Showing posts with label Wisconsin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wisconsin. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Thirteen foot Human Giant Uncovered in Wisconsin Sold for $10,000

Thirteen foot Human Giant Uncovered in Wisconsin Sold for $10,000

Public Ledger (Memphis, Tennessee) August 25, 1870
 A Remarkable Skeleton Unearthed
Janesville, August 25, - Several days ago, as some laborers were digging a foundation for a barn on the grounds of Mr. Stanely, in the town of Janesville, they unearthed a human skeleton of enormous size.  It was found in a sitting posture and is in a fair state of preservation. The skull measured thirty- two and a half inches in circumference, and the thigh bones forty-four and a half inches in length.  Dr, Townsand examined the remains shortly after they were exhumed and gave it as his opinion, that when living, the man must have been not less than thirteen feet in height. It was immediately sold for $10,000.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Burial Mound Near Racine, Wisconsin Contains Large Skeletons

Burial Mound Near Racine, Wisconsin Contains Giant Skeletons

Proceeding northward from Kenosha, along the west shore of Lake Michigan, the next evidence of ancient labor are found at Racine; showing that, notwithstanding the great difference between the moral, social, political, and other conditions of the red and white man, they usually fix upon the same points as favorite places of residence. The map will convey to the reader a correct idea of the interesting groups of works at this place. In the examination of them, and in the preparation of this map, I have been materially assisted by Dr. P. R. Hoy, of Racine. The works occupy the high ground bordering upon Root River, from one to two miles from the margin of the lake, and immediately back of the city limits. They consist mostly of circular burial-mounds, of no great size or height, with one circular enclosure, and several tapering ridges. There are also two semicircles opening on the edge of the bluff towards the river. The group of very numerous and remarkable mounds represented at the lower part was surveyed with some minuteness, with a view to detecting the order of arrangement upon which they were constructed. The result shows very clearly that no order or system was adopted. Each person buried was placed where chance might lead the relatives or friends to select the spot. No three mounds could be found on the same straight line; indeed, it seems as if it were the intention of the builders to avoid all appearance of regularity. Large mounds are interspersed with smaller ones, without regard to symmetry or succession.
Dr. Hoy has recently opened one of these mounds, and found in it the skeletons of seven persons, buried in a sitting posture, and facing the east. (See Fig. 2.) The bones were not accompanied by ornaments or articles of any kind that had resisted the destructive effects of time. The teeth of the adult skeletons were much worn, but sound and firm. It was observed that the muscles of the jaws must have been unusually large and strong. The bones of the skull, except in one instance (probably that of a female), were found to be remarkably thick and solid. These skeletons were much decayed, and could not be restored. The mound opened was seven feet high and fifty feet in diameter, being the largest of the group. A basin-shaped excavation had been made in the original soil, about eighteen inches deep, reaching to the gravelly subsoil, upon which the skeletons were placed side by side, all facing in the same direction. The legs, which had been laid horizontally, retained their original position; but the skulls and bones of the bodies were huddled together by the settling upon them of the earth in which they were placed. There were no indications of fire.
Another mound of smaller dimensions, opened under my inspection, contained a confused mass of bones, also very much decayed, and resting upon the gravel, which was here two feet below the original surface. Bones of at least three individuals were discovered. Their confused condition might be owing to the custom, still prevalent among the Indians, of placing the bodies of those who die or are killed away from home, in trees, where they remain until the softer parts are decayed and gone when the bones are collected and buried. No ornaments, or indeed remains of articles of any kind, could be found in this mound; nor was here any charcoal, burnt clay, or other indication of fire.
These mounds were made from the surface soil; and no traces of excavations, or places whence the materials were taken, could be detected. It is not probable that the earth was penetrated more than a few inches to obtain the quantity necessary  to form the mounds, some of which are quite small, not more than one or two feet in height above the original surface of the ground. They are of various dimensions, from five to fifty feet in diameter, and from one to seven feet in height. Many of them are now nearly leveled by the plow. They may still, however, be detected in the cultivated fields by a trifling elevation, or by a slight difference in the color of the soil, In one case, at least, the plow had turned up the bones from beneath.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

. The Mastodon Mound, Grant County, Wisconsin.

. The Mastodon Mound, Grant County, Wisconsin.


