Showing posts with label Indian mound. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Indian mound. Show all posts

Friday, June 8, 2018

Ancient Celtic Burial Mound Photographed in Huntington County, Indiana

                         The ditch that surrounds this mound can still be seen. This type of burial mound that is surrounded by a ditch is common in the British Isles

               Common burial mounds (barrows) found in England with a surrounding ditch

Geological Survey of Indiana,1875
Though the present site of Huntington and the “Forks of the Wabash,” as the junction of Little River with that stream was familiarly called by the early settlers of the county, was the favorite abode of savages, yet, strange to say, no traces of the works of the prehistoric mound builder are found in the county, except along Salamonia River, in the southwest corner, opposite Warren, where, on a high eminence in the bend of the latter river, there are two mounds. The first one visit is at Daniel Adsits. It is about twenty-five feet in circumference and six feet high. A slight excavation had been made into the top, but so far as could be learned no relics were found. There is a shallow trench completely encircling it. From the top the view overlooks the Salamonie and its fine fertile bottoms. The other mound is about a quarter of a mile to the northwest, and in a cultivated orchard belong to John D. Jones, and near his barn. This mound has been nearly destroyed by the plow, and I was unable to learn that it possessed any peculiar features, or contained any relics. Mr. Jones informed me that he had, from time to time, picked up on his farm, stone axes, pipes, flint arrow and spear points, but could give no special account of the existence of other mounds. Though I followed Salamonia River for many miles above Warren, and made repeated inquiries about burial mounds, I could not learn of any others in the county.

Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee

  Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee Fabric from a cave burial in Kentucky At an early date in the history of the country r...