America from both Europe and Asia as early as 7000 B.C. Identical material culture can be found from Europe, across Asia to both shores of North America.  Maritime Archaic plummets were found within the burial mounds in the Ohio Valley.  The spoke type burials, containing large skeletons are found in the greatest numbers within burials mounds in the state of New York and the Ohio Valley.
the Great

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Walum Olum Describes Epic Battle To Exterminate the Mound Builders in the Ohio Valley.

Walum Olum Describes Epic Battle To Exterminate the Mound Builders in the Ohio Valley.

The Walam Olum is a part of Indiana, Michigan and Ohio history that has long been ignored. Why? It chronicles the Algonquin peoples entering the present states of Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio from their original homes in Canada. It tells of the great battles fought with the Alligewi for possession of this land, that would last almost 2,000 years.

"Walam Olum," What does it mean?

Isis Unveiled: A master key to the mysteries of the ancient and modern science and theology by H.P. Blavatsky

"Shem, in the tenth chapter of Genesis is made the father of all the children of Eber, or Elam (Oulam or Eilam), and Ashur (Assur or Assyria). The "Nephilim," or fallen men, Gebers, mighty men spoken of in Genesis (v1. 4), come from Oulam, "men of Shem."...

"Elam, another of the sons of Shem, is Oulam and refers to an order or cycle of events. In Ecclesiates iii. 11, it is termed "world." In Ezekiel xxxvi. 20 "of old time." In Genesis 111. 22, the word stands as "forever"; and in chapter ix. 4, in the following words: "there were nephelim (giants, fallen men, or Titans) on the earth." The word is synonymous with AEon. In Proverbs viii. 23, it reads: "I was effused from Oulamfrom Ras (wisdom). By this sentence, the wise king-kabalist refers to one of the mysteries of the human spirit-- the immortal crown of the man-trinity."

History, Manners and Customs of Indian Nations
Who Once Inhabited Pennsylvania and the Neighboring States by John Heckwelder 1876

      The Lenni Lenape (according to the traditions handed down to them by their ancestors) resided many hundred years ago, in a very distant country in the western part of the American continent. For some reason, which I do not find accounted for, they determined on migrating to the eastward, and accordingly set out together in a body. After a very long journey, and many nights encampments by the way, they at length arrived on the Namaesi Sipu (fish river), where they fell in with the Mengwe (Iroquois), who had likewise emigrated from a distant country, and had struck upon the river somewhat higher up. Their object was the same with that of the Delawares; they were procceding on to the eastward until they should find a country that pleased them. The spies which the Lenape had sent forward for the purpose of reconnoitring, had long before their arrival discovered that the country east of the Mississippi was inhabited by a very powerful nation, who had many large towns built on the great rivers flowing through their land. These people (as I was told) called themselves Talligeu or Talligewi. Colonel John Gibson however, a gentleman who has a thorough knowledge of the Indians, and speaks several of their languages, is of opinion that they were not called Talligewi, but Alligewi, and it would seem that he is right, from the traces of their name which still remain in the country, the Allegheny River and mountains having indubitably been named after them. The Delaware still call the former Alligewi Sipu, the River of the Alligewi. We have adopted, I know not for what reason, its Iroquois name, Ohio, which the French had literally translated into La Belle Riviere, The Beautiful River. A branch of it, however, still retains the ancient name Allegheny.
Many wonderful things are told of this famous people. They are said to have been remarkably tall and stout, and there is a tradition that there were giants among them, people of a much larger size than the tallest of the Lenape.

