Monday, July 16, 2018

In Search of the Woodford County, Kentucky Octagon Mound

In Search of the Woodford County, Kentucky Adena Octagon Mound

Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley 1848

   This remarkable mound or terrace occurs near Lovedale, Woodford County. Kentucky. It is octagonal in form, measuring one hundred and fifty feet on each side. It has three graded ascents, one at each of the northern angles and one at the middle of the western side. It is but little more than five feet in height. Upon it are two conical mounds, as shown in the plan, and also the dwelling house of the proprietor. Some distance to the northward of this terrace is a number of large and deep pits, from which the material for its construction was probably taken.

Prehistoric Kentucky, 1910

Antiquities.  Annexed is an exact representation of an ancient structure-probably erected for religious purposes by a pre-historic race-as it existed in 1819 near Lovedale, Woodford co., Ky. It was octagonal in form, measuring 150 feet on each side; was not quite 6 feet high; and had three graded ascents-one at each of the northern angles, and one at the middle of the western side.

1870 Plat map of Woodford County, Kentucky showing a large mound north of Versailles, Kentucky. The town of Lovedale could not be located on any of the old plat maps. No other mound sites were noted in the county, so it is believed that this is the location of the Octagon Mound.

From the plat map above the mound was located north of Versailles at the midpoint between Versailles Road and a small creek to the north. A large circle is visible in this exact location.
This map shows a closer view of the mound site with the yellow line representing 150 feet.  The angles of the Octagon are slightly perceptible. 

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