Showing posts with label giant skeletons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label giant skeletons. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

9 Foot Nephilim Giant Uncovered in Noble County, Indiana

 9 Foot Nephilim Giant Uncovered in Noble County, Indiana

Burial Mound located in Noble County, Indiana.  From, "The Nephilim Chronicles: A Travel Guide to the Ancient Ruins of the Ohio Valley."  Large skeletons were described in several of the mounds that were excavated.  The giants of northern Indiana were an extension of the Maritime Archaic that originated in Northern Europe,. More Indiana giants here : Indiana's Ancient Giant Race

Skeleton of a Giant Unearthed in Indiana by Workmen
     Relics of a prehistoric age are being brought to light in Noble County.  The find is in York township, where workmen excavating for a public highway found the skeleton of an inhabitant of early days.
   The bones indicate that the person was fully 9 feet tall.  The bones are unusually large and the position of the skeleton when found indicated that the body had been interred in a sitting position. The belief is advanced that the remains are those of a mound builder.
  Other discoveries in the same neighborhood indicate that York township was inhabited years before the Red Man set foot on Hoosier soil.  Noble County is believed to have been the burial place of a large number of mound builders.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Hopewell Mound Builders Giant Skeletal Remains Discovered in the Aleutians Islands

Hopewell Mound Builders Discovered in the Aleutians Islands

The builders in the Ohio Valley had their origins with the Maritime Archaic.Thisis type of spoke burial that contained large skeletons is most prevalent in New York and the Ohio Valley. Evidence that the mound builders in the Ohio Valley had their origins with the Maritime Archaic.

Washington Post, Sept. 16, 1944
Major Finds Grave of Giant Aleutian
An advanced Aleutian Base (U.P.) Site of a strange burial of a prehistoric giant was discovered on an Aleutian Island recently by Major. E. E. Chittenden, Kearney Neb. The ancient Aleut, who had been at least 7 feet tall, has been buried on a low ridge overlooking the ocean, and in the same shallow grave with him were the skeletons of five women, placed to form a geometrical pattern.
Major Chittenden found the burial site while excavations for a military installation were being made, and he states the six skeletons had been placed with their heads together, so that trunk and leg bones extended outward like the spokes of a wheel. In the unusual grave were carved ivory ornaments and weapons made of polished slate.

This type of spoke burial that contained large skeletons is most prevalent in New York and the Ohio Valley. Evidence that the mound builders in the Ohio Valley had their origins with the Maritime Archaic.

Plummets from New York are associated with the Maritime Archaic  7000 B.C - 2000 B.C. Identical plummets can be found on the west coasts and within burial mounds in New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, West Virginia and Kentucky.

Polished slate implements discovered with these large skeletons in the Aleutians are indicative of the Maritime Archaic that spread across North America from both Europe and Asia as early as 7000 B.C. Identical material culture can be found from Europe, across Asia to both shores of North America.  Maritime Archaic plummets were found within the burial mounds in the Ohio Valley.  The spoke type burials, containing large skeletons are found in the greatest numbers within burials mounds in the state of New York and the Ohio Valley.
the Great

Thursday, July 16, 2020

University of Oklahoma Anthropologists Discover Giant Skeletons at the Spiro Oklahoma Mounds

University of Oklahoma Anthropologists Discover Giant Skeletons Near the Spiro Oklahoma Mounds 

Reading Eagle, May 24, 1937
Skeletons of Indians Over Seven Feet Tall
   Norman, Oklahoma, May 24, (U.P.) - Six giant skeletons of a strange tribe of Indians more than seven feet tall have been uncovered along the banks of the Washita River, in South Central Oklahoma. Dr. Forrest E. Clements head of the department of anthropology of the University of Oklahoma, disclosed today.
   The skeletons are all well preserved were found by Dr. Clements and members of his party yesterday. He believed the find might lead to the discovery of a race of Indians whose existence was unknown to anthropologists.
   He estimated the race existed 750 years ago. Four of the skeletons were of adults, and two of children. The collapse of a section of the riverbank along the Washita 10 days ago led to the discovery. A farmer found a skull and notified authorities.

