Showing posts with label Baal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Baal. Show all posts

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Babylonian Origins of Easter

Babylonian Origins of Easter

    Semiramis endeavored to be assimilated into all forthcoming religions and thus live on in the hearts of men. It is the origins of the Biblical quote: Judges 2:3 "They shall be as thorns in your sides, and their gods shall be a snare unto you." With this in mind, let's take a look at the Christian festival of Easter and discover the ancient symbolism and true meaning of all of the seemingly harmless rituals.
    Semiramis is known by many names and has been adopted by many cultures, just as she wished. In Egypt she was known as Isis, In Israel, she was Ashtoreth the sister city to Edrei and home of the infamous giant Rephaim King, Og. In Babylon, she was also called Ishtar, pronounced "Easter."
   Semiramis was married to the great-grandson of Noah, Cush. After his death, she marries her son, Nimrod. Semiramis told the people that after Nimrod's death, he had ascended into heaven and was now to be called "Baal," the sun god. His presence would felt when a votive candle or flame was lit in his name. Thus begins the Mystery Religion of Semiramis with icons that would continue in part by the later Christians even today. As the story of Semiramis continues, I will show how it is manifested in today's Easter Holiday.

    As Semiramis assumed a goddess status, she claimed that she descended from the moon in the form of an egg that splashed into the Euphrates River.

Semiramis Egg

   This egg was to be known as Easter's (Ishtar's) egg and was to be celebrated on the first full moon after the Spring Equinox. Christians celebrated Easter on the first Sunday following the first full moon after the Equinox.

   Ishtar feared being dethroned and so she claimed that she was immaculately impregnated by the sun-rays of Baal. She gave birth to a son, called Tammuz. Tammuz was very fond of rabbits and so they became a sacred animal

   Bad luck befell Tammuz as he was killed by a wild pig. Semiramis proclaimed that a forty day period of mourning would be observed every year on the anniversary of his death; during this time, no meat was to be eaten. Of course, this is now known as Lent.

After the 40 days of not eating meat, Semiramis dictated that the followers of her Mystery Religion eat Ham in honor of the death of her son Tammuz on Easter Sun-day.

   Ishtar proclaimed that because Tammuz was killed by a pig, that after the forty days of mourning, that one should be slaughtered and consumed in reference to Tammuz.

   The first day of the week would now be called Sun-day in honor of Tammuz. The first Sun-day, following the first full moon of the Equinox, would now be known as Ishtar (Easter) day. The day was to be celebrated with symbols of rabbits and eggs.

   Ishtar asked her followers to make the sign of the "T" on their hearts as they worshiped and prayed to Baal and Tammuz.

   Semiramis smiles every Easter as Christians unknowingly worship her, Baal and their son, Tammuz. 

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