Showing posts with label Apelike. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Apelike. Show all posts

Monday, August 24, 2020

Neanderthal Hybrids with Apelike Skulls Uncovered in California

Neanderthal Hybrids with Apelike Skulls Uncovered in California

Boston Globe, June 25, 1922

Giant’s Graves in California

New Race of Men Dug Up, With Stone Implements Unlike Any Others

     Some of the skeletons are those of men measuring no less than 7 feet and perhaps more. Femur bones already sent to the University measure 21 inches in length.”“The skeletons represent a most astonishing race of people, who probably inhabited this country thousands of years ago,” said Mr. Steinberger. “Some of the skulls are large, with, high foreheads and well-rounded, while others are apelike, retreating from an inch above the frontal bone, with the top of the head flat and with but small space for brain activity.

Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee

  Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee Fabric from a cave burial in Kentucky At an early date in the history of the country r...