WPA workers digging into the Spiro Mounds

Miami Daily Record (Miami, Oklahoma) June 24, 1937
Indian Mounds Being Excavated in State
   Oklahoma City, June 24 – (AP) – Excavation work on former Indian sites by relief laborers had yielded four new mounds, 25 caches and 53 individual graves in three Oklahoma counties, WPA officials said today.
   Twenty WPA clients turned up the mounds in Delaware County near the grove. The caches held pottery, implements of war, the hunt and agriculture. On the banks of the Washita River in Garvin county near Wynnewood, 19 WPA workers are employed.
Digging was begun there recently when a skeleton of a seven-foot man was unearthed. A burial ground and village site were discovered at depths down to 11 feet. Six other skeletons have been taken from the ground. In addition bones of bison, deer, bear, beaver, and turkey were revealed, as were the graves.
    The 53 graves were discovered in LeFlore county near Spiro where 86 WPA clients are digging.

Many of the burial mound at the Spiro mounds were completely leveled during the excavations.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Ancient Giant Human's Nephilim Skeletal Remains Discovered in West Virginia

Ancient Giant Human's Nephilim Skeletal Remains Discovered in West Virginia

Kanawha County

History of Kanawha County, West Virginia 1876
   In this village, three cellars have been dug by the citizens, and in each case, an entire human skeleton was exhumed. A square of ground embracing about ten acres in that portion of the village fronting the river seems to have been set apart for a cemetery. In digging every cellar and well, and even every post-hole, greater or fewer numbers of human bones have been discovered. Mr. Marshall Hansford, while digging a post-hole in his yard a few years ago, found about eighteen inches below the surface, nine pieces of sheet copper, several inches square, and rolled very thin. In digging his cellar he found the skeleton of a large-sized man, and a great variety of bones of birds, bears, and other wild animals. 

Twelfth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology of the Smithsonian Institution, 1894 
   A large mound situated on the farm of Col. B. H. Smith, near Charleston, is conical in form, about 175 feet in diameter at the base and 35 feet high. It appears to be double; that is to say, it consists of two mounds, one built on the other, the lower or original one 20 feet and the upper 15 feet high.
   The removal of a wagon load or so of these stones brought to light a stone vault 7 feet long and 4 feet deep, in the bottom of which was found a large and much decayed human skeleton, but wanting the head, which the most careful examination failed to discover. A single rough spearhead was the only accompanying article found in this vault. At the depth of 6 feet, in earth similar to that around the base of the mound, was found a second skeleton, also much decayed, of an adult of ordinary size. At 9 feet a third skeleton was encountered, in a mass of loose, dry earth, surrounded by the remains of a bark coffin. This was in a much, better state of preservation than the other two. The skull, which was preserved, is of the compressed or "flat-head" type.
    The skeleton found lying in the middle of the floor of the vault was of unusually large size, "measuring 7 feet 6 inches in length and 19 inches between the shoulder sockets." It had also been inclosed in wrapping or coffin of bark, remains of which were still distinctly visible. It lay upon the back, head east, legs together, and arms by the sides. There were six heavy bracelets on each wrist; four others were found under the head, which, together with a spear-point of black flint, were encased in a mass of a mortar-like substance, which had evidently been wrapped in some textile fabric. On the breast was a copper gorget (Fig. 21). In each hand were three spear-heads of black flint, and others were about the head, knees, and feet. Near the right hand were two hematite celts, and on the shoulder were three large and thick plates of mica. About the shoulders, waist, and thighs were numerous minute perforated shells and shell beads.

Twelfth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology of the Smithsonian Institution, 1894 
Kanawha County
  Mound 19, the one farthest to the east, is 60 feet in diameter and 5 feet high. It was found to contain a rude vault of angular stones, some of them as much as two men could lift. This had been built on the natural surface and was 8 feet long, 4 wide, and 3 high, but contained only the decaying fragments of a large skeleton and a few fragments of pottery.

Twelfth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology of the Smithsonian Institution, 1894  Kanawha County, West Virginia       At the depth of 14 feet a rather large human skeleton was found, which was in a partially upright position with the back against a hard clay wall. All the bones were badly decayed, except those of the left wrist, which had been preserved by two heavy copper bracelets. Nineteen feet from the top the bottom of this debris was reached, where, in the remains of a bark coffin, a skeleton, measuring 7 1/2 feet in length and 19 inches across the shoulders was discovered. Each wrist was encircled by six heavy copper bracelets.