They settled again on the Yellow River and had much corn on stoneless soil

The Strong-Good-One was Cheif, he fought against the northerners

They are many: let us go together to the east to the sunrise
Cabin man was chief; the Allegewi possessed the east
Some passed on the east; the Allegewi ruler killed some of them
The Talmatan (Huron) friends from the north, come, and all go together
Stirrer was chief Allegewi towns were to strong
Firebuilder was chief they gave to him many towns
Breaker-In- Pieces was chief all the Allegewi go south
South of the lakes, the Talamatan friends north of the lakes

Friday, June 8, 2018

Ancient Celtic Burial Mound Photographed in Huntington County, Indiana

                         The ditch that surrounds this mound can still be seen. This type of burial mound that is surrounded by a ditch is common in the British Isles

               Common burial mounds (barrows) found in England with a surrounding ditch

Geological Survey of Indiana,1875
Though the present site of Huntington and the “Forks of the Wabash,” as the junction of Little River with that stream was familiarly called by the early settlers of the county, was the favorite abode of savages, yet, strange to say, no traces of the works of the prehistoric mound builder are found in the county, except along Salamonia River, in the southwest corner, opposite Warren, where, on a high eminence in the bend of the latter river, there are two mounds. The first one visit is at Daniel Adsits. It is about twenty-five feet in circumference and six feet high. A slight excavation had been made into the top, but so far as could be learned no relics were found. There is a shallow trench completely encircling it. From the top the view overlooks the Salamonie and its fine fertile bottoms. The other mound is about a quarter of a mile to the northwest, and in a cultivated orchard belong to John D. Jones, and near his barn. This mound has been nearly destroyed by the plow, and I was unable to learn that it possessed any peculiar features, or contained any relics. Mr. Jones informed me that he had, from time to time, picked up on his farm, stone axes, pipes, flint arrow and spear points, but could give no special account of the existence of other mounds. Though I followed Salamonia River for many miles above Warren, and made repeated inquiries about burial mounds, I could not learn of any others in the county.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Mohawk Chief, Joseph Brant Claimed Burial Mounds Were Built by " white men from a foreign country."

Mohawk Chief, Joseph Brant Claimed Burial Mounds Were Built by " white men from a foreign country."

Life of Joseph Brant -Thayendanega
Includes the Wars of the American Revolution by William L. Stone, 1838

    Among other things relating to the western country" says Mr. Woodruff, " I was curious to learn in the course of my conversation with Captain Brant, what information he could give respecting the tumuli which are found on and near the margin of the rivers and lakes from the St. Lawrence to the Mississippi. He stated, in reply, that the subject had long been agitated, but yet remained in some obscurity. "A tradition, he said prevailed among the different nations of Indians throughout that whole extensive range of country, and had been handed down from time immemorial, that in an age long gone by, there came white men from a foreign country, and by consent of the Indians established trading houses and settlements where these tumuli are found".

Monday, April 16, 2018

Giant is Excavated from Henry County, Indiana Burial Mounds

Giant is  Excavated from Henry County, Indiana Burial Mounds

One of the largest Hopewell Sioux burial mounds near New Castle, Indiana was obliterated by Ball State University archaeologists. The cremated remains are within the dark soil that is being shoveled into wheelbarrows.
Large skeletons were reported in many of the burial mounds within the county.

Biographical Memoirs of Henry County Indiana, 1902 
     William H. Albright remained upon the home farm during his youth and attained a fair education in the common schools of his neighborhood. He has taken much interest in the investigation of the noted mounds, one which he opened containing the skeleton of a giant human being. The lower jaw was large enough to fit over ‘an ordinary man’s head, while the other bones were proportionate in size. The skull was a half inch in thickness and under it were found twelve flint arrowheads. Mare giants uncovered in Indiana are found here

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Serpent Mound Described in Cattaraugus County, New York

Serpent Mound Described in Cattaraugus County, New York

The Daily Gazette, Fort Wayne, Indiana   May 1, 1885

The Mound Builders, Many Pieces of evidence of a First Race In and About Randolph.
     Near the station of the New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio railroad is a peculiar earth formation, which was designed by those who fashioned it thousands of years ago to represent a serpent, according to the conclusion of those who have read the customs of the mound-builders by the monuments they left. This particular formation is 425 feet long, and enthusiastic antiquaries who visit it are unanimous in the resemblance it presents to a snake basking in the sunshine.”
Giant human skeletons have been found in burial mounds around the Serpent

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Babylonian Sun Cross at Tarleton, Ohio

Babylonian Sun Cross at Tarleton, Ohio

Tablet for the Sun God Shamash. The God of Truth, Justice, and Healing. Was this the Sun god venerated at Tarleton, Ohio.

