Showing posts with label skeletons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label skeletons. Show all posts

Monday, July 6, 2020

10 Foot Nephilim Giants Discovered in Missouri 40 Feet Deep in the Ground

Marietta Daily Leader, (Marietta, Ohio) December 2, 1900
Skeletons of Prehistoric Men, ten Feet Tall, Dug Up in Missouri
      The fossils of three human beings, evidently prehistoric giants were found near Montesano, Mo., the other day by C.H. Beehler, a farmer, at the depth of 40 feet. The size of the skulls indicates that the bodies must have been at least ten feet high, and the bones, resembling those of a human skeleton, seem to bear out this theory.

Beehler has quite a collection of fossils relics which he has found at various times in this vicinity, which is alive with them. He is confident that he has discovered the missing link and intends to submit his find to the professors of Washington University in St. Louis to see if they sustain his theory.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Thirteen foot Human Giant Uncovered in Wisconsin Sold for $10,000

Thirteen foot Human Giant Uncovered in Wisconsin Sold for $10,000

Public Ledger (Memphis, Tennessee) August 25, 1870
 A Remarkable Skeleton Unearthed
Janesville, August 25, - Several days ago, as some laborers were digging a foundation for a barn on the grounds of Mr. Stanely, in the town of Janesville, they unearthed a human skeleton of enormous size.  It was found in a sitting posture and is in a fair state of preservation. The skull measured thirty- two and a half inches in circumference, and the thigh bones forty-four and a half inches in length.  Dr, Townsand examined the remains shortly after they were exhumed and gave it as his opinion, that when living, the man must have been not less than thirteen feet in height. It was immediately sold for $10,000.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Blonde-Haired European Mummies Discovered in Tennessee

Blonde-Haired European Mummies Discovered in Tennessee

  Yellow-haired mummies have been reported in several of the caves in both Tennessee and Kentucky.  Are these the remains of the Amorites who built the henges in the Ohio Valley?
Tennessee 1883
...skeletons, were discovered in 1811 in a cave in Warren County, about twenty miles from McMinnville. These were of two human beings, one male, the other female. They had been buried in baskets the construction of which was evidence of considerable mechanical sill. both bodies were dislocated at the hips and were placed erect in the baskets, each of which had a neatly fitted cover of cane. The flesh of these persons was entire and undecayed, dry and of a brown color. Around the female, next to her body, was placed a well-dressed deerskin, and next to this was a mantle composed of the bark of a tree and feathers, the bark being composed of small strands well twisted. The mantle or rag was about six feet long and three feet wide. She had in her hand a fan made from the tail feathers of a turkey, and so made as to be open and closed at pleasure. The hair remaining on the heads of both was entire, and that upon the head of the female, who appeared to have been about fourteen years old at the time of her death, Hair, was of a yellow color and a very fine texture. Hence the individuals were thought to have been of European or Asiatic extraction.

Natural and Aboriginal History of Tennessee, 1845 by John Haywood
     Near the confines of Smith and Wilson counties on the south side of Cumberland River, about 22 miles above Cairo, on the waters of Smiths Fork of Cany Fork, is a cave the aperture into which is very small. The workman in the cave enlarged the entrance and went in; and digging in the apartment next to the entrance, after removing the dirt and using it, they came upon, the same level with the entrance, to another small aperture, which also they entered and went through when they came into a narrow room, 25 feet square. Everything here was neat and smooth. The room seemed to have been carefully preserved for the reception and keeping of the dead. In this room, near about the center, were found sitting in baskets made of cane, three human bodies; the flesh entire, but a little shriveled, and not much so. The bodies were those of a man, a female and a small child. The complexion of all was very fair, and white, without any intermixture of the copper color. Their eyes were blue, their hair auburn and fine. The teeth were very white, their stature was delicate, about the size of whites of the present day. The man was wrapped in 14 dressed deerskins. The 14 deerskins were wrapped in what those present called blankets. They were made of bark, like those found in the cave in White County. The form of the baskets which enclosed them, was pyramidal, being larger at the bottom, and declining to the top. The heads of the skeletons, from the neck, were above the summits of the blankets.

