Showing posts with label Serpent mound. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Serpent mound. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Serpent Mound Described in Cattaraugus County, New York

Serpent Mound Described in Cattaraugus County, New York

The Daily Gazette, Fort Wayne, Indiana   May 1, 1885

The Mound Builders, Many Pieces of evidence of a First Race In and About Randolph.
     Near the station of the New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio railroad is a peculiar earth formation, which was designed by those who fashioned it thousands of years ago to represent a serpent, according to the conclusion of those who have read the customs of the mound-builders by the monuments they left. This particular formation is 425 feet long, and enthusiastic antiquaries who visit it are unanimous in the resemblance it presents to a snake basking in the sunshine.”
Giant human skeletons have been found in burial mounds around the Serpent

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Adams County Ohio's Burial Mound and Henge Site. Near the Serpent Mound

Adams County Ohio's Mound and Henge Site

Three earthworks, including one henge was constructed by the Adena mound builders south of the famous Serpent Mound.  After years of being plowed, there are no remnants of the earthworks, but the one burial mound is still visible.

The large burial mound is still visible north of the city of Winchester, Ohio

Friday, February 16, 2018

Ohio Historical Connection (Society) Event at Mound City Contradicts Thier Own Politically Correctness

Ohio Historical Connection (Society) Event at Mound City Contradicts Thier Own Politically Correctness

This last year the Winter Solstice lighting of the Serpent Mound was canceled because of some apparent Political Incorrectness of the event. Shawnee representatives complained even though they have no association with the Serpent Mound since the OHS dating of the earthwork has been debunked. There is evidence of Dakota Sioux in the Ohio Valley when the Serpent was constructed.

Sometime in October 2018, there is a pumpkin carving at Mound City followed by them being placed throughout the park.  At 7:00, according to the NPS " illuminating the ancient monuments of the Hopewell!"   Illuminating????

 In an article  Burt Logan CEO of OHC stated, 

"Friends Group Upset About Canceled Winter Solstice Event At Serpent Mound    DEC 6, 2017

   We have a responsibility to tell a story that's accurate, particularly that's representative of American Indian heritage, "We believe that once we understand what is the right thing to do, to continue doing something else is not being a very respectful steward. It's not being authentic. We want to tell the story of Serpent Mound that is most authentic to the American Indian heritage of the site."

  It is apparent that snowflakes at the OHC and the OHS need to meet and decide what is Politically Correct and what is not and then maybe recede to their "safe places."

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Osage, Omaha, Mandan, Kansa and Akansea, and Ponca, Co that they Formerly Dwelt in the Ohio Valley.

Osage, Omaha, Mandan, Kansa and Akansea, and Ponca, Concur that they Formerly Dwelt in the Ohio Valley.

"The Popular Science Monthly,” “The Sioux and Iroquois Legends, Prehistoric Aborigines of Minnesota and Their Migrations.” N.H. Winchell, 1908

“The Osage and perhaps the Omaha, who belong to the Dakota stock, and who have a tradition which is confirmed by other traditions, that they once lived east of the Mississippi in that very region, [southern Ohio].
With this understanding it is, I repeat, a remarkable fact that, aside from the Muskogee earthworks of the gulf coast, which have distinctive characters, only the Dakotan and Iroquois stocks can be shown either by history or tradition to have been characteristic mound builders.
This legend is found amongst several of the Dakota tribes, and even amongst the later Algonquin who returned westward to the Mississippi Valley. The Osage, Omaha, Mandan, Kansa and Akansea, and Ponca. These tribes concur in saying that they formerly dwelt in the Ohio and Wabash valleys and that they moved down the Ohio Valley, where they were separated into two divisions at the mouth of the Ohio River, some of them going down the Mississippi and some of them up the same river.
It is due to the research of the Late J. V. Brower that the Dakota tribes of Minnesota have proved to belong to the so-called mound-builder dynasty.

There is also a remarkable series of effigy mounds in central and southern Wisconsin, which extended across the Mississippi into Minnesota and Iowa. As to the prevalence of serpent worship, we have shown that there were serpent effigies in Ohio, Illinois, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Dakota, and that all these were situated along the line of migration, which according to tradition of the Dakotas, was followed by their ancestors on reaching their later seats on the Mississippi and Upper Missouri Rivers.” We may conclude from this that the Winnebago were not only effigy builders, but they were serpent worshipers, and that these various serpents were their work.”

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Chicago's Winnebago Hopewell Serpent and Lizard Mounds

Chicago's Winnebago Hopewell Serpent and Lizard Mounds

The map shows the locations of both a Serpent Mound that was swallowing an egg and a Lizard Mound In Chicago, Illinois. The effigy at Oakdale and Sheffield was described as both a Serpent and a Lizard.  The effigy at Thatcher Woods should be still visible.