The Springfield Globe-Republic, Feb. 2, 1886
   Charleston, West Virginia, Feb. 2 - News has just been received from Winfieled, Putnam County, of the strange discovery of two human skeletons lying on a floating cake of ice, in the Kanawha river, near Red house Shoals, Sunday. The skeletons were in a good state of preservation and were evidently the frames of large men. Some fragments of clothing surrounded the bones, but nothing to indicate in any degree the identity of the deceased or the locality from whence they floated on the ice.

West Virginia Geological Survey, 1914
   "Below the center of No. 7 (see plate), sunk into the original earth, was a vault about 8 feet long, 3 feet wide, and 3 feet deep. Lying extended on the back in the bottom of this, amid the rotter* fragments of a bark coffin, was a decayed human skeleton, fully 7 feet long, with head west. No evidence of Are was to be seen, nor were any stone implements discovered, but lying in a circle just above the hips were fifty circular pieces of white perforated shell, each about 1 inch in diameter and an eighth of an inch thick. The bones of the left arm lay by the side of the body, but those of the right arm, as in one of the mounds heretofore mentioned, were stretched at right angles of the body, reaching out to a small oven- shaped vault, the mortar or cement roof of which was still unbroken. The capacity of this small circular vault was probably two bushels, and the peculiar appearance of the dark-colored deposit therein, and other indications, led to the belief that it had been filled with corn (maize) in the ear. The absence of weapons would indicate that the individual buried here was not a warrior, though a person of some importance.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Thirteen foot Human Giant Uncovered in Wisconsin Sold for $10,000

Thirteen foot Human Giant Uncovered in Wisconsin Sold for $10,000

Public Ledger (Memphis, Tennessee) August 25, 1870
 A Remarkable Skeleton Unearthed
Janesville, August 25, - Several days ago, as some laborers were digging a foundation for a barn on the grounds of Mr. Stanely, in the town of Janesville, they unearthed a human skeleton of enormous size.  It was found in a sitting posture and is in a fair state of preservation. The skull measured thirty- two and a half inches in circumference, and the thigh bones forty-four and a half inches in length.  Dr, Townsand examined the remains shortly after they were exhumed and gave it as his opinion, that when living, the man must have been not less than thirteen feet in height. It was immediately sold for $10,000.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Burial Mound Near Racine, Wisconsin Contains Large Skeletons