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Giant Skeletons Uncovered in a Celtic Druid Mound in New York

Giant Skeletons Uncovered in a Celtic Druid Mound in New York

Archaeological History of New York, 1915
   The burial mound, represented upon plate III, from the peculiar construction of the work and the character of its remains, appears to belong to a class of mounds different from any others embraced in this exploration. It is located upon the brow of a hill, still covered by the ancient forest, and overlooking the valley of the Conewango. This work has some appearance of being constructed with the ditch and volume outside of the mound, as in the Druid Barrows, but perhaps more accurately belongs to the class composed of several stages, as the Trocalli of the valley of Anahuac. The form of the tumulus is of intermediate character between an ellipse and the parallelogram; the interior mound, at its base, has a major axis of 65 feet, while the minor axis is 61 feet, with an altitude above the first platform or embankment of 10 feet, or an entire elevation of some 13 feet. This embankment, with an entrance or gateway upon the east side 30 feet in width, has an entire circumference of 170 feet. As previously remarked, the work itself, as well as the eminence which it commands, and the ravine upon either side, are overshadowed by the dense forest. The remains of a fallen tree, embedded in the surface of the mound and nearly decomposed, and which from appearance, had grown upon the apex, measured nearly 3 feet in diameter, and heavy timber was growing above the rich mold it had formed. Thus we had some indicia of the age of this work. The mound indeed, from the peculiar form of its construction, as well as from the character of its contents, has much resemblance to the Barrows of the earliest Celtic origin, in the Old World. In making an excavation, eight skeletons, buried in a sitting position and at regular intervals of space, so as to form a circle within the mound, were disinterred. Some slight appearance yet existed, to show that the framework had inclosed the dead at the time of interment. These skeletal remains were of a very large size but were so much decomposed that they mostly crumbled to dust. The relics of art here disclosed were also of a peculiar and interesting character 

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Ancient Cinnabar Mines in California

Ancient Cinnabar Mines in California

Cinnabar is associated with "life" and "rejuvenation" in the ancient world and is most associated with the Earth Mother.  The painting above depicts Christ in a red robe, symbolizing the same aspects. Traces of ancient mining operations are also met with in several places in North America, but all we know about them is that they are of much earlier date than the Spanish conquest. Mention is made of ancient mines of cinnabar existing in California,' where the rocks have given way, burying in their fall the miners, whose skeletons lay at the bottom of the mine beside clumsy stone hammers, the only tools of these savage workmen. Similar hammers have been found in the Lake Superior mines. We shall recur to this subject ;

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Ancient Mass Grave of 400 Uncovered in Erie County's Ancient Fortification

Ancient Mass Grave of 400 Uncovered in Erie County's Ancient Fortification

   Still another a mile beyond is another, which, although upon the grounds which as been cleared, is yet perfect. It is situated upon a sandy, slightly elevated peninsula, which projects into a low tangled swamp. A narrow strip of dry ground connects it with the higher lands, which border the swamp. It is small containing less than an acre The position, for the purposes of concealment and defence, is admirably chosen.

Mass Grave
A mile eastward, upon a dry, sandy spot, is another of the “bone pits” already several times referred to, which is estimated, by those who excavated it originally, to have contained four hundred skeletons heaped promiscuously together. They were individuals of every age and sex.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Large Iroquois Remains With "Primitive" Skull Types Link them to the Maritime Archaic 7000 B.C. - 2000 B.C.

Large Iroquois Remains With "Primitive" Skull Types Link them to the Maritime Archaic  7000 B.C. - 2000 B.C.

This is a series of skulls associated with the Maritime Archaic 7000 B.C. - 2000 B.C. A sloping forehead, a prominent brow ridge, and enhanced occipital region are characteristic of Maritime Archaic skulls.  The Maritime Archaic also were known for their large size with skeletons exceeding 7 foot, not uncommon. 