 A possible Hopewellian earthwork in what is now downtown Chicago, the serpent mound [called lizard mound by Albert F. Scharf], was formerly a prominent feature in the landscape, but is now covered by the Belmont elevated station near the intersection of Sheffield and Oakdale avenues; another possible work was the Chicago Pyramid Mound at Cheltenham

Saturday, December 2, 2017

The Sacred Number 3 and the Mound Builders in Ohio and the British Isles

The Sacred Number 3 and the Mound Builders

The Ohio Serpent faces the confluence of  3 creeks, it has 3 bends in the body and the tail coils 3 times. Upstream on Brush Creek is Fort Hill that is also a serpentine shaped work that has 33 gateways. 

The most common cluster of Adena (Beaker People) mounds is in groups of three, many times in the form of a triangle. 

    The mound itself is built as all other serpent mounds are, no matter in what country. The head of the serpent, containing the altar, is on a high bluff overlooking Brush Creek. The first rays of the Sun God fell first upon this altar, and from it, far below, the priests of the ancient faith could see the ♦three forks of the river. This trinity, whether it be three rivers or three mountains, is always to be seen from an altar of the serpent worshippers and is always unmistakable. The altar is invariably placed in the one spot from which the Trinity may be seen. It is always placed where the first rays of the rising sun may fall upon it. From the neighboring lands, the awe-struck worshippers of old might see the priests 

perform their fearsome rites and watch the victim of the stone knives gasp out his last breath as the first tongue of flame licked at his still quivering flesh. Just what these rites were will never be known, in all probability. But that fire and knife played a part in them can hardly be doubted 
from the mute witnesses found by modern searchers.

Located north of the Serpent mound is Fort Hill in Highland County, Ohio.  There are 33 gateways
in the stone walls. The northern entrance represents two serpent heads.

The stone walls of Fort Hill undulate like a giant serpent between the 33 gateways. T
here is little doubt that the Serpent Mound and Fort Hill were contsructed to be numerically harmonic.

The Serpent Mound in Oban, Scotland, also constructed by the Beaker People, 
also has 3 bends of the body, 2 bends of the tail and faces 3 mountain peaks. 
The head of the serpent also had a  stone alter. 

Mysteries of the Serpent Mound

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Babylonian Queen Semiramis and Ohio's Serpent Mound

Babylonian Queen Semiramis and Ohio's Serpent Mound

   This is a story of a little-known character in the Bible who had an influence on the religious canons of the mound building culture of the Ohio Valley as well as our own. Her ways were the Ohio mound-builders ways, and are now our are ways. Her name was Semiramis, mother and eventual wife of Nimrod, ruler of Babylon. It was not her armies that conquered forthcoming cultures, but the assimilation of the ancient Babylonian belief system.
   The religion, originated by Cush and Nimrod, was the beginning of pagan polytheism in the post-flood age: the worship of many gods. The serpent, sun, and fire became their symbols for the pagan gods. The serpent, sun, and fire are the three most common elements visible in the Ohio Valley burial mounds and earthworks.
   The story of Semiramis begins In year 3,000 B.C., she was a woman who would not only be the Queen of Babylon but the Queen of the Heavens. Throughout history, she would be known by other names, Ishtar, Easter, Ashtoreth, and Astarte. Semiramis was the wife of Cush and mother or Nimrod; most famous for the construction of the tower of Babylon. After Cush loses power, Semiramis refused to let go of her power and did the unthinkable, she married her son, Nimrod.
   The marriage was short-lived when one of the sons of Noah, Shem with 72 co-conspirators murdered Nimrod, cut him into little pieces and distributed his parts across the lands. Semiramis hold on the throne was in jeopardy and so she acted implementing a two-part strategy. First, she made popular the cult of Astrology based on the 12 houses of the Zodiac. Each house containing 3 gods with 36 gods in total.

The Babylonians worshiped the sun, moon, planets and the stars. The Zodiac they created is the same as used today along with our modern calendar and geometry. the Babylonians using the sexagesimal (base-60) number system from which comes 60 minutes in an hour, 60 seconds in a minute, 360 (60×6) degrees in a circle and 60 degrees in each angle of an equilateral triangle etc.
    This brings us to the famous effigy mound in Ohio that has all the elements of the serpent, sun, and fire along with both solar and lunar alignments.

    The egg within the mound may have been a place of sacrifice to the child Tammuz. Found in burial mounds around the Serpent Mound were headless skeletons that may have been the victims of human sacrifice. There were also fire scorched stones within the egg along with the stone monolith that highly suggests that it was used as an altar.

Stone altar found within the “egg” of the Serpent Mound.

Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee

  Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee Fabric from a cave burial in Kentucky At an early date in the history of the country r...