Showing posts with label Indiana. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Indiana. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

9 Foot Nephilim Giant Uncovered in Noble County, Indiana

 9 Foot Nephilim Giant Uncovered in Noble County, Indiana

Burial Mound located in Noble County, Indiana.  From, "The Nephilim Chronicles: A Travel Guide to the Ancient Ruins of the Ohio Valley."  Large skeletons were described in several of the mounds that were excavated.  The giants of northern Indiana were an extension of the Maritime Archaic that originated in Northern Europe,. More Indiana giants here : Indiana's Ancient Giant Race

Skeleton of a Giant Unearthed in Indiana by Workmen
     Relics of a prehistoric age are being brought to light in Noble County.  The find is in York township, where workmen excavating for a public highway found the skeleton of an inhabitant of early days.
   The bones indicate that the person was fully 9 feet tall.  The bones are unusually large and the position of the skeleton when found indicated that the body had been interred in a sitting position. The belief is advanced that the remains are those of a mound builder.
  Other discoveries in the same neighborhood indicate that York township was inhabited years before the Red Man set foot on Hoosier soil.  Noble County is believed to have been the burial place of a large number of mound builders.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Fairies (Demons) Haunt an Ancient Subterranean Stone Enclosure in Wabash County, Indiana

Fairies (Demons) Haunt an Ancient Subterranean Stone Enclosure in Wabash County, Indiana

There is no other stone enclosure like the one one found overlooking the Mississenewa River in Wabash County, Indiana. It is a stone wall that encircles a 4 foot hole. 

    Near LaFontain, Indiana and near the Mississinewa Battlefield is a strange, ancient stone subterranean enclosure that is haunted by evil hobbits (demons).  The story is that you can see the hobbits glowing eyes coming at you or towards their stone subterranean house. 

The stone wall and the pit that it encloses can be seen to the left.  A series of large rocks are on the north side with one white stone having a bowl carved into the top. 

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Haunted Okie Pinokie Woods Near Peru, Indiana

Haunted Okie Pinokie Woods Near Peru, Indiana

Oki A Huron-specific class of invisible Power spirits, carriers of magickal energy. Oki are both spirits, and unusual objects such as the sky, shamans, madmen, amulets, etc. Oki will appear in animal form to certain individuals known as Arendiwane

    The paranormal activity at this site is due to the reported Indian burial grounds that was on these lands.  The site is located near the mouth of the Mississenewa River where it enters the Wabash River. Mouths of rivers were favorite places for ancient burial mounds and are likely the catalyst for the paranormal activity in the area. It is said that that thousand of spirits inhabited the woods in the background. Very near this site I photographed an ancient stoe burial mound. 

Horrendous things have been found and done in the lonely piece of woods.

8 decaying bodies have been found in the woods

A 7-year-old girl named Stephanie was raped and killed in these woods

In early spring 1976, Joey and three of his friends strolled into the woods to go camping and never came out. It was several days before anyone became concerned because they had planned on spending an extended weekend in the woods as they often did. Four days after they walked into the forest a search party discovered the partially decaying bodies of three young men. The men had been brutally murdered and could barely be identified. Joey Peoria was never found or seen again. After an extensive investigation, it was determined that an argument occurred between the campers and it was suspected that Joey had killed the three men.

Between 1980 and 1985 five men were found dead in the same scenic area as the first three. People stopped going into the woods as they were convinced that Joey was living in the woods and murdering campers.