Tarleton Cross in Ohio

Monday, February 5, 2018

Abraham Lincoln's Ohio Mound Tour

Abraham Lincoln's Ohio Mound Tour

    In December of 1848, Abraham Lincoln returned to Washington D.C. from Springfield. He took a boat to the Cahokia Mounds and then to Portsmouth, Ohio where he arranged to stay with an abolitionist family in Sargents Station, north of Portsmouth. Earlier that year Squire and Davis had published," Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley," that was distributed to members of Congress. 
   Abraham Lincoln visited the Portsmouth Earthwork Complex, probably stopping at the Tremper Effigy Mound and the Seal Township earthworks that were located in front of the house of the Barnes family in Sargents Station. 

In 1848 the axis-mundi of the sacred vias was still visible with a large burial mound to the west of the horseshoe-shaped works.  It is not known of Lincoln ferried across the Ohio River to Kentucky to examine the mound surrounded by circular earthworks and large square earthwork with to parallel earthworks extending from it.

The Sacred Vias extended across the Ohio River to the square earthwork that was 800 feet in length per side.  The Sacred Vias were both 2100 feet in length.

The Seal Township earthwork incorporated the same dimension as the Kentucky square earthwork of 800 feet per side.  The diameter of the Seal Township circle was 1050 feet which are half of the Kentucky Square's Sacred Vias.

   Native Americans had no system of measure of linking space and time, distance and direction. A measure of a hand or a days walk was about as precise as they needed. This is just one piece of evidence that these earthworks were not constructed by Native Americans.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Ancient Stone Buildings Diagrammed in Missouri and Franklin County, Indiana

Ancient Stone Buildings Diagrammed in Missouri and Franklin County, Indiana

Illustrated History of Missouri, 1879
    The stone edifices thus described seem to have been peculiar to Missouri alone, as I find no notices of existing similar works in any other locality, unless those described by Mr. Brown in his Western Gazetteer were such. Those were found near the town of Harrisonville, Franklin Co., in the State of Indiana. They were located on the neighboring hills, northeast of the town. The ruins of quite a number were observed, all of which, it is stated, were built of rough, unhewn stone. The walls were leveled nearly to the foundations, and covered with soil, brush and full-grown trees. Mr. Brown informs us that "after clearing away the earth, roots, and rubbish from one of them, he found it to have been anciently occupied as a dwelling. It was about twelve feet square. At one end of the building was a regular hearth, on which were yet the ashes and coals of the last fire its owners had ever-enjoyed, for around the hearth were the decayed skeletons of eight persons, of different ages, from a small child to the head of a family. Their feet were all pointing towards the hearth, which fact suggests the probability that they were murdered while asleep." The bottom lands in this region are said to have abounded in mounds similar to those described elsewhere, and containing human bones, implements of stone, and a superior article of glazed pottery. A skull taken from one of them was found pierced with a flint arrow which was still sticking in the wound, and was about six inches long. The stone dwellings described by Mr. Brown were evidently of inferior construction to those of Missouri. The authors of the latter showed no mean skill in architecture; while the rough and ruder walls of the Indiana structures, their diminutive size, along with the fact of the whole family lying together on the floor, would indicate a social condition but little removed from barbarism. Whether their builders belonged to the race of the mounds in the valleys near, is not certain, and the means of deciding the question are doubtless destroyed.

Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee

  Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee Fabric from a cave burial in Kentucky At an early date in the history of the country r...