Burial Mound Near Racine, Wisconsin Contains Giant Skeletons

Proceeding northward from Kenosha, along the west shore of Lake Michigan, the next evidence of ancient labor are found at Racine; showing that, notwithstanding the great difference between the moral, social, political, and other conditions of the red and white man, they usually fix upon the same points as favorite places of residence. The map will convey to the reader a correct idea of the interesting groups of works at this place. In the examination of them, and in the preparation of this map, I have been materially assisted by Dr. P. R. Hoy, of Racine. The works occupy the high ground bordering upon Root River, from one to two miles from the margin of the lake, and immediately back of the city limits. They consist mostly of circular burial-mounds, of no great size or height, with one circular enclosure, and several tapering ridges. There are also two semicircles opening on the edge of the bluff towards the river. The group of very numerous and remarkable mounds represented at the lower part was surveyed with some minuteness, with a view to detecting the order of arrangement upon which they were constructed. The result shows very clearly that no order or system was adopted. Each person buried was placed where chance might lead the relatives or friends to select the spot. No three mounds could be found on the same straight line; indeed, it seems as if it were the intention of the builders to avoid all appearance of regularity. Large mounds are interspersed with smaller ones, without regard to symmetry or succession.
Dr. Hoy has recently opened one of these mounds, and found in it the skeletons of seven persons, buried in a sitting posture, and facing the east. (See Fig. 2.) The bones were not accompanied by ornaments or articles of any kind that had resisted the destructive effects of time. The teeth of the adult skeletons were much worn, but sound and firm. It was observed that the muscles of the jaws must have been unusually large and strong. The bones of the skull, except in one instance (probably that of a female), were found to be remarkably thick and solid. These skeletons were much decayed, and could not be restored. The mound opened was seven feet high and fifty feet in diameter, being the largest of the group. A basin-shaped excavation had been made in the original soil, about eighteen inches deep, reaching to the gravelly subsoil, upon which the skeletons were placed side by side, all facing in the same direction. The legs, which had been laid horizontally, retained their original position; but the skulls and bones of the bodies were huddled together by the settling upon them of the earth in which they were placed. There were no indications of fire.
Another mound of smaller dimensions, opened under my inspection, contained a confused mass of bones, also very much decayed, and resting upon the gravel, which was here two feet below the original surface. Bones of at least three individuals were discovered. Their confused condition might be owing to the custom, still prevalent among the Indians, of placing the bodies of those who die or are killed away from home, in trees, where they remain until the softer parts are decayed and gone when the bones are collected and buried. No ornaments, or indeed remains of articles of any kind, could be found in this mound; nor was here any charcoal, burnt clay, or other indication of fire.
These mounds were made from the surface soil; and no traces of excavations, or places whence the materials were taken, could be detected. It is not probable that the earth was penetrated more than a few inches to obtain the quantity necessary  to form the mounds, some of which are quite small, not more than one or two feet in height above the original surface of the ground. They are of various dimensions, from five to fifty feet in diameter, and from one to seven feet in height. Many of them are now nearly leveled by the plow. They may still, however, be detected in the cultivated fields by a trifling elevation, or by a slight difference in the color of the soil, In one case, at least, the plow had turned up the bones from beneath.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Eight Foot Giants Discovered Within a Stone Arched Tomb in Burlington, Iowa

Eight Foot Giants Discovered Within a Stone Arched Tomb in Burlington, Iowa

The Grand River Times (Grand Haven, Michigan) May 21, 1856
Western Giants in Their Slumber
      The Burlington Iowa Gazette says that while workmen were engaged in excavating for the cellar of Gov. Grimes new building on the corner of Main and Valley Street, they came upon an arched vault some ten feet square, which, on being opened, was found to contain eight human skeletons of gigantic proportions.  The walls of the vault were about fourteen inches thick, well laid up with cement or indestructible mortar.  The vault is about six feet deep from the base to the arch.  The skeletons are in a good state of preservation, and we adventure to say are the largest human remains ever found, being over eight feet long.

Friday, November 1, 2019

9 foot Nephilim Skeleton Found in Indiana. Indiana Scientists Reveal it Belonged to an Ancient White Race

9 foot Nephilim Skeleton Found in Indiana.  Indiana Scientists Reveal it Belonged  to an Ancient White Race