Update: In 2018 a body was found in Okie Pinokie Woods that was an apparent homicide

Friday, November 1, 2019

9 foot Nephilim Skeleton Found in Indiana. Indiana Scientists Reveal it Belonged to an Ancient White Race

9 foot Nephilim Skeleton Found in Indiana.  Indiana Scientists Reveal it Belonged  to an Ancient White Race

 Indianapolis News, November 11, 1967
Jennings County Indiana
"Remains Of Vanished Giants Found In State"
     One of the strangest contributions ever to come to hand tells of the existence in what is now Indiana, long before statehood and even before the Indians came here, of a mysterious giant mound-builders race whose men were more than nine feet tall.
     What's more the contributor of this odd information, Helen W. Ochs of Columbus, Ind., wrote that evidence of their one-time existence here still remains near Brewersville, Jennings County.
     She quoted from the geological report many years ago on Jennings County by W.W. Borden that the remains of the largest work of those moundbuilders in that country were to be seen on the bluffs 75 to 100 feet above Sand Creek in Sand Creek Township. The report added:
     "It is a stone mound 71 feet in diameter, showing at this time a height of three to five feet above the surrounding surface. The exterior walls appear to be made of stones placed on edge but the central portion did not show any regular arrangement of the stones"
     Mrs. Ochs said the first discovery of human skeletal remains in that mound was made in 1865 when a farmer, getting stone for a spring house, dug into "a sort of tomb" in which he found the skeleton of a small child.
    She quoted George M. Robison, his son, as saying the top of the mound was not less than 30 feet above the level of the surrounding ground. He added:
   "I well remember that several large forest trees were growing on the top. One was a white oak not less than three feet in diameter at the base"
   The Discovery of the child's skeleton aroused much curiosity, causing several people to dig into the top of the mound and resulting in the finding of several other skeletons. Mrs. Ochs added:
   "Some of them were bound with perfectly-preserved bands of cedar wrapped around their chest while others were charred, perhaps in observance of a religious rite. Weapons found with the skeletons were unlike those used by Indians"
    She quoted Robison further as saying that no intelligent investigative work was conducted there until 1879, 14 years after the discovery of the mound. He continued:
"The state geologist brought a couple of men here, one from Cincinnati and one from New York, and with Dr. Charles Green of North Vernon, they made quite an extensive examination. Among other things found was the skeleton of a man, it was intact, or rather, I might say, the bones were not scattered. It measured nine feet, eight inches.
     "There was sort of necklace of mica lying around the neck and down across the breast. At the feet stood a sort of 'image' made of burned clay with pieces of flint rock embedded in it"
    Robison kept that image and some of the bones. Mrs. Ochs said that as late as 1937 bones of that giant were in a basket in the office of the Kellar Mill along Sand Creek about a mile below the mound's site:
   "Kenneth Kellar, the grandson of Robison, remembers that basket of bones. He said the bones were lost when the 1937 flood washed out the office"
    Robinson who told of seeing the huge skeleton exhumed added that, according to the men of science who were there, they were the remains of a white race that had inhabited that part of the country before the advent of the red man. He said there were no signs of anything like pottery, no signs of metal working of any kind, just simply the bones of a "dead and gone race of human beings that we today know practically nothing about. We know not whence they came or where they went"
Mrs. Ochs said that the giant-like race had worked hard to entomb its dead. The rocks in the mound had been placed end to end with no attempt to plaster or seal them together. She continued:
     "Evidence that this mound was dug into has washed out until the one-time graves now are smooth indentations in the leaf-covered ground"
    She said Edith Hale, a retired schoolteacher; Beulah Kellar Lowe, granddaughter, and Kenneth Kellar, the grandson of Robison, remembered the bones and image described by Robison.
"This I feel substantiates the findings under discussion," Mrs. Ochs concluded.

Friday, June 8, 2018

Ancient Celtic Burial Mound Photographed in Huntington County, Indiana

                         The ditch that surrounds this mound can still be seen. This type of burial mound that is surrounded by a ditch is common in the British Isles

