Showing posts with label Adena. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Adena. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

California Giant Skulls and Burial Rituals are Similar to the Adena of the Ohio Valley

 California Giant's Skulls and Burial Rituals are Similar to the Adena of the Ohio Valley

The same type of round-headed giants with "highbrows," are common in the Ohio Valley burial mounds

Spokane Daily Chronicle, June 14, 1922

   They Were Seven Feet in Height According to Discoveries just Made. The original residents of Southern California were giants, seven feet in height, according to an anthropological discovery of the University of California near McFarland, in the heart of the oil fields. They were also "highbrows" with large, well-rounded heads. They lived in mounds and used implements of stone. The excavations are being made under the direction of Arling Steinberger, in a now dry lake where the soil is heavily impregnated with alkaline salts and seepage of petroleum. This chemical combination acted as an ideal preservative so that the skeletons were found in a fine state of preservation. The first mound uncovered evidence was a burying ground, as the skeletons were found lying or sitting facing the east, as was customary in the last rites of primitive peoples. The skeletons are believed to be those of the first dwellers in Southern California.

Click the book to go to Amazon

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Did the Adena Giant Mound Builders Construct a Bridge Over the Ohio River?

 Did the Adena Giant Mound Builders Construct a Bridge Over the  Ohio River?

At the Portsmouth, Ohio mound and sacred via complex, the parallel walls extend to the Ohio River and continue on the other bank.  This would imply that a bridge continued the sacred via across the river?  The following account given by the Iroquois Indians about the giants being bridge builders may confirm a little talked about a hypothesis.

Iroquois Legend
   In Iroquois hydrography, Ohio—the great river of the ancient Alligewi (Adena) domain—is the central stream to which all the rivers of the mighty West converge. This stream the emigrants now attempted to cross. They found, according to the native annalist, a rude bridge in a huge grape-vine which trailed its length across the stream. Over this, a part of the company passed, and then, unfortunately, the vine broke. The residue, unable to cross, remained on the hither side, and became afterward the enemies of those who had passed over. Cusick anticipates that his story of the grape-vine may seem to some incredible; but he asks, with amusing simplicity, "why more so than that the Israelites should cross the Red Sea on dry land?" That the precise incident, thus frankly admitted to be of a miraculous character, really took place, we are not required to believe. But that emigrants of the Huron-Iroquois stock penetrated southward along the Allegheny range, and that some of them remained near the river of that name, is an undoubted fact. Those who thus remained were known by various names, mostly derived from one root—Andastes, Andastogues, Conestogas, and the like—and bore a somewhat memorable part in Iroquois and Pennsylvanian history. Those who continued their course beyond the river found no place sufficiently inviting to arrest their march until they arrived at the fertile vales which spread, intersected by many lucid streams, between the Roanoke and the Neuse rivers. Here they fixed their abode and became the ancestors of the powerful Tuscarora nation. In the early part of the eighteenth century, just before its disastrous war with the colonies, this nation, according to the Carolina surveyor, Lawson, numbered fifteen towns, and could set in the field a force of twelve hundred warriors.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Ancient Haunted Bust of an Adena (Amorite) Mound Builder of Kentucky Kills Three

Ancient Haunted Bust of an Adena (Amorite) Mound Builder of Kentucky Kills Three

This artifact that was part of a burial cache in a Kentucky cave is one of the most haunted sites in the State.  I will be investigating this secret location this fall. For more stories on hauntings around ancient skeletal remains see

     The stone bust was discovered after miners blasted an Eastern Kentucky mountainside. The stone bust was exposed in a cavern that had hewn stone shelves that were the repository of numerous skeletons. Four local men went to the exposed cavern to steal artifacts whereupon entering the cave they were confronted by an entity that manifested itself as a giant bat. Before fleeing the cave they took artifacts that included the stone bust.
The apparition of the bat continued to haunt them after they returned home and also appeared to them in their dreams. In their dream state, they were given visions of King Solomon and believed that the cave was associated with the legends of the Jonathan Swift silver mine. The hauntings soon ended with three of the four men dying tragic deaths and the fourth being rendered blind.

