Showing posts with label skulls. Show all posts
Showing posts with label skulls. Show all posts

Friday, September 4, 2020

Stonehenge Neanderthal-Hybrid Skull Compared with a Michigan Mound Builder Hybrid Skull

Stonehenge Neanderthal-Hybrid Skull Compared with a Michigan Mound Builder Hybrid Skull 

   The Skull from the mound near Stonehenge is compared with a skull from a burial mound in Michigan.  Both show the same "primitive" characteristics of a sloping forehead and a protruding brow ridge.  Photo from, "The Nephilim Chronicles: Fallen Angels in the Ohio Valley." More giants at Stonehenge : Large Human Remains Found in Stone Tomb near Stonehenge

Crania Britannica, 1865

At the Green Gate Hill, England Barrow 

  The skull was described as being brachycephalic, with a well-expanded forehead it well-formed cranium. The cheekbones are prominent and the face broad from the direction of the malar bones. The abrupt prominences of the nose arising from the deep depression below the well-marked frontal sinus is a characteristic feature of this skull; the nasal index, howeveris not too high. Another example of the ancient Brachycephalics of England is to be seen in the museum above referred to No. 297 described as having a deep nasal notch, receding external margins of the orbits, with prominent cheekbones and well formed jaws.

Upper Paleolithic type skull with "archaic" features of a protruding brow ridge and sloping forehead found in the Green Gate burial mound in England, near Stonehenge.  This same type of "archaic" skull has been found in great numbers in the Great Lakes and Ohio Valley burial mounds

Monday, August 24, 2020

Neanderthal Hybrids with Apelike Skulls Uncovered in California

Neanderthal Hybrids with Apelike Skulls Uncovered in California

Boston Globe, June 25, 1922

Giant’s Graves in California

New Race of Men Dug Up, With Stone Implements Unlike Any Others

     Some of the skeletons are those of men measuring no less than 7 feet and perhaps more. Femur bones already sent to the University measure 21 inches in length.”“The skeletons represent a most astonishing race of people, who probably inhabited this country thousands of years ago,” said Mr. Steinberger. “Some of the skulls are large, with, high foreheads and well-rounded, while others are apelike, retreating from an inch above the frontal bone, with the top of the head flat and with but small space for brain activity.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

DNA Results from the Elongated Skulls of Peru - The Levant and Europe!

New DNA Results Released from the Paracas Elongated Skulls

T2b Haplo Group originates from the Middle East and Europe. Some skulls showed a Haplo Group with origins in Europe, North Africa, the Levant, Anatolia, and the Caucasus.

Results from 12 skulls and two separate DNA laboratories.

This is the DNA evidence.  For the physical evidence that these same people (Amorites) built the geometric earthworks in the Ohio Valley; it's all in "The Nephilim Chronicles: Fallen Angels in the Ohio Valley"

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Thirteen foot Human Giant Uncovered in Wisconsin Sold for $10,000

Thirteen foot Human Giant Uncovered in Wisconsin Sold for $10,000

Public Ledger (Memphis, Tennessee) August 25, 1870
 A Remarkable Skeleton Unearthed
Janesville, August 25, - Several days ago, as some laborers were digging a foundation for a barn on the grounds of Mr. Stanely, in the town of Janesville, they unearthed a human skeleton of enormous size.  It was found in a sitting posture and is in a fair state of preservation. The skull measured thirty- two and a half inches in circumference, and the thigh bones forty-four and a half inches in length.  Dr, Townsand examined the remains shortly after they were exhumed and gave it as his opinion, that when living, the man must have been not less than thirteen feet in height. It was immediately sold for $10,000.

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Evidence of Modern Dentistry In Ohio Hopewell Mound Builders Teeth

Evidence of Modern Dentistry In Ohio Hopewell Mound Builders Teeth

History of Mifflin County, Pennsylvania, 1905
   It is evident from the remains of an ancient mound found in Lewistown, and traces of a piece of stone wall in Kishacoquillas Valley, that Mifflin county, as well as other portions of our country, east, and west, were inhabited by a people of an advanced state of civilization, previous to the coming of the Indian.  All over the country, they have left evidence of their manufactures and advanced progress in the finer arts. As stated in the sketch of Lewistown, they have left traces from the valley of the Hudson to Alaska and Central America.
   From disinternments made in various part of Ohio, their mounds and traces of breastworks and old forts are in various parts of the State; there are found bones and skulls of these prehistoric people in large amounts.  The skulls are in a better state of preservation than the common bones from their harder, finer texture; and the teeth were perfectly preserved, and in them were found pieces of evidence of the practice of dentistry as is the custom at the present day.  Teeth were taken from skulls in Ohio, that contained plugs of a whitish metal, well preserved, and inserted with as much skill as is done at the present time.