               Common burial mounds (barrows) found in England with a surrounding ditch

Geological Survey of Indiana,1875
Though the present site of Huntington and the “Forks of the Wabash,” as the junction of Little River with that stream was familiarly called by the early settlers of the county, was the favorite abode of savages, yet, strange to say, no traces of the works of the prehistoric mound builder are found in the county, except along Salamonia River, in the southwest corner, opposite Warren, where, on a high eminence in the bend of the latter river, there are two mounds. The first one visit is at Daniel Adsits. It is about twenty-five feet in circumference and six feet high. A slight excavation had been made into the top, but so far as could be learned no relics were found. There is a shallow trench completely encircling it. From the top the view overlooks the Salamonie and its fine fertile bottoms. The other mound is about a quarter of a mile to the northwest, and in a cultivated orchard belong to John D. Jones, and near his barn. This mound has been nearly destroyed by the plow, and I was unable to learn that it possessed any peculiar features, or contained any relics. Mr. Jones informed me that he had, from time to time, picked up on his farm, stone axes, pipes, flint arrow and spear points, but could give no special account of the existence of other mounds. Though I followed Salamonia River for many miles above Warren, and made repeated inquiries about burial mounds, I could not learn of any others in the county.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Giant is Excavated from Henry County, Indiana Burial Mounds

Giant is  Excavated from Henry County, Indiana Burial Mounds

One of the largest Hopewell Sioux burial mounds near New Castle, Indiana was obliterated by Ball State University archaeologists. The cremated remains are within the dark soil that is being shoveled into wheelbarrows.
Large skeletons were reported in many of the burial mounds within the county.

Biographical Memoirs of Henry County Indiana, 1902 
     William H. Albright remained upon the home farm during his youth and attained a fair education in the common schools of his neighborhood. He has taken much interest in the investigation of the noted mounds, one which he opened containing the skeleton of a giant human being. The lower jaw was large enough to fit over ‘an ordinary man’s head, while the other bones were proportionate in size. The skull was a half inch in thickness and under it were found twelve flint arrowheads. Mare giants uncovered in Indiana are found here

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

1200 B.C. Meadowood Iroquois Eel Weir Photographed on the Eel River in Indiana

1200 B.C. Meadowood Iroquois Eel Weir Photographed on the Eel River in Indiana

In 1986, R. Ferguson wrote a paper called “Archaeological Sites In the Kejimkujik National Park, Nova Scotia. Ms.,” in which he identified what he called the “Eel Weir complex,” a group of triangular-shaped, stone fish weirs along the Mersey River that included Meadowood (Iroquois) type points

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Adena Hopewell Numerology at Piketon, Ohio and the New Castle, Indiana Henge Site

Adena Hopewell Numerology at Piketon, Ohio and the New Castle, Indiana Henge Site

The largest henge at the New Castle, Indiana site was also 215 feet in diameter.
Map showing that the distance between the wall was 215 feet in length.  More on numerology and Ohi earthworks can be found with the measure of the Piketon, Ohio earthworks

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Ancient Horned Dwarf Discovered in an Indiana Cave

Ancient Horned Dwarf Discovered in an Indiana Cave

Coconino Sun (Flagstaff, Arizona) December 31, 1915
Probably an Ancient Cowboy

      Hans, Augustus and James Hansen and Leo Ellsworth returned Monday from Whiteriver where they have been the past six weeks hauling wood for the Indian Agency. They report the finding of a skeleton of a horned man. The skeleton was three feet tall, with well-defined horns about two inches long near the temples. The skeleton was found near the East Fork of the White River close to a large cave. It was fully developed man and was on exhibition at Whitewater several days before being sent to a museum in Washington City. - Snowflake Herald.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Adena Mound Builders May 1st Solar Alignment in Northern Indiana (Fort Wayne)

Adena Mound Builders May 1st Solar Alignment

   May 1st, 200 B.C. In the predawn darkness, hundreds gather at one of the Adena giant’s northern outposts along the St. Joseph River in present northern Indiana. Drums beat as the priests enter the interior platform of the henge and stokes the fires to aid the sun’s ascent. The hundreds that have assembled stand with hands outstretched anticipating the sunrise and alignment that marks the day when crops are to be sown. Today, they will use the sun’s power to drive out evil spirits, bring fertility to the crops and prosperity to all the people.
   Plowed for over a hundred years, the henge along the St. Joseph River is still evident. In the lower center of the photo is the gateway flanked by the interior ditches. The outer wall has been leveled by farming.

