Showing posts with label Kentucky. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kentucky. Show all posts

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Ancient Haunted Bust of an Adena (Amorite) Mound Builder of Kentucky Kills Three

Ancient Haunted Bust of an Adena (Amorite) Mound Builder of Kentucky Kills Three

This artifact that was part of a burial cache in a Kentucky cave is one of the most haunted sites in the State.  I will be investigating this secret location this fall. For more stories on hauntings around ancient skeletal remains see

     The stone bust was discovered after miners blasted an Eastern Kentucky mountainside. The stone bust was exposed in a cavern that had hewn stone shelves that were the repository of numerous skeletons. Four local men went to the exposed cavern to steal artifacts whereupon entering the cave they were confronted by an entity that manifested itself as a giant bat. Before fleeing the cave they took artifacts that included the stone bust.
The apparition of the bat continued to haunt them after they returned home and also appeared to them in their dreams. In their dream state, they were given visions of King Solomon and believed that the cave was associated with the legends of the Jonathan Swift silver mine. The hauntings soon ended with three of the four men dying tragic deaths and the fourth being rendered blind.

    Local miners are wary of this mountain and the oddities that lie uncovered beneath the soil. They placed large boulders at the entrance to prevent anyone from entering and confronting the evil entity that lies within.  The current owner of the bust keeps it enclosed much like the haunted doll Annabell where it can not have contact with any humans.

Monday, July 16, 2018

In Search of the Woodford County, Kentucky Octagon Mound

In Search of the Woodford County, Kentucky Adena Octagon Mound

Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley 1848

   This remarkable mound or terrace occurs near Lovedale, Woodford County. Kentucky. It is octagonal in form, measuring one hundred and fifty feet on each side. It has three graded ascents, one at each of the northern angles and one at the middle of the western side. It is but little more than five feet in height. Upon it are two conical mounds, as shown in the plan, and also the dwelling house of the proprietor. Some distance to the northward of this terrace is a number of large and deep pits, from which the material for its construction was probably taken.

Prehistoric Kentucky, 1910

Antiquities.  Annexed is an exact representation of an ancient structure-probably erected for religious purposes by a pre-historic race-as it existed in 1819 near Lovedale, Woodford co., Ky. It was octagonal in form, measuring 150 feet on each side; was not quite 6 feet high; and had three graded ascents-one at each of the northern angles, and one at the middle of the western side.

1870 Plat map of Woodford County, Kentucky showing a large mound north of Versailles, Kentucky. The town of Lovedale could not be located on any of the old plat maps. No other mound sites were noted in the county, so it is believed that this is the location of the Octagon Mound.

From the plat map above the mound was located north of Versailles at the midpoint between Versailles Road and a small creek to the north. A large circle is visible in this exact location.
This map shows a closer view of the mound site with the yellow line representing 150 feet.  The angles of the Octagon are slightly perceptible. 

Monday, May 21, 2018

8 Foot Giant Human Mummy Discovered in Kentucky

8 Foot Giant Human Mummy Discovered in Kentucky

L. A. Times, Nov. 7, 1896
Discovery of an Ancient Corpse on Elkwell Creek, Kentucky
The Body That of a Man Eight Feet Tall - Interesting Relics of Great Value and Unearthed-People Usually Engaged in Digging Up the Vicinity.

 While digging a cellar near Elkwell Creek, John Winter excavated a giant mummy and discovered several interesting relics of great value. The find has created excitement here and crowds are flocking to the scene. The mummy is that of a man of great stature, being over eight feet tall. It was wrapped in a winding sheet of skins and carefully sealed in a canoe shaped coffin. In a few minutes after being exposed to the air, the mummy commenced to crumble away, but by careful handling Winter has succeeded in keeping intact his remarkable discovery. At the head of this prehistoric giant was a tremendous stone ax, only such as could have been wielded by a man of wonderful strength. It is a formidable looking instrument and it is supposed that it was used as the giant's weapon of war. In the coffin were a few pieces of what appeared to be cooking utensils and a huge hollowed stone that probably contained food for the dead. It held also a large, heavy spear flint point and a shield made of skins. After removing the mummy and coffin, Winter continued the search and a few inches deeper discovered a handsomely carved pipe, an ax-head of curious shape and several broken pieces of crockery. Many of Winter's neighbors are digging up the ground around the spot where the body of the dead man was found, in search of additional curiosities."

