Saturday, May 30, 2020

Ancient Giant Human's Nephilim Skeletal Remains Discovered in West Virginia

Ancient Giant Human's Nephilim Skeletal Remains Discovered in West Virginia

Kanawha County

History of Kanawha County, West Virginia 1876
   In this village, three cellars have been dug by the citizens, and in each case, an entire human skeleton was exhumed. A square of ground embracing about ten acres in that portion of the village fronting the river seems to have been set apart for a cemetery. In digging every cellar and well, and even every post-hole, greater or fewer numbers of human bones have been discovered. Mr. Marshall Hansford, while digging a post-hole in his yard a few years ago, found about eighteen inches below the surface, nine pieces of sheet copper, several inches square, and rolled very thin. In digging his cellar he found the skeleton of a large-sized man, and a great variety of bones of birds, bears, and other wild animals. 

Twelfth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology of the Smithsonian Institution, 1894 
   A large mound situated on the farm of Col. B. H. Smith, near Charleston, is conical in form, about 175 feet in diameter at the base and 35 feet high. It appears to be double; that is to say, it consists of two mounds, one built on the other, the lower or original one 20 feet and the upper 15 feet high.
   The removal of a wagon load or so of these stones brought to light a stone vault 7 feet long and 4 feet deep, in the bottom of which was found a large and much decayed human skeleton, but wanting the head, which the most careful examination failed to discover. A single rough spearhead was the only accompanying article found in this vault. At the depth of 6 feet, in earth similar to that around the base of the mound, was found a second skeleton, also much decayed, of an adult of ordinary size. At 9 feet a third skeleton was encountered, in a mass of loose, dry earth, surrounded by the remains of a bark coffin. This was in a much, better state of preservation than the other two. The skull, which was preserved, is of the compressed or "flat-head" type.
    The skeleton found lying in the middle of the floor of the vault was of unusually large size, "measuring 7 feet 6 inches in length and 19 inches between the shoulder sockets." It had also been inclosed in wrapping or coffin of bark, remains of which were still distinctly visible. It lay upon the back, head east, legs together, and arms by the sides. There were six heavy bracelets on each wrist; four others were found under the head, which, together with a spear-point of black flint, were encased in a mass of a mortar-like substance, which had evidently been wrapped in some textile fabric. On the breast was a copper gorget (Fig. 21). In each hand were three spear-heads of black flint, and others were about the head, knees, and feet. Near the right hand were two hematite celts, and on the shoulder were three large and thick plates of mica. About the shoulders, waist, and thighs were numerous minute perforated shells and shell beads.

Twelfth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology of the Smithsonian Institution, 1894 
Kanawha County
  Mound 19, the one farthest to the east, is 60 feet in diameter and 5 feet high. It was found to contain a rude vault of angular stones, some of them as much as two men could lift. This had been built on the natural surface and was 8 feet long, 4 wide, and 3 high, but contained only the decaying fragments of a large skeleton and a few fragments of pottery.

Twelfth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology of the Smithsonian Institution, 1894  Kanawha County, West Virginia       At the depth of 14 feet a rather large human skeleton was found, which was in a partially upright position with the back against a hard clay wall. All the bones were badly decayed, except those of the left wrist, which had been preserved by two heavy copper bracelets. Nineteen feet from the top the bottom of this debris was reached, where, in the remains of a bark coffin, a skeleton, measuring 7 1/2 feet in length and 19 inches across the shoulders was discovered. Each wrist was encircled by six heavy copper bracelets.

The Springfield Globe-Republic, Feb. 2, 1886
   Charleston, West Virginia, Feb. 2 - News has just been received from Winfieled, Putnam County, of the strange discovery of two human skeletons lying on a floating cake of ice, in the Kanawha river, near Red house Shoals, Sunday. The skeletons were in a good state of preservation and were evidently the frames of large men. Some fragments of clothing surrounded the bones, but nothing to indicate in any degree the identity of the deceased or the locality from whence they floated on the ice.

West Virginia Geological Survey, 1914
   "Below the center of No. 7 (see plate), sunk into the original earth, was a vault about 8 feet long, 3 feet wide, and 3 feet deep. Lying extended on the back in the bottom of this, amid the rotter* fragments of a bark coffin, was a decayed human skeleton, fully 7 feet long, with head west. No evidence of Are was to be seen, nor were any stone implements discovered, but lying in a circle just above the hips were fifty circular pieces of white perforated shell, each about 1 inch in diameter and an eighth of an inch thick. The bones of the left arm lay by the side of the body, but those of the right arm, as in one of the mounds heretofore mentioned, were stretched at right angles of the body, reaching out to a small oven- shaped vault, the mortar or cement roof of which was still unbroken. The capacity of this small circular vault was probably two bushels, and the peculiar appearance of the dark-colored deposit therein, and other indications, led to the belief that it had been filled with corn (maize) in the ear. The absence of weapons would indicate that the individual buried here was not a warrior, though a person of some importance.

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