The recreation above was done from this photo of a henge (solar temple) located in Allen County, Indiana, north of Fort Wayne.  It is believed that the gateway is aligned to the May 1st sunrise.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Equinox Solar Alignment of the Earthworks at the Henry County, Henge Complex

Equinox Solar Alignment of the Earthworks at the Henry County, Henge Complex

The large burial mound that was surrounded by a ditch and earthwork has nearly been obliterated Ball State archaeologists.  Standing in the center of where the mound once was and looking west on the sunset of the Equinox sunset the sun aligns with mound #1.

The map shows mound #4 to the extreme right and mound #1 to the extreme left. 

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Ancient Stone Buildings Diagrammed in Missouri and Franklin County, Indiana

Ancient Stone Buildings Diagrammed in Missouri and Franklin County, Indiana

Illustrated History of Missouri, 1879
    The stone edifices thus described seem to have been peculiar to Missouri alone, as I find no notices of existing similar works in any other locality, unless those described by Mr. Brown in his Western Gazetteer were such. Those were found near the town of Harrisonville, Franklin Co., in the State of Indiana. They were located on the neighboring hills, northeast of the town. The ruins of quite a number were observed, all of which, it is stated, were built of rough, unhewn stone. The walls were leveled nearly to the foundations, and covered with soil, brush and full-grown trees. Mr. Brown informs us that "after clearing away the earth, roots, and rubbish from one of them, he found it to have been anciently occupied as a dwelling. It was about twelve feet square. At one end of the building was a regular hearth, on which were yet the ashes and coals of the last fire its owners had ever-enjoyed, for around the hearth were the decayed skeletons of eight persons, of different ages, from a small child to the head of a family. Their feet were all pointing towards the hearth, which fact suggests the probability that they were murdered while asleep." The bottom lands in this region are said to have abounded in mounds similar to those described elsewhere, and containing human bones, implements of stone, and a superior article of glazed pottery. A skull taken from one of them was found pierced with a flint arrow which was still sticking in the wound, and was about six inches long. The stone dwellings described by Mr. Brown were evidently of inferior construction to those of Missouri. The authors of the latter showed no mean skill in architecture; while the rough and ruder walls of the Indiana structures, their diminutive size, along with the fact of the whole family lying together on the floor, would indicate a social condition but little removed from barbarism. Whether their builders belonged to the race of the mounds in the valleys near, is not certain, and the means of deciding the question are doubtless destroyed.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Mound Builder's "Watchers" in Indiana, Ohio and West Virginia

Mound Builder's  Spirit Facades in Indiana, Ohio and West Virginia

Natural sculpturing has created these stone facial profiles. They were considered "spirit stones" to the mound builders. In Wabash County, Indiana, stone works of the Iroquois Hopewell were more prolific than anywhere else in Indiana or Ohio. This site is known as "Hanging Rock" to the locals.

Another stone profile is found near Bainbridge, Ohio off of Paint Creek.  Paint Creek, located west of Chillicothe Ohio has more prehistoric ceremonial earthworks than anywhere else in the Ohio.  These earthworks were constructed by the Sioux Hopewell.

Called "The Old man of the Canyon" on Boone County, West Virginia

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Celtic Stone Heads in Southeast Indiana

Celtic Stone Heads in Southeast Indiana

This looks like an Indian headdress, but the face and style of the carving looks Celtic

This is just a mystery.

Friday, July 28, 2017

Ancient Prayers for the Mound Builder's Ancient Dead

Ancient Prayers for the Ancient Mound Builder's Dead

Burial mound in Greene County, Indiana that has been spiked with a cross.  

Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee

  Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee Fabric from a cave burial in Kentucky At an early date in the history of the country r...