Showing posts with label Semaramis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Semaramis. Show all posts

Monday, November 20, 2017

The Immaculate Conception and the Birth of Tammuz on December 25

The Immaculate Conception and the Birth of Tammuz on December 25

  Semiramis plan was to reincarnate Nimrod inside of her womb, impregnated by Nimrod's Holy Spirit. Nine months later the miracle child Tammuz is born on December 25. This is the day when the days begin to lengthen again. Semiramis associated this special birth to the Sun God, Nimrod and the birth of the sun father. The day was symbolically celebrated with an evergreen tree that was seen as a symbol of life amid the dead of winter. 

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Babylonian Queen Semiramis and Ohio's Serpent Mound

Babylonian Queen Semiramis and Ohio's Serpent Mound

   This is a story of a little-known character in the Bible who had an influence on the religious canons of the mound building culture of the Ohio Valley as well as our own. Her ways were the Ohio mound-builders ways, and are now our are ways. Her name was Semiramis, mother and eventual wife of Nimrod, ruler of Babylon. It was not her armies that conquered forthcoming cultures, but the assimilation of the ancient Babylonian belief system.
   The religion, originated by Cush and Nimrod, was the beginning of pagan polytheism in the post-flood age: the worship of many gods. The serpent, sun, and fire became their symbols for the pagan gods. The serpent, sun, and fire are the three most common elements visible in the Ohio Valley burial mounds and earthworks.
   The story of Semiramis begins In year 3,000 B.C., she was a woman who would not only be the Queen of Babylon but the Queen of the Heavens. Throughout history, she would be known by other names, Ishtar, Easter, Ashtoreth, and Astarte. Semiramis was the wife of Cush and mother or Nimrod; most famous for the construction of the tower of Babylon. After Cush loses power, Semiramis refused to let go of her power and did the unthinkable, she married her son, Nimrod.
   The marriage was short-lived when one of the sons of Noah, Shem with 72 co-conspirators murdered Nimrod, cut him into little pieces and distributed his parts across the lands. Semiramis hold on the throne was in jeopardy and so she acted implementing a two-part strategy. First, she made popular the cult of Astrology based on the 12 houses of the Zodiac. Each house containing 3 gods with 36 gods in total.

The Babylonians worshiped the sun, moon, planets and the stars. The Zodiac they created is the same as used today along with our modern calendar and geometry. the Babylonians using the sexagesimal (base-60) number system from which comes 60 minutes in an hour, 60 seconds in a minute, 360 (60×6) degrees in a circle and 60 degrees in each angle of an equilateral triangle etc.
    This brings us to the famous effigy mound in Ohio that has all the elements of the serpent, sun, and fire along with both solar and lunar alignments.

    The egg within the mound may have been a place of sacrifice to the child Tammuz. Found in burial mounds around the Serpent Mound were headless skeletons that may have been the victims of human sacrifice. There were also fire scorched stones within the egg along with the stone monolith that highly suggests that it was used as an altar.

Stone altar found within the “egg” of the Serpent Mound.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Is the Statue of Liberty the Canaanite's (Amorite's) Ashteroth?

Is the Statue of Liberty the Canaanite's Ashteroth?

This is a papal medal that was made in 1824 showing Ishtar (Ashteroth). Ashteroth is Hebrew meaning "tower woman."

    The Statue of Liberty was made by the artist Auguste Berholdi who belonged to the Masonic Lodge in Paris. The pedestal was built be another Freemason, Richard Hunt. When completed in 1886, American clergy was horrified that this giant pagan goddess was placed in New York harbor. The Masons kept a low profile on this project that was completed just two years after another of their pagan monuments was dedicated to George Washington, just two years earlier. The Washington Monument was constructed to be 555 feet or 6660 inches. This was in line with the Babylonian numerology codex of Gematria that dictated that 666 was symbolic of the sun god Baal. 1080 was the number for Semiramis. The importance of 555.5 is that it is multiplied by pi it totals 1746 that is the sum total of 666 + 1080. 1746 or 555 were meant to represent the Sacred Marriage of the Sun and Moon or Nimrod and Semiramis.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Babylonian Origins of Easter

Babylonian Origins of Easter

    Semiramis endeavored to be assimilated into all forthcoming religions and thus live on in the hearts of men. It is the origins of the Biblical quote: Judges 2:3 "They shall be as thorns in your sides, and their gods shall be a snare unto you." With this in mind, let's take a look at the Christian festival of Easter and discover the ancient symbolism and true meaning of all of the seemingly harmless rituals.
    Semiramis is known by many names and has been adopted by many cultures, just as she wished. In Egypt she was known as Isis, In Israel, she was Ashtoreth the sister city to Edrei and home of the infamous giant Rephaim King, Og. In Babylon, she was also called Ishtar, pronounced "Easter."
   Semiramis was married to the great-grandson of Noah, Cush. After his death, she marries her son, Nimrod. Semiramis told the people that after Nimrod's death, he had ascended into heaven and was now to be called "Baal," the sun god. His presence would felt when a votive candle or flame was lit in his name. Thus begins the Mystery Religion of Semiramis with icons that would continue in part by the later Christians even today. As the story of Semiramis continues, I will show how it is manifested in today's Easter Holiday.

    As Semiramis assumed a goddess status, she claimed that she descended from the moon in the form of an egg that splashed into the Euphrates River.

Semiramis Egg

   This egg was to be known as Easter's (Ishtar's) egg and was to be celebrated on the first full moon after the Spring Equinox. Christians celebrated Easter on the first Sunday following the first full moon after the Equinox.

   Ishtar feared being dethroned and so she claimed that she was immaculately impregnated by the sun-rays of Baal. She gave birth to a son, called Tammuz. Tammuz was very fond of rabbits and so they became a sacred animal

   Bad luck befell Tammuz as he was killed by a wild pig. Semiramis proclaimed that a forty day period of mourning would be observed every year on the anniversary of his death; during this time, no meat was to be eaten. Of course, this is now known as Lent.

After the 40 days of not eating meat, Semiramis dictated that the followers of her Mystery Religion eat Ham in honor of the death of her son Tammuz on Easter Sun-day.

   Ishtar proclaimed that because Tammuz was killed by a pig, that after the forty days of mourning, that one should be slaughtered and consumed in reference to Tammuz.

   The first day of the week would now be called Sun-day in honor of Tammuz. The first Sun-day, following the first full moon of the Equinox, would now be known as Ishtar (Easter) day. The day was to be celebrated with symbols of rabbits and eggs.

   Ishtar asked her followers to make the sign of the "T" on their hearts as they worshiped and prayed to Baal and Tammuz.

   Semiramis smiles every Easter as Christians unknowingly worship her, Baal and their son, Tammuz. 

Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee

  Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee Fabric from a cave burial in Kentucky At an early date in the history of the country r...