Showing posts with label Amorite. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Amorite. Show all posts

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Amorite Giant's DNA in The Great Lakes and Ohio Valley

Amorite Giant's DNA in The Great Lakes and Ohio Valley

This map clearly shows the migratory DNA imprint left by the Amorite giant's movements from the Biblical Levant to western Europe and eventually to North America.


Thursday, July 23, 2020

Ancient Haunted Bust of an Adena (Amorite) Mound Builder of Kentucky Kills Three

Ancient Haunted Bust of an Adena (Amorite) Mound Builder of Kentucky Kills Three

This artifact that was part of a burial cache in a Kentucky cave is one of the most haunted sites in the State.  I will be investigating this secret location this fall. For more stories on hauntings around ancient skeletal remains see

     The stone bust was discovered after miners blasted an Eastern Kentucky mountainside. The stone bust was exposed in a cavern that had hewn stone shelves that were the repository of numerous skeletons. Four local men went to the exposed cavern to steal artifacts whereupon entering the cave they were confronted by an entity that manifested itself as a giant bat. Before fleeing the cave they took artifacts that included the stone bust.
The apparition of the bat continued to haunt them after they returned home and also appeared to them in their dreams. In their dream state, they were given visions of King Solomon and believed that the cave was associated with the legends of the Jonathan Swift silver mine. The hauntings soon ended with three of the four men dying tragic deaths and the fourth being rendered blind.

    Local miners are wary of this mountain and the oddities that lie uncovered beneath the soil. They placed large boulders at the entrance to prevent anyone from entering and confronting the evil entity that lies within.  The current owner of the bust keeps it enclosed much like the haunted doll Annabell where it can not have contact with any humans.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

1500 B.C. Amorite Lead Mines Still Visible in Pennsylvania

1500 B.C. Amorite Lead Mines Still Visible in Pennsylvania

Historical Collection of Pennsylvania, 1843
    A remarkable, irregular trench, the vestiges of which can yet be seen, with occasional interruptions, runs from the upper lead mines to the neighborhood of the lower; it is at least six miles in length. It was found there by the earliest emigrants, and thirty years ago, stout trees grew on the banks of earth thrown out in excavating it. It was there, it is said, and ancient in its appearance, when Roberdeau erected or commanded the fort at the upper lead mines.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Giant Amorite's Burial Dolman Discovered Within an Illinois Burial Mound

Giant Amorite's Burial Dolman  Found Within Illinois Indian Burial Mound

The Indian mounds of Sterling County, Illinois, are described by W. C. Holbrook as follows:
I recently made an examination of a few of the many Illinois Indian mounds found on Rock River, about two miles above Sterling, Ill. The first one opened was an oval mound about 20 feet long, 12 feet wide, and 7 feet high. In the interior of this, I found a dolmen or quadrilateral wall about 10 feet long, 4 feet high, and 4½ feet wide. It had been built of lime-rock from a quarry near by, and was covered with large flat stones. No mortar or cement had been used. The whole structure rested on the surface of the natural soil, the interior of which had been scooped out to enlarge the chamber. Inside of the dolmen I found the partly decayed remains of eight human skeletons, two very large teeth of an unknown animal, two fossils, one of which is not found in this place, and a plummet. One of the long bones had been splintered; the fragments had united, but there remained large morbid growths of bone (exostosis) in several places. One of the skulls presented a circular opening about the size of a silver dime. This perforation had been made during life, for the edges had commenced cicatrizing. 
I later examined three circular mounds, but in them, I found no dolmens. The first mound contained three adult human skeletons, a few fragments of the skeleton of a child, the lower maxillary of which indicated it to be about six years old. I also found claws of some carnivorous animal. The surface of the soil had been scooped out and the bodies laid in the excavation and covered with about a foot of earth; fires had then been made upon the grave and the mound afterwards completed. The bones had not been charred. No charcoal was found among the bones, but occurred in abundance in a stratum about one foot above them. Two other mounds, examined at the same time, contain no remains.
Of two other Indian mounds, opened later, the first was circular, about 4 feet high, and 15 feet in diameter at the base, and was situated on an elevated point of land close to the bank of the river. From the top of this mound one might view the country for many miles in almost any direction. On its summit was an oval altar 6 feet long and 4½ wide. It was composed of flat pieces of limestone, which had been burned red, some portions having been almost converted into lime. On and about this altar I found abundance of charcoal. At the sides of the altar were fragments of human bones, some of which had been charred. It was covered by a natural growth of vegetable mold and sod, the thickness of which was about 10 inches. Large trees had once grown in this vegetable mold, but their stumps were so decayed I could not tell with certainty; to what species they belonged. Another large mound was opened which contained nothing

Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee

  Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee Fabric from a cave burial in Kentucky At an early date in the history of the country r...