    Local miners are wary of this mountain and the oddities that lie uncovered beneath the soil. They placed large boulders at the entrance to prevent anyone from entering and confronting the evil entity that lies within.  The current owner of the bust keeps it enclosed much like the haunted doll Annabell where it can not have contact with any humans.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Anglo Saxon Skull Found in an Adena Burial Mound in Fairfield County, Ohio

Anglo Saxon Skull Found in an Adena Burial Mound in Fairfield County, Ohio

There is quite a difference between Native American skull types and those of Caucasians. European skulls are long, while those of Native Americans are short and broad.

1888 History of Fairfield and Perry Counties Ohio

    The most thorough and successful examination conducted in the
county was by Professor E. B. Andrews, some two or three years
before his death, in the autumn of 1880, at Lancaster. The mound was
situated near Greencastle, in Bloom township. He employed work-
men, and went through and to the bottom of it. The only discovery
made was a large quantity of human bones at the base and center of
the mound. The bones were chiefly those of the head and face, the
long bones having almost entirely disappeared. The specimens to
which the attention of the writer was invited, at the residence of the
Professor, consisted of teeth and portions of the superior and inferior
maxillary bones, and bones of the head and face, with, also, a few
fragments of the cervical vertebrae. There was one entire skull, and
several whole and half jaw bones, still retaining the teeth in their sockets.
There were, likewise, a large number of teeth disconnected with the
jaws. Most of the bones and teeth were entirely perfect in form, but
seemed to be disintegrating from exposure to the open air.
In the anatomy and general structure of the teeth and jaw bones, as
well as those of the cranium, there were no perceptible differences from
those of the Anglo Saxon race.
The teeth were sound, though some
of them were from the jaws of very aged persons, as indicated by the
wearing away from attrition. There were, also, the usual signs on the
necks and fangs of old teeth, showing the absorption of the alveolar
bones which form the sockets of the teeth ; and even incrustations of
tartar, or lime, still adhering to the necks of the teeth, precisely as the
dentist of the present day finds the situation in the mouths of his
patients. In one or two cases the teeth were cupped, or worn down, in
some instances to the very margins of the alveolar sockets, and show-
ing the same glossy and smooth faces now seen in the mouths of people.
In the aggregate there were near a half bushel of these specimens. The
Professor subsequently sent them to some institution of learning.
Regarding all the circumstances, it seemed probable that they must have
been the teeth and bones of the veritable mound builders, as the
Indians would scarcely have penetrated to the center of the mound to
deposit their dead. Besides, the Indian custom of burying has been
known to be superficial, or near the surface.

Monday, July 16, 2018

In Search of the Woodford County, Kentucky Octagon Mound

In Search of the Woodford County, Kentucky Adena Octagon Mound

Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley 1848

   This remarkable mound or terrace occurs near Lovedale, Woodford County. Kentucky. It is octagonal in form, measuring one hundred and fifty feet on each side. It has three graded ascents, one at each of the northern angles and one at the middle of the western side. It is but little more than five feet in height. Upon it are two conical mounds, as shown in the plan, and also the dwelling house of the proprietor. Some distance to the northward of this terrace is a number of large and deep pits, from which the material for its construction was probably taken.

Prehistoric Kentucky, 1910

Antiquities.  Annexed is an exact representation of an ancient structure-probably erected for religious purposes by a pre-historic race-as it existed in 1819 near Lovedale, Woodford co., Ky. It was octagonal in form, measuring 150 feet on each side; was not quite 6 feet high; and had three graded ascents-one at each of the northern angles, and one at the middle of the western side.

1870 Plat map of Woodford County, Kentucky showing a large mound north of Versailles, Kentucky. The town of Lovedale could not be located on any of the old plat maps. No other mound sites were noted in the county, so it is believed that this is the location of the Octagon Mound.

From the plat map above the mound was located north of Versailles at the midpoint between Versailles Road and a small creek to the north. A large circle is visible in this exact location.
This map shows a closer view of the mound site with the yellow line representing 150 feet.  The angles of the Octagon are slightly perceptible. 