A New Hochelagan Burying-ground Discovered at Westmount on the Western Spur of Mount Royal, Montreal, July-September, 1898

    Mr. Beauchamp, the New-York authority, writes concerning the Mohawks; "Burial customs varied greatly among the same people, but usually the knees are drawn up. The face might be turned either way in contiguous graves. I have seen many opened with no articles in them." By the kindness of Dr. Wyatt Johnston, Pathologist to the Provincial Board of Health, the three skeletons have been preserved and are now in the Chateau de Ramezay Historical Museum where they will doubtless be regarded with interest by scholars. The skulls have been fully identified as of the Indian type and found to be those of two powerful males in the prime of life and one young woman. The skull in possession of Mr. Earl is doubtless of the same race. Some large stones were found placed above the bodies, and also a number of naturally flat stones which appear to have been used as scoops to excavate. The plateau where the remains were found is about halfway up the side of the "Mountain" or hill, as it more properly is, the total height is only about 700 feet. The plateau slopes somewhat and looks towards the south-east, and is protected by the hill behind it from prevailing winds, and having a good light soil, constitutes a very favorable situation for the growth of the Indian crops of corn and beans. The Mountain is an isolated rise in the great plain of the St. Lawrence, the plateau was also most favorably ]placed for look-out and defense. A hundred yards or so to the west is a fine perennial spring, and a short distance further is another which has always been known as "the old Indian Well," having been a resort of Indians at a later period

A Brachycephalic Man

This skeleton is that of a large and powerfully built man, the bones being very heavy and strong with marked impressions and prominences for muscular attachment. The skeleton, with the exception of some of the small bones of the hands and feet, is complete.

The skull is large and massive, and the lower jaw very strong and heavy. The teeth are well preserved but much ground down at the crown. The superciliary ridges are very prominent. The forehead is narrow (102 c.m.) receding.

Judging from the size and strength of the bones and their impressions for muscular attachment, this man must have been very powerful and calculate from the length of the femur, at least six feet tall. With this skeleton, we found a small humerus of some mammal possibly a squirrel.

The Tallest Man

This skeleton is also that of a large powerfully built man, even taller man the last. The skull is larger, though not quite so massive. It is longer and narrower and dolicephalusthe occipital region very prominent. The height index is low (70.5).

The face is broad as compared with the length 124-112 and the cheekbones are prominent, lower jaw is heavy and strong.

The bones of this skeleton are well preserved and it is almost entire, there being only a few of the bones of the hands and feet missing. The pelvis is masculine. The bones are long, large and heavy with marked impressions and processes.

The femur measures 17-7/8 inches so that this man must have been six feet or more and of a muscular frame.

Among the bones of No III skeleton were 2 small rib bones of a bird.

Judging from the general conformation of the three skulls, it would appear that No. I, was that of the most intelligent person of the three and No. III of the least No. II being intermediate.

It is difficult to estimate the height of No. I as the femur is so decayed at both ends, but allowing for this, the height would not be more than 5 feet and probably less than that. The skeletons undoubtedly belong to the Mongoloid type and are distinctive of the North American Indian.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Rare Glimpse into the Ohio Mound Builders World of Color

Rare Glimpse into the Ohio Mound Builders World of Color

"With three skeletons in the central Seip Mound, Ross County, Ohio, there were found preserved by the chemical action of large copper breastplates, corresponding portions of the burial robes bearing designs in color.  The photograph above was taken in situ.  The background of the fabric is maroon in color, with tan designs, outlined in black.  The designs are not woven into the cloth but are affected by staining or dying with mineral colors, possibly by the use of stamps or dies." Shetrone's, "The Mound Builders 1931." 