 Indianapolis News, November 11, 1967
Jennings County Indiana
"Remains Of Vanished Giants Found In State"
     One of the strangest contributions ever to come to hand tells of the existence in what is now Indiana, long before statehood and even before the Indians came here, of a mysterious giant mound-builders race whose men were more than nine feet tall.
     What's more the contributor of this odd information, Helen W. Ochs of Columbus, Ind., wrote that evidence of their one-time existence here still remains near Brewersville, Jennings County.
     She quoted from the geological report many years ago on Jennings County by W.W. Borden that the remains of the largest work of those moundbuilders in that country were to be seen on the bluffs 75 to 100 feet above Sand Creek in Sand Creek Township. The report added:
     "It is a stone mound 71 feet in diameter, showing at this time a height of three to five feet above the surrounding surface. The exterior walls appear to be made of stones placed on edge but the central portion did not show any regular arrangement of the stones"
     Mrs. Ochs said the first discovery of human skeletal remains in that mound was made in 1865 when a farmer, getting stone for a spring house, dug into "a sort of tomb" in which he found the skeleton of a small child.
    She quoted George M. Robison, his son, as saying the top of the mound was not less than 30 feet above the level of the surrounding ground. He added:
   "I well remember that several large forest trees were growing on the top. One was a white oak not less than three feet in diameter at the base"
   The Discovery of the child's skeleton aroused much curiosity, causing several people to dig into the top of the mound and resulting in the finding of several other skeletons. Mrs. Ochs added:
   "Some of them were bound with perfectly-preserved bands of cedar wrapped around their chest while others were charred, perhaps in observance of a religious rite. Weapons found with the skeletons were unlike those used by Indians"
    She quoted Robison further as saying that no intelligent investigative work was conducted there until 1879, 14 years after the discovery of the mound. He continued:
"The state geologist brought a couple of men here, one from Cincinnati and one from New York, and with Dr. Charles Green of North Vernon, they made quite an extensive examination. Among other things found was the skeleton of a man, it was intact, or rather, I might say, the bones were not scattered. It measured nine feet, eight inches.
     "There was sort of necklace of mica lying around the neck and down across the breast. At the feet stood a sort of 'image' made of burned clay with pieces of flint rock embedded in it"
    Robison kept that image and some of the bones. Mrs. Ochs said that as late as 1937 bones of that giant were in a basket in the office of the Kellar Mill along Sand Creek about a mile below the mound's site:
   "Kenneth Kellar, the grandson of Robison, remembers that basket of bones. He said the bones were lost when the 1937 flood washed out the office"
    Robinson who told of seeing the huge skeleton exhumed added that, according to the men of science who were there, they were the remains of a white race that had inhabited that part of the country before the advent of the red man. He said there were no signs of anything like pottery, no signs of metal working of any kind, just simply the bones of a "dead and gone race of human beings that we today know practically nothing about. We know not whence they came or where they went"
Mrs. Ochs said that the giant-like race had worked hard to entomb its dead. The rocks in the mound had been placed end to end with no attempt to plaster or seal them together. She continued:
     "Evidence that this mound was dug into has washed out until the one-time graves now are smooth indentations in the leaf-covered ground"
    She said Edith Hale, a retired schoolteacher; Beulah Kellar Lowe, granddaughter, and Kenneth Kellar, the grandson of Robison, remembered the bones and image described by Robison.
"This I feel substantiates the findings under discussion," Mrs. Ochs concluded.

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Mass Grave of Giants Found at a Nephilim Square Temple in Michigan

Mass Grave of Giants Found at a Nephilim Square Temple in Michigan

Giant skeletons have been discovered at my of the square earthworks like this one in Jackson County, Ohio.

Civil History of Michigan, 1895
    Forts of the square or rectangular kind are sometimes found. There is said to be one or two miles below the village of Marshall, one in the township of Prarie Ronde, several on the Kalamazoo, and in other places. In Bruce Township in the county of Macomb, on the north fork of the Clinton, are several...eight miles from Lake St. Clair. In sinking the cellar of a building for a missionary, sixteen baskets full of human bones were found of a remarkable size. Near the mouth of this river, on the east bank, are ancient works representing a fortress, with a wall of earth thrown up similar to those in Ohio and Indiana.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Eastern Mediterranean Bronze Age Weapons Discovered with Large Skeletons in New York

Eastern Mediterranean Bronze Age Weapons Discovered with Large Skeletons in New York

 Socketed weapons were not invented until about 1500 B.C and would fall within the timeline of the Amorites in the Levant and England.

     “The Art Of Warfare in Biblical Lands,” Yigael Yadin, 1963. 
     “At the end of the third millennium, the armorers were still grappling with the problem of finding an effective method of attaching the spearhead to a wooden staff….not until a later stage in the first half of the second millennium was the socketed type to be developed and more commonly used and conferred a significant military advantage.”

History of New York, from "Prehistoric Man" 1888
 Brockville, New York
      They were found at the head of LesGalops Rapids, on the river St. Lawrence, about fifteen feet below the surface, along with twenty skeletons disposed in a circular space with their feet toward the center. Dr. Reynolds remarks of them: “Some of the skeletons were of gigantic proportions.

Spoked burial is found in numbers in both New York Ohio Valley and in Wiltshire, near Stonehenge.  Many times the skeletons are described as "gigantic."  This type of burial would have required that the skeletons be placed in the mound at the same time.  The only conclusion is that they were slain in a military conflict.  Note in the burial above that a few of the skeletons have their head placed between their knees.  These must have been placed in the mound to serve as slaves in the afterlife.

Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee

  Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee Fabric from a cave burial in Kentucky At an early date in the history of the country r...