Friday, May 11, 2018

Ancient Skulls Uncovered in Maryland and New Jersey Determined to Originate in Northern Germany

Ancient Skulls Uncovered in Maryland and New Jersey Determined to Originate in Northern Germany

These primitive skulls were determined to be of the same origin. The skull on the left was uncovered in Trenton, New Jersey. The skull in the middle was found in Burlington, Maryland and the skull on the right is from Bremen, Germany.  

Smithsonian Institute Bureau of Ethnology, Bulletin 33  1907
Skeletal Remains Suggesting Or Attributed to Early Man in North America: 1907
   Racial Affinities of the Burlington County and Riverview Cemetery Skulls The inevitable conclusions are that the Burlington County skull and that from the Riverview cemetery at Trenton are of a type totally different from that of the Lenape, or of any other Indian crania from the East or elsewhere of which we have thus far any knowledge.
   They are skulls of people of a different race with which no further acquaintance has yet been made in this country. What this race was, the writer was not able to show at the time of the publication of the report in 1902. Two possibilities suggested themselves at that time: One, that the crania represented some non-Indian people who preceded the Lenape about Trenton; the other, that they might be crania of later intruders — or immigrants — into that region. The former theory could not be accepted without further proof, and the immigrant idea seemed hardly plausible, for the Delaware Valley had been settled largely by Swedes, whose cranial type is radically different. On the whole, there are very few localities known, in Europe or elsewhere, where normally very low skulls had been observed.

  The foregoing accounts, which do not seem to have been followed by any additional observations of importance on similar material, establish the presence in parts of northwestern Germany and Holland in or up to recent times of a cranial type characterized by precisely the feature which renders so extraordinary the skulls from Burlington County and Riverview cemetery, namely, very low height. The cephalic index and the capacity of the European chamaecephals show a wide range, which easily includes the same characteristics of the Trenton specimens. The facial measurements are lacking in the German reports, but Gildemeister speaks of a narrow face, a feature marked also in the two skulls from New Jersey; and one of the latter, it will be remembered, shows a trace of basal depression, such as noticed in a more pronounced degree in some of Virchow's low crania. The illustrations of the European chamaecephals show remarkable general resemblances to the two Trenton skulls — there are the same the rounded outline, without sagittal elevation, of the anterior and the posterior plane, similar shape of the superior plane, and similar aspect of the face. There can be no doubt of the relationship of the two forms, and it now remains to account for the occurrence of identical forms in regions so remote from each other. That such marked similarity of any two normal, important, extreme, and repeated forms in cranial morphology

Friday, March 9, 2018

Comparing Skull Types from Moundbuilders of Europe and Those in the Ohio Valley

   Comparing Skull Types from Mound Builders of Europe and Those in the Ohio Valley

  The giant race that spread from the Bible Lands across Europe was a Neanderthal -Cro-Magnon Hybrid.  

The following photographs will compare Bronze Age skulls from northern Europe with those found in the Ohio Valley burial mounds.

     One of the Neanderthal skull traits that the giant race retained was the occipital bun. The occipital bun is a morphological term used to describe a prominent bulge, or projection, of the occipital bone at the back of the skull. The term is most often used in connection with scientific descriptions of classic Neanderthal crania. While common among many of mankind's ancestors, primarily robust relatives rather than gracile, the protrusion is relatively rare in modern Homo sapiens.

 Bronze Age skulls from a burial mound in England shows that the giant race still retained an occipital bun from their Neaderthal heritage.

Moundbuilders skull on the left is from Ohio. Skull on the right is from an Early Bronze Age burial mound in England.  Note the occipital bun.   In addition to the occipital bone, the brow ridge, nasal notch, facial prognathism, and chin are all identical.

Skull chart Showing the differences in Caucasian, Mongoloid and Negroid skulls.  You don't need to graduate Medical school to clearly see the Caucasoid has a long chin and a higher forehead.

Skulls diagrammed from burial mounds in Ohio with high foreheads and long chins.   This flattened back the head is identical to the Dinaric skulls that are found across Europe and within the mounds around Stonehenge.  The Dinaric were known to have been metal traders.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Combe-Capelle Type Cro-Magnon Skull Discovered in Wisconsin

Combe-Capelle Type Cro-Magnon Skull Discovered in Wisconsin

The Combe Capelle skull was discovered in France and is dated to about 7,500 B.C.: it has been labeled as Cro Magnon.  The same Archaic features can be found within the Maritime Archaic skulls from Northern Germany, Denmark to North America.  The Maritime Archaic migrated from the coastal regions to the Great Lakes.  Their skulls are easily recognized by the protruding brow ridge and sloping forehead. 

Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee

  Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee Fabric from a cave burial in Kentucky At an early date in the history of the country r...