Showing posts with label Ohio mounds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ohio mounds. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

The 8 Deities of the Hopewell Dakota Sioux Indians


The 8 Deities of the Hopewell Dakota Sioux Indians 

Wi -  The most powerful Sun god
Shkan - The sky god
Maka - The Earth Mother
Inyan - Rock and immovable things

Hanwi - Goddess of the Moon - wife of Wi

Tate -  god of the winds
Wohpe - The falling star or meteor
Wakinyan - Thunderbird

Monday, September 14, 2020

Celtic Mound Builders Skull Types Found the Ohio Valley

  England's Celtic Mound Builders Skull Types Found the Ohio Valley

One of the three contingents of the Celtic  (Beaker People) was the Borreby brachycephalics. The skull from a burial mound in England on the left is compared with Borrebys within Ohio's Adena mounds.  Celtic warrior found : Giant Celtic Warrior Unearthed in Ireland

   In the Bronze Age, or just before the introduction of bronze, Britain was invaded by tall, massive roundheads who seem to have come from about the same area near the mouth of the Rhine and northwestern Germany from which the later Anglo-Saxons sailed. Probably other brachycephalic came to England later during this period, but the custom
of cremation obscures their racial affinities. British anthropologists have long recognized a contemporary English and Scottish type as probably surviving from these Bronze Age invaders or as an effect of Recombination of the same subracial elements.

   It is tall, heavy-boned, weighty, and, in the middle and advanced years, obese. The skin is usually florid or beefy, the eyes blue or light mixed. Sometimes, however, and especially in Shetland, and in parts of northern England, and Scotland, and Ireland, the hair and skin are dark. The head is massive, brachycephalic, and sometimes rather flattened behind. If the high, pointed Armenoid-Dinaric brachycephaly exists in this type, it is uncommon. Brow-ridges are heavy, malars prominent, and the face rather broad, but not short. The nose is usually long, wide, and convex-decidely beaky. Beard and body hair are strongly developed.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Amorite Babylonian Numerology at the Adena Hopewell Rock Mill Works in Fairfield County, Ohio

Amorite Babylonian Numerology at the Adena Hopewell Rock Mill Works in Fairfield County, Ohio

210 X pi equals 660.  This evidence that the Adena Hopewell had knowledge of pi and advanced mathematics.  660 was the Babylonian number for the sun god,

   The core numbers of the Babylonian Amorite numerological codex are 660 or 666 for the Sun Father and 1080 for the Earth Mother. The henge at this work was 210 feet: 210 X pi = 660. Many of the earthworks used the lengths of 240 and 420 feet together to add to both 1080 and 660. 420 + 240 = 660 and 420 + 420 + 240 = 1080. Although not measured, the north and south wall gateways were not centered and could have been cut at 240 feet.

The Piketon works show how 420 and 240 were used together to add up to 660 and 1080.  420 + 240 = 660.   420+420+240=1080  212 X pi = 666 !

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Evidence of Modern Dentistry In Ohio Hopewell Mound Builders Teeth

Evidence of Modern Dentistry In Ohio Hopewell Mound Builders Teeth

History of Mifflin County, Pennsylvania, 1905
   It is evident from the remains of an ancient mound found in Lewistown, and traces of a piece of stone wall in Kishacoquillas Valley, that Mifflin county, as well as other portions of our country, east, and west, were inhabited by a people of an advanced state of civilization, previous to the coming of the Indian.  All over the country, they have left evidence of their manufactures and advanced progress in the finer arts. As stated in the sketch of Lewistown, they have left traces from the valley of the Hudson to Alaska and Central America.
   From disinternments made in various part of Ohio, their mounds and traces of breastworks and old forts are in various parts of the State; there are found bones and skulls of these prehistoric people in large amounts.  The skulls are in a better state of preservation than the common bones from their harder, finer texture; and the teeth were perfectly preserved, and in them were found pieces of evidence of the practice of dentistry as is the custom at the present day.  Teeth were taken from skulls in Ohio, that contained plugs of a whitish metal, well preserved, and inserted with as much skill as is done at the present time.

Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee

  Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee Fabric from a cave burial in Kentucky At an early date in the history of the country r...