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Adena Hopewell Numerology at Piketon, Ohio and the New Castle, Indiana Henge Site

Adena Hopewell Numerology at Piketon, Ohio and the New Castle, Indiana Henge Site

The largest henge at the New Castle, Indiana site was also 215 feet in diameter.
Map showing that the distance between the wall was 215 feet in length.  More on numerology and Ohi earthworks can be found with the measure of the Piketon, Ohio earthworks

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Adena Mound Builders May 1st Solar Alignment in Northern Indiana (Fort Wayne)

Adena Mound Builders May 1st Solar Alignment

   May 1st, 200 B.C. In the predawn darkness, hundreds gather at one of the Adena giant’s northern outposts along the St. Joseph River in present northern Indiana. Drums beat as the priests enter the interior platform of the henge and stokes the fires to aid the sun’s ascent. The hundreds that have assembled stand with hands outstretched anticipating the sunrise and alignment that marks the day when crops are to be sown. Today, they will use the sun’s power to drive out evil spirits, bring fertility to the crops and prosperity to all the people.
   Plowed for over a hundred years, the henge along the St. Joseph River is still evident. In the lower center of the photo is the gateway flanked by the interior ditches. The outer wall has been leveled by farming.

The recreation above was done from this photo of a henge (solar temple) located in Allen County, Indiana, north of Fort Wayne.  It is believed that the gateway is aligned to the May 1st sunrise.

Monday, January 29, 2018

Evidence of Human Sacrifice at the Portsmouth, Ohio Earthworks

Evidence of Human Sacrifice at the Portsmouth, Ohio Earthworks

The Children's Home was constructed in 1876 and is now part of "Mounds Park."

Prehistoric America, 1905
   Mr. T. W.Kinney says the mound, which was a natural elevation, was selected as the site for a children's house. In excavating the cellar there was discovered a circular altar composed of stones which were standing close together and showed evidence of heat.  This altar was four feet below the surface. leading from the altar was a channel about eighteen inches wide, composed of clay, which was designed to "Carry off the blood," giving the idea that human sacrifices were offered here, as upon the alters of Avebury, England

The site of the Children's Home where the stone altar was located is to the west of the "road" and north of the cemetery.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Ancient Sacred Well Described at Marietta, Ohio Ceremonial Enclosures

Ancient Sacred Well Described at Marietta, Ohio Ceremonial Enclosures

The supernatural qualities of sacred wells and springs were venerated as places of healing and divination. The proximity of the well to the sacred via and enclosures hints at its use as a ritual Druid site.

Prehistoric America, 1905

  Mr. Harris says there was at Marietta a well sixty feet deep and twenty feet in diameter, of the kind used in the early days, when water was brought up in pitchers by steps.  This well may have been for the convenience of the people at the enclosures. The proximity to the temple platforms and the conical mound and the graded way makes it significant.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Native Americans Suppress Photos of a Giant Human Skeleton Removed from a West Virginia Burial Mound

Native Americans Suppress Photos of a Giant Human Skeleton Removed from a West Virginia Burial Mound

A large skeleton over 7 feet in height was removed from the Cresap mound, but new laws against displaying "Native American" remains, helps American Indians and academia to restrict the true origins of the Adena from being proven.
Current laws would warrant that even if you have a photo of a giant human skeleton, it is illegal to publish it! 

Mounds For the Dead, Dragoo, 1963

Description of a large skeleton at the Cresap Mound
    " Measurements taken of the skeleton while still i the grave indicated an individual approximately 7.2 inches tall....In all respects the Cresap Mound skeletal material conforms to the physical type of the Kentucky and Ohio Adena....

The Adena People, by Webb and Snow 1974

It was a 19-foot high conical mound with a 70-foot diameter. The remainder of this unusual skeleton was completely preserved and lying on its back with its legs bowed as if it was riding a horse. This particular skeleton, labeled B.54 in Pit F.28 in the above drawing made by Dragoo, was large. Dragoo reported, “This individual was of large proportions. When measured in the tomb his length was approximately 7.04 feet. All of the long bones were heavy and possessed marked eminences for the attachment of muscles.” Dragoo published a photo of the actual skeleton, however,  i t is now illegal to republish photos of skeletons known to have links to Native Americans, even though no links to the Adena and any known Indian population has been proven. 

Excerpt from Webb and Snow Adena describing the large skeletons found in the Oho Valley.

Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee

  Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee Fabric from a cave burial in Kentucky At an early date in the history of the country r...