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Red Haired Celtic Female Mummy Discovered in Mammoth Cave Kentucky

Red Haired Celtic Female Mummy Discovered in Mammoth Cave Kentucky

Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History, Volume 22, 1917

"On my first visit to the Mammoth Cave in 1813, I saw a relic of ancient times, which requires a minute description. This description is from a memorandum made in the Cave at the time.
"In the digging of saltpetre earth, in the short cave, a flat rock was met with by the workmen, a little below the surface of the earth in the Cave; this stone was raised, and was about four feet wide and as many long; beneath it was a square excavation about three feet deep and as many in length and width. In this small nether subterranean chamber, sat in solemn silence one of the human species, a female with her wardrobe and ornaments placed at her side. The body was in a state of perfect preservation, and sitting erect The arms were folded up and the hands were laid across the bosom; around the two wrists was wound a small cord, designed probably, to keep them in the posture in which they were first placed; around the body and next thereto, was wrapped two deer-skins. These skins appear to have been dressed in some mode different from what is now practised by many people, of whom I have any knowledge. The hair of the skins was cut off very near the surface. The skins were ornamented with the imprints of vines and leaves, which were sketched with a substance perfectly white. Outside of these two skins was a large square sheet, which was either wove or knit. This fabric was the inner bark of a tree, which I judge from appearances to be that of the Linn tree. In its texture and appearance, it resembled the South Sea Island cloth or matting; this sheet enveloped the whole body and the head. The hair on the head was cut off within an eighth of an inch of the skin, except near the neck, where it was an inch long. The color of the hair was a dark red; the teeth were white and perfect. I discovered no blemish upon the body, except a wound between two ribs near the back-bone; one of the eyes had also been injured. The finger and toenails were perfect and quite long. The features were regular. I measured the length of one of the bones of the arm with a string, from the elbow to the wrist joint, and they equalled my own in length, viz: ten and a half inches. From the examination of the whole frame, I judged the figure to be that of a very tall female, say five feet ten inches in height. The body, at the time it was first discovered, weighed but fourteen pounds, and was perfectly dry; on exposure to the atmosphere, it gained in weight by absorbing dampness four pounds. Many persons have expressed surprise that a human body of great size should weigh so little, as many human skeletons of nothing but bone, exceed this weight. Recently some experiments have been made in Paris, which have demonstrated the fact of the human body being reduced to ten pounds, by being exposed to a heated atmosphere for a long period of time. The color of the skin was dark, not black; the flesh was hard and dry upon the bones. At the side of the body lay a pair of moccasins, a knapsack and an indispensable or reticule. I will describe these in the order in which I have named them. The moccasins were made of wove or knit bark, like the wrapper I have described. Around the top there was a border to add strength and perhaps as an ornament. These were of middling size, denoting feet of small size. The shape of the moccasins differs but little from the deer-skin moccasins worn by the Northern Indians. The knapsack was of wove or knit bark, with a deep, strong border around the top, and was about the size of knapsacks used by soldiers. The workmanship of it was neat, and such as would do credit as a fabric, to a manufacturer of the present day. The reticule was also made of knit or wove bark. The shape was much like a horseman's valise, opening its whole length on the top. On the side of the opening and a few inches from it, were two rows of hoops, one row on each side. Two cords were fastened to one end of the reticule at the top, which passed through the loop on one side and then on the other side, the whole length, by which it was laced up and secured. The edges of the top of the reticule were strengthened with deep fancy borders. The articles contained in the knapsack and reticule were quite numerous, and are as follows: one head cap, made of wove or knit bark, without any border, and of the shape of the plainest nightcap; seven head-dresses made of the quills of large birds, and put together somewhat in the same way that feather fans are made, except that the pipes of the quills are not drawn to a point, but are spread out in straight lines with the top. This was done by perforating the pipe of the quill in two places and running two cords through these holes, and then