Showing posts with label Ohio Valley. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ohio Valley. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

California Giant Skulls and Burial Rituals are Similar to the Adena of the Ohio Valley

 California Giant's Skulls and Burial Rituals are Similar to the Adena of the Ohio Valley

The same type of round-headed giants with "highbrows," are common in the Ohio Valley burial mounds

Spokane Daily Chronicle, June 14, 1922

   They Were Seven Feet in Height According to Discoveries just Made. The original residents of Southern California were giants, seven feet in height, according to an anthropological discovery of the University of California near McFarland, in the heart of the oil fields. They were also "highbrows" with large, well-rounded heads. They lived in mounds and used implements of stone. The excavations are being made under the direction of Arling Steinberger, in a now dry lake where the soil is heavily impregnated with alkaline salts and seepage of petroleum. This chemical combination acted as an ideal preservative so that the skeletons were found in a fine state of preservation. The first mound uncovered evidence was a burying ground, as the skeletons were found lying or sitting facing the east, as was customary in the last rites of primitive peoples. The skeletons are believed to be those of the first dwellers in Southern California.

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Monday, September 14, 2020

Celtic Mound Builders Skull Types Found the Ohio Valley

  England's Celtic Mound Builders Skull Types Found the Ohio Valley

One of the three contingents of the Celtic  (Beaker People) was the Borreby brachycephalics. The skull from a burial mound in England on the left is compared with Borrebys within Ohio's Adena mounds.  Celtic warrior found : Giant Celtic Warrior Unearthed in Ireland

   In the Bronze Age, or just before the introduction of bronze, Britain was invaded by tall, massive roundheads who seem to have come from about the same area near the mouth of the Rhine and northwestern Germany from which the later Anglo-Saxons sailed. Probably other brachycephalic came to England later during this period, but the custom
of cremation obscures their racial affinities. British anthropologists have long recognized a contemporary English and Scottish type as probably surviving from these Bronze Age invaders or as an effect of Recombination of the same subracial elements.

   It is tall, heavy-boned, weighty, and, in the middle and advanced years, obese. The skin is usually florid or beefy, the eyes blue or light mixed. Sometimes, however, and especially in Shetland, and in parts of northern England, and Scotland, and Ireland, the hair and skin are dark. The head is massive, brachycephalic, and sometimes rather flattened behind. If the high, pointed Armenoid-Dinaric brachycephaly exists in this type, it is uncommon. Brow-ridges are heavy, malars prominent, and the face rather broad, but not short. The nose is usually long, wide, and convex-decidely beaky. Beard and body hair are strongly developed.

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Amorite Giant's DNA in The Great Lakes and Ohio Valley

Amorite Giant's DNA in The Great Lakes and Ohio Valley

This map clearly shows the migratory DNA imprint left by the Amorite giant's movements from the Biblical Levant to western Europe and eventually to North America.


Friday, August 7, 2020

The Great War to Exterminate the Ancient Giants in the Ohio Valley

 The Great War to Exterminate the Ancient Giants in the Ohio Valley

History of Marietta and Washington County, Ohio 1902

    The history of this West is a long history of war, from the earliest days even to our own century. This territory between the Alleghenies and the Mississippi is one of the greatest battlefields in the world. It is certainly the oldest and most renowned in our America. The first of our race to enter it looked ‘with wondering eyes upon the monstrous earthen forts of a prehistoric race whom we have named from the relics they left behind the Mound Builders.” Of this race the Indians knew nothing, save what the legends handed down by their fathers told of a race of giants which was driven out of the Central West, and sent flying down the Ohio and Mississippi to reappear no more in human history. Antiquarians find that these forts and mausoleums reveal little in addition to the bloody story told by crude implements of war, of old, unhappy, far off things And battles long ago. In certain instances, great piles of human bones are found at strategic revetment angles where the heaviest attack was made and stoutest resistance encountered. Here bones are sometimes found pierced by death-dealing arrowheads. What power hurled the flints of these warriors of prehistoric days? The Indian legend, that they were giants in strength, is easily believed. Nowhere else on the continent are found such forts as were ‘built by these ancient defenders of the Central West.

Friday, March 9, 2018

Comparing Skull Types from Moundbuilders of Europe and Those in the Ohio Valley

   Comparing Skull Types from Mound Builders of Europe and Those in the Ohio Valley

  The giant race that spread from the Bible Lands across Europe was a Neanderthal -Cro-Magnon Hybrid.  

The following photographs will compare Bronze Age skulls from northern Europe with those found in the Ohio Valley burial mounds.

     One of the Neanderthal skull traits that the giant race retained was the occipital bun. The occipital bun is a morphological term used to describe a prominent bulge, or projection, of the occipital bone at the back of the skull. The term is most often used in connection with scientific descriptions of classic Neanderthal crania. While common among many of mankind's ancestors, primarily robust relatives rather than gracile, the protrusion is relatively rare in modern Homo sapiens.

 Bronze Age skulls from a burial mound in England shows that the giant race still retained an occipital bun from their Neaderthal heritage.

Moundbuilders skull on the left is from Ohio. Skull on the right is from an Early Bronze Age burial mound in England.  Note the occipital bun.   In addition to the occipital bone, the brow ridge, nasal notch, facial prognathism, and chin are all identical.

Skull chart Showing the differences in Caucasian, Mongoloid and Negroid skulls.  You don't need to graduate Medical school to clearly see the Caucasoid has a long chin and a higher forehead.

Skulls diagrammed from burial mounds in Ohio with high foreheads and long chins.   This flattened back the head is identical to the Dinaric skulls that are found across Europe and within the mounds around Stonehenge.  The Dinaric were known to have been metal traders.

Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee

  Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee Fabric from a cave burial in Kentucky At an early date in the history of the country r...