Showing posts with label haunted. Show all posts
Showing posts with label haunted. Show all posts

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Haunted Okie Pinokie Woods Near Peru, Indiana

Haunted Okie Pinokie Woods Near Peru, Indiana

Oki A Huron-specific class of invisible Power spirits, carriers of magickal energy. Oki are both spirits, and unusual objects such as the sky, shamans, madmen, amulets, etc. Oki will appear in animal form to certain individuals known as Arendiwane

    The paranormal activity at this site is due to the reported Indian burial grounds that was on these lands.  The site is located near the mouth of the Mississenewa River where it enters the Wabash River. Mouths of rivers were favorite places for ancient burial mounds and are likely the catalyst for the paranormal activity in the area. It is said that that thousand of spirits inhabited the woods in the background. Very near this site I photographed an ancient stoe burial mound. 

Horrendous things have been found and done in the lonely piece of woods.

8 decaying bodies have been found in the woods

A 7-year-old girl named Stephanie was raped and killed in these woods

In early spring 1976, Joey and three of his friends strolled into the woods to go camping and never came out. It was several days before anyone became concerned because they had planned on spending an extended weekend in the woods as they often did. Four days after they walked into the forest a search party discovered the partially decaying bodies of three young men. The men had been brutally murdered and could barely be identified. Joey Peoria was never found or seen again. After an extensive investigation, it was determined that an argument occurred between the campers and it was suspected that Joey had killed the three men.

Between 1980 and 1985 five men were found dead in the same scenic area as the first three. People stopped going into the woods as they were convinced that Joey was living in the woods and murdering campers.

Update: In 2018 a body was found in Okie Pinokie Woods that was an apparent homicide

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Ancient Haunted Bust of an Adena (Amorite) Mound Builder of Kentucky Kills Three

Ancient Haunted Bust of an Adena (Amorite) Mound Builder of Kentucky Kills Three

This artifact that was part of a burial cache in a Kentucky cave is one of the most haunted sites in the State.  I will be investigating this secret location this fall. For more stories on hauntings around ancient skeletal remains see

     The stone bust was discovered after miners blasted an Eastern Kentucky mountainside. The stone bust was exposed in a cavern that had hewn stone shelves that were the repository of numerous skeletons. Four local men went to the exposed cavern to steal artifacts whereupon entering the cave they were confronted by an entity that manifested itself as a giant bat. Before fleeing the cave they took artifacts that included the stone bust.
The apparition of the bat continued to haunt them after they returned home and also appeared to them in their dreams. In their dream state, they were given visions of King Solomon and believed that the cave was associated with the legends of the Jonathan Swift silver mine. The hauntings soon ended with three of the four men dying tragic deaths and the fourth being rendered blind.

    Local miners are wary of this mountain and the oddities that lie uncovered beneath the soil. They placed large boulders at the entrance to prevent anyone from entering and confronting the evil entity that lies within.  The current owner of the bust keeps it enclosed much like the haunted doll Annabell where it can not have contact with any humans.

Friday, March 16, 2018

Rephaim Spirits Haunt Athens County, Ohio

Rephaim Spirits Haunt Athens County, Ohio

This large burial mound is located north of Athens, Ohio. For photos of 121 burial mounds and earthworks in Ohio from "The Nephilim Chronicles: A Travel Guide to the Ancient Ruins in the Ohio Valley."

    A little research unveiled the horrific truth about the County and the city of Athens that confirmed my intuitions about the haunted nature of these lands. rated the city Athens, Ohio as the 8th most haunted place in America. USA Today ranked Athens as the 7th most haunted place in America listed Athens, Ohio as the 7th most haunted place in the world, and the British Society for Psychical Research ranked it as the 13th most haunted place in the world.
    The paranormal began early in Athens County, wherein the 1850s Spiritualism became popular in America and no more so than in Millfield Township in Athens County. A man called Jonathon Koons claimed that he and all of his eight children had the gift to contact spirits. The spirits instructed him to construct a special room where the spirits would manifest. People were traveling long distances from the east and across Ohio to hold seances with Koons. Several of the churches in the area closed because of dropping attendance, do to their new allegiance to the ghostly spirit world. 

    There has been a history of the occult associated with Athens for years. Five of the earliest cemeteries in the city of Athens, if drawn out on a map, form a pentagram. Was the pentagram protection from those spirits associated with the occult? Was it used to protect the dead from the evil spirits that roam the county? 
   There is some precedent for evil lurking in these lands. The Shawnee never lived nor hunted in this region because they feared the spirits that roamed the hills about Athens.
The ancient spirits of the giants that once inhabited this region are the culprit behind the paranormal activity in this city, county, and region. Burial mounds were constructed as portals to connect the living with the dead. The spirits of the dead giants were earthbound and were worshiped like demigods. What people don't realize is that those spirits are still around, and those doorways are still open. The problem with the doorways is that you don't know who is going to come through. This is what makes ghost hunting, Ouija boards and seances so dangerous.

Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee

  Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee Fabric from a cave burial in Kentucky At an early date in the history of the country r...