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Ancient Stone Road Discovered in West Virginia

Ancient McAdamized Stone Road Uncovered in West Virginia

History and Progress of the County of Marion, West Virginia, 1880

      Upon “Fort Hill,” about two miles north of Fairmont, were found traces of an aboriginal fort. Along the bank of the' Monongahela river, and running through Palatine, where the earth has been washed away by freshets, can be seen traces of an old McAdanized road. It is some feet below the surface and can be traced for quite a distance. The bed of the road seems to vary, from ten to fourteen inches in thickness, and the stone is broken with great regularity The earth above the bed is black and pre sents somewhat the appearance of an alluvial deposit. It is very probable that this deposit formed the bed of what we now call a McAdamized road, at some former period of the world. Since the settlement of the county, skeletons have been found at various times in the vicinity of Boothsville and other towns.

Friday, November 24, 2017

Earliest Known Photograph of the Grave Creek Adena Burial Mound

Earliest Known Photograph of the Grave Creek Adena Burial Mound

Earliest known photograph of the Grave Creek Mound taken in 1857. This may also be the only photo that shows the earthwork that once surrounded the mound.

     The Grave Creek burial mound located in Moundsville, West Virginia is the largest and most famous in the Ohio Valley. The mound measures 69 feet in height with a diameter of almost 300 feet; it was surrounded by a moat 40 feet in width and five feet in depth with a single causeway that led to the mound. Engineers estimate that it required its builders to move more than 60,000 tons of earth; that's 24,000,000 million baskets of earth at 5 lbs per basket. This begs the question of who warranted such an effort?
    In 1838, an archaeological excavation of the Grave Creek Mound, led by Jesse and Abelard Tomlinson, uncovered the ruins of two large vaults, one situated directly below the other. The vaults contained several human skeletons and a considerable amount of jewelry and other artifacts. According to Henry Rowe Schoolcraft, who visited the site in 1843, the Grave Creek Stone was discovered in the upper vault, along with seventeen hundred beads, five hundred sea shells, five copper bracelets, and one hundred and fifty plates of mica. The Grave Creek Tablet was “a small flat stone, of an ovate shape, containing an inscription of unknown characters More detailed descriptions of the skeletons was featured in the Charleston Daily Mail, October 22, 1922 Archaeologists investigating the mound some years ago dug out a skeleton said to be that of a female because of the formation of the bones. The skeleton was seven feet four inches tall and the jawbone would easily fit over the face of a man weighing 160 pounds. There was also taken from the mound the skeleton of a man eight feet tall. There were no ornaments beside it. These skeletons were sent to the Smithsonian Institution in Washington.”

Grave Creek mound with visible scars from early excavations. Originally, the lower tomb containing the 8-foot giant was able to be viewed for a few cents, but a cave-in ended the attraction.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Native Americans Suppress Photos of a Giant Human Skeleton Removed from a West Virginia Burial Mound

Native Americans Suppress Photos of a Giant Human Skeleton Removed from a West Virginia Burial Mound

A large skeleton over 7 feet in height was removed from the Cresap mound, but new laws against displaying "Native American" remains, helps American Indians and academia to restrict the true origins of the Adena from being proven.
Current laws would warrant that even if you have a photo of a giant human skeleton, it is illegal to publish it! 

Mounds For the Dead, Dragoo, 1963

Description of a large skeleton at the Cresap Mound
    " Measurements taken of the skeleton while still i the grave indicated an individual approximately 7.2 inches tall....In all respects the Cresap Mound skeletal material conforms to the physical type of the Kentucky and Ohio Adena....

The Adena People, by Webb and Snow 1974

It was a 19-foot high conical mound with a 70-foot diameter. The remainder of this unusual skeleton was completely preserved and lying on its back with its legs bowed as if it was riding a horse. This particular skeleton, labeled B.54 in Pit F.28 in the above drawing made by Dragoo, was large. Dragoo reported, “This individual was of large proportions. When measured in the tomb his length was approximately 7.04 feet. All of the long bones were heavy and possessed marked eminences for the attachment of muscles.” Dragoo published a photo of the actual skeleton, however,  i t is now illegal to republish photos of skeletons known to have links to Native Americans, even though no links to the Adena and any known Indian population has been proven. 

Excerpt from Webb and Snow Adena describing the large skeletons found in the Oho Valley.

Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee

  Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee Fabric from a cave burial in Kentucky At an early date in the history of the country r...