     By far the most important of the animal mounds, from the nature of the deductions it has given rise to, is the so-called "Elephant Mound," of WisconsinBy its discovery and description the interesting question was raised as to the contemporaneousness of the Mound-Builder and the mastodon, an interest which is likely to be further enhanced by the more recent bringing to light in Iowa of two pipes carved in the semblance of the same animal, as well as a tablet showing two figures asserted by some archæologists to have been intended for the same animal.
    Although both the mound and pipes have been referred in turn to the peccary, the tapir, and the armadillo, it is safe to exclude these animals from consideration. It is indeed perhaps more likely that the ancient inhabitants of the Upper Mississippi Valley were autoptically acquainted with the mastodon than with either of the above-named animals, owing to their southern habitat.
     Referring to the possibility that the mastodon was known to the Mound-Builders, it is impossible to fix with any degree of precision the time of its disappearance from among living animals. Mastodon bones have been exhumed from peat beds in this country at a depth which, so far as is proved by the rate of deposition, implies that the animal may have been alive within five hundred years. The extinction of the mastodon, geologically speaking, was certainly a very recent event, and, as an antiquity of upwards of a thousand or more years has been assigned to some of the mounds, it is entirely within the possibilities that this animal was living at the time these were thrown up, granting even that the time of their erection has been overestimated. It must be admitted, therefore, that there are no inherent absurdities in the belief that the Mound-Builders were acquainted with the mastodon. Granting that they may have been acquainted with the animal, the question arises, what proof is there that they actually were? The answer to this question made by certain archæologists is—the Elephant Mound, of Wisconsin.

Recalling the fact that among the animal mounds many nondescript shapes occur which cannot be identified at all, and as many others which have been called after the animals they appear to most nearly resembling, carry out their peculiarities only in the vaguest and general way, it is a little difficult to understand the confidence with which this effigy has been asserted to represent the mastodon; for the mound (a copy of which as figured in the Smithsonian Annual Report for 1872 is here given) can by no means be said to closely represent the shape, proportions, and peculiarities of the animal whose name it bears. In fact, it is true of this, as of so many other of the effigies, the identity of which must be guessed, that the resemblance is of the most vague and general kind, the figure simulating the elephant no more closely than any one of a score or more mounds in Wisconsin, except in one important particular, viz, the head has a prolongation or snout-like appendage, which is its chief, in fact its only real, elephantine character. If this appendage is too long for the snout of any other known animal, it is certainly too short for the trunk of a mastodon. Still, so far as this one character goes, it is doubtless true that it is more suggestive of the mastodon than of any other animal. No hint is afforded of tusks, ears, or tail, and were it not for the snout the animal effigy might readily be called a bear, it nearly resembling in its general make-up many of the so-called bear mounds figured by Squier and Davis from this same county in Wisconsin. The latter, too, are of the same gigantic size and proportions.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Combe-Capelle Type Cro-Magnon Skull Discovered in Wisconsin

Combe-Capelle Type Cro-Magnon Skull Discovered in Wisconsin

The Combe Capelle skull was discovered in France and is dated to about 7,500 B.C.: it has been labeled as Cro Magnon.  The same Archaic features can be found within the Maritime Archaic skulls from Northern Germany, Denmark to North America.  The Maritime Archaic migrated from the coastal regions to the Great Lakes.  Their skulls are easily recognized by the protruding brow ridge and sloping forehead. 

Friday, November 10, 2017

Strange Alien Looking Skull Unearthed at Milwaukee Effigy Mounds

Strange Alien Looking Skull Unearthed at Milwaukee Effigy Mounds

Pit burial discovered among the effigy mounds at Kletzch Park outside of Milwaukee.

This elongated skull was found in the copper mines at Isle Royal

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

My Close Encounter at a Wisconsin Burial Mound Site

My Close Encounter at a Wisconsin Burial Mound Site

This is the bright orange sphere of light that raced across the sky, stopped and the slowly disappeared.

     Past dark at a Wisconsin burial mound site in route back to the car a red light was witnessed in the eastern sky. I immediately got clear of the trees where` I witnessed an orange ball of light streaking across the sky towards us. The reddish orange light then abruptly stops overhead. If I was to guess, I would estimate it to be about 30,000 feet up and massive. It remained in this spot for about a minute and then slowly started to fade away, and then, poof, it was gone, leaving us all looking into the black starry sky. Everyone was strangely quiet for just long enough to where another one of these orange balls was seen streaking across the sky towards us following the same path as the last. Again, this orange ball abruptly stopped in the exact same place in the sky.  I was amazed and a bit terrified. Your first response is to rationalize it, but there was no explanation for what we just witnessed. 

    After 5 years, I finally researched YouTube to see if anyone else had seen anything like we witnessed. I couldn't believe that there were others that had seen the EXACT same thing. Not only the orange ball but how it stopped in the sky and then slowly disappeared. Skeptics first response is that we say Chinese lanterns, - No, I assure you they weren't.

      This account is also from Burlington, Wisconsin that was recorded one year after my encounter. This also was two spheres that shrank from the sky. Followed are several accounts described in YouTube of the same orange spheres.

Orange Sphere photographed over Kentucky

   A year later the exact same thing was witnessed.

Burlington, WI
Published on Nov 21, 2012
I recorded these over my house near Burlington WI. last night at 8:07PM. I hung up to call my dad and one slowly flickered and shrank in size until it disappeared and about 5 seconds later the second one did the same thing. I didn't record that part as I was talking to my dad (who also saw the objects along with my brother and his wife on the from a different location about a quarter mile away) on the phone that I used to record the video. My two kids saw them as well.
Not sure what to make of them.

Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee

  Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee Fabric from a cave burial in Kentucky At an early date in the history of the country r...