Showing posts with label Okie Pinokie woods. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Okie Pinokie woods. Show all posts

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Haunted Okie Pinokie Woods Near Peru, Indiana

Haunted Okie Pinokie Woods Near Peru, Indiana

Oki A Huron-specific class of invisible Power spirits, carriers of magickal energy. Oki are both spirits, and unusual objects such as the sky, shamans, madmen, amulets, etc. Oki will appear in animal form to certain individuals known as Arendiwane

    The paranormal activity at this site is due to the reported Indian burial grounds that was on these lands.  The site is located near the mouth of the Mississenewa River where it enters the Wabash River. Mouths of rivers were favorite places for ancient burial mounds and are likely the catalyst for the paranormal activity in the area. It is said that that thousand of spirits inhabited the woods in the background. Very near this site I photographed an ancient stoe burial mound. 

Horrendous things have been found and done in the lonely piece of woods.

8 decaying bodies have been found in the woods

A 7-year-old girl named Stephanie was raped and killed in these woods

In early spring 1976, Joey and three of his friends strolled into the woods to go camping and never came out. It was several days before anyone became concerned because they had planned on spending an extended weekend in the woods as they often did. Four days after they walked into the forest a search party discovered the partially decaying bodies of three young men. The men had been brutally murdered and could barely be identified. Joey Peoria was never found or seen again. After an extensive investigation, it was determined that an argument occurred between the campers and it was suspected that Joey had killed the three men.

Between 1980 and 1985 five men were found dead in the same scenic area as the first three. People stopped going into the woods as they were convinced that Joey was living in the woods and murdering campers.

Update: In 2018 a body was found in Okie Pinokie Woods that was an apparent homicide

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