winding around the quills and the cord, fine thread, to fasten each quill in the place designed for it. These cords extended some length beyond the quills on each side, so that on placing the feathers erect on the head, the cords could be tied together at the back of the head. This would enable the wearer to present a beautiful display of feathers standing erect and extending a distance above the head, and entirely surrounding it. These were most splendid headdresses, and would be a magnificent ornament to the head of a female at the present day,—several hundred strings of beads; these consisted of very hard brown seed smaller than hemp seed, in each of which a small hole had been made, and through this hole a small three corded thread, similar in appearance and texture to seine twine; these were tied up in bunches, as a merchant ties up coral beads when he exposes them for sale. The red hoofs of fawns, on a string supposed to be worn around the neck as a necklace. These hoofs were about twenty in number, and may have been emblematic of Innocence; the claw of an eagle, with a hole made in it, through which a cord was passed, so that it could be worn pendent from the neck; the jaw of a bear designed to be worn in the same manner as the eagle's claw, and supplied with a cord to suspend it around the neck; two rattlesnake-skins, one of these had fourteen rattles upon it, these were neatly folded up; some vegetable colors done up in leaves; a small bunch of deer sinews, resembling cat-gut in appearance; several bunches of thread and twine, two and three threaded, some of which were nearly white; seven needles, some of these were of horn and some of bone, they were smooth and appeared to have been much used. These needles had each a knob or whirl on the top, and at the other end were brought to a point like a large sail needle. They had no eyelets to receive a thread. The top of one of these needles was handsomely scalloped; a hand-piece made of deer-skin, with a hole through it for the thumb, and designed probably to protect the hand in the use of the needle, the same as thimbles are now used; two whistles about eight inches long made of cane, with a joint about one third the length; over the joint is an opening extending to each side of the tube of the whistle, these openings were about three-fourths of an inch long and a quarter of an inch wide, and had each a flat reed placed in the opening. These whistles were tied together with a cord wound around them.
"I have been thus minute in describing the mute witness from the days of other times, and the articles which were deposited within her earthen house. Of the race of people to whom she belonged when living, we know nothing; and as to conjecture, the reader who gathers from these pages this account, can judge of the matter as well as those who saw the remnant of mortality in the subterranean chambers in which she was entombed. The cause of the preservation of her body, dress and ornaments is no mystery. The dry atmosphere of the Cave, with the nitrate of lime, with which the earth that covers the bottom of these nether palaces is so highly impregnated, preserves animal flesh, and it will neither putrify nor decompose when confined to its unchanging action. Heat and moisture are both absent from the Cave, and it is these two agents, acting together, which produce both animal and vegetable decomposition and putrefaction.
"In the ornaments, etc., of this mute witness of ages gone, we have a record of olden time, from which, in the absence of a written record, we may draw some conclusions. In the various articles which constituted her ornaments, there were no metallic substances. In the make of her dress, there is no evidence of the use of any other machinery than the bone and horn needles. The beads are of a substance, of the use of which for such purposes, we have no account among people of whom we have any written record. She had no warlike arms. By what process the hair upon her head was cut short, or by what process the deer-skins were shorn, we have no means of conjecture. These articles afford us the same means of judging of the nation to which she belonged, and of their advances in the arts, that future generations will have in the exhumation of a tenant of one of our modern tombs, with the funeral shroud, etc. in a state of like preservation; with this difference, that with the present inhabitants of this section of the globe, but few articles of ornament are deposited with the body. The features of this ancient member of the human family much resembled those of a tall, handsome American woman. The forehead was high, and the head well formed.
"Ye moldering relics of a race departed,
Your names have perished; not a trace remains."

Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee

  Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee Fabric from a cave burial in Kentucky At an early date in the history of the country r...