Showing posts with label giant humans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label giant humans. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

8 Foot Giant Uncovered in Iowa: Sioux Indian Legend of Giants Cursed by the Great Spirit

8 Foot Giant Uncovered in Iowa: Sioux Indian Legend of Giants Cursed by the Great Spirit

History of Fremont County, Iowa - 1881

     In 1875 a huge human skeleton was unearthed at a brick-yard about one mile east of Hamburg at a depth of fourteen feet from the surface of the earth. The bones were for the most part in an advanced state of decay but the teeth were well preserved. The remains are believed to be those of a giant at least eight feet in height. The teeth were worn down almost to the jaw-bone, which fact indicated that the "mighty men of renown" must have lived in the days mentioned by the old Indians who formerly lived in the vicinity of Hamburg. "Long ago," said they, "our fathers used to ride across the Missouri river here on their ponies, for the water was very shallow. The eastern margin of the river then was at the foot of the high bluff (at Hamburg) and the river itself was very wide. But there were so many bad men among our fathers in those days and they engaged in so many wars that the Great Spirit cursed the waters of the river (the Missouri) and caused it to run in a narrower and deeper channel, so that the tribes, could not cross and fight and kill one another. After that our fathers lived till their feet were worn off with walking and their teeth worn down with eating." Many other bones of extinct giant animals and men have been found in the same locality where the skeleton before was described."

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Serpent Mound Described in Cattaraugus County, New York

Serpent Mound Described in Cattaraugus County, New York

The Daily Gazette, Fort Wayne, Indiana   May 1, 1885

The Mound Builders, Many Pieces of evidence of a First Race In and About Randolph.
     Near the station of the New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio railroad is a peculiar earth formation, which was designed by those who fashioned it thousands of years ago to represent a serpent, according to the conclusion of those who have read the customs of the mound-builders by the monuments they left. This particular formation is 425 feet long, and enthusiastic antiquaries who visit it are unanimous in the resemblance it presents to a snake basking in the sunshine.”
Giant human skeletons have been found in burial mounds around the Serpent

Monday, January 15, 2018

Ancient Giant's Corn Discovered in Arkansas

Ancient  Giant's Corn Discovered in Arkansas

The Star (Reynoldsville, Pa.) July 18, 1900
It is Dug Up In A Jar  - May Be a Thousand Years Old
    While excavating for a new building at Walnut Ridge, Arkansas, workman unearthed about 29 feet underground, in a drift of sand and gravel, a sealed stone cask when opened revealed a species of maize resembling in some respects the corn of present day, but a different grain in every particular from any grain at present time, and being reddish brown in color and somewhat larger in size.  The cask contained over a peck of the grain, which will be preserved and replanted.
     Near where the cask was found many evidences of a prehistoric race have been unearthed.  Several years ago stone jars and vases were revealed and bones of what was once a human being apparently gigantic in size were discovered.  Local scientists who have examined the grain declare there nothing produced like it in the world at the present time and they account for the preservation under the ground for probably 1,000 years or more due to its being closed in the airtight cask.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Native Americans Suppress Photos of a Giant Human Skeleton Removed from a West Virginia Burial Mound

Native Americans Suppress Photos of a Giant Human Skeleton Removed from a West Virginia Burial Mound

A large skeleton over 7 feet in height was removed from the Cresap mound, but new laws against displaying "Native American" remains, helps American Indians and academia to restrict the true origins of the Adena from being proven.
Current laws would warrant that even if you have a photo of a giant human skeleton, it is illegal to publish it! 

Mounds For the Dead, Dragoo, 1963

Description of a large skeleton at the Cresap Mound
    " Measurements taken of the skeleton while still i the grave indicated an individual approximately 7.2 inches tall....In all respects the Cresap Mound skeletal material conforms to the physical type of the Kentucky and Ohio Adena....

The Adena People, by Webb and Snow 1974

It was a 19-foot high conical mound with a 70-foot diameter. The remainder of this unusual skeleton was completely preserved and lying on its back with its legs bowed as if it was riding a horse. This particular skeleton, labeled B.54 in Pit F.28 in the above drawing made by Dragoo, was large. Dragoo reported, “This individual was of large proportions. When measured in the tomb his length was approximately 7.04 feet. All of the long bones were heavy and possessed marked eminences for the attachment of muscles.” Dragoo published a photo of the actual skeleton, however,  i t is now illegal to republish photos of skeletons known to have links to Native Americans, even though no links to the Adena and any known Indian population has been proven. 

Excerpt from Webb and Snow Adena describing the large skeletons found in the Oho Valley.

Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee

  Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee Fabric from a cave burial in Kentucky At an early date in the history of the country r...