Tuesday, October 24, 2017

My Close Encounter at a Wisconsin Burial Mound Site

My Close Encounter at a Wisconsin Burial Mound Site

This is the bright orange sphere of light that raced across the sky, stopped and the slowly disappeared.

     Past dark at a Wisconsin burial mound site in route back to the car a red light was witnessed in the eastern sky. I immediately got clear of the trees where` I witnessed an orange ball of light streaking across the sky towards us. The reddish orange light then abruptly stops overhead. If I was to guess, I would estimate it to be about 30,000 feet up and massive. It remained in this spot for about a minute and then slowly started to fade away, and then, poof, it was gone, leaving us all looking into the black starry sky. Everyone was strangely quiet for just long enough to where another one of these orange balls was seen streaking across the sky towards us following the same path as the last. Again, this orange ball abruptly stopped in the exact same place in the sky.  I was amazed and a bit terrified. Your first response is to rationalize it, but there was no explanation for what we just witnessed. 

    After 5 years, I finally researched YouTube to see if anyone else had seen anything like we witnessed. I couldn't believe that there were others that had seen the EXACT same thing. Not only the orange ball but how it stopped in the sky and then slowly disappeared. Skeptics first response is that we say Chinese lanterns, - No, I assure you they weren't.

      This account is also from Burlington, Wisconsin that was recorded one year after my encounter. This also was two spheres that shrank from the sky. Followed are several accounts described in YouTube of the same orange spheres.

Orange Sphere photographed over Kentucky

   A year later the exact same thing was witnessed.

Burlington, WI
Published on Nov 21, 2012
I recorded these over my house near Burlington WI. last night at 8:07PM. I hung up to call my dad and one slowly flickered and shrank in size until it disappeared and about 5 seconds later the second one did the same thing. I didn't record that part as I was talking to my dad (who also saw the objects along with my brother and his wife on the from a different location about a quarter mile away) on the phone that I used to record the video. My two kids saw them as well.
Not sure what to make of them.

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