Showing posts with label Ross County. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ross County. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Megalithic Stone Circle Described in Ross County, Ohio


Megalithic Stone Circle Described in Ross County, Ohio

Centennial History of the County of Ross County, Ohio - 1902
To the south of this, about two hundred yards is a stone circle one hundred feet in diameter and five or six feet high. In the center of this is a large stone mound some ten feet high.
This work was located in Huntington township, on the east side of Black Run, 200 yards south of the old Minney farm.

Henges eventually replaced the stone circle as solar and celestial observatories. Before transitioning to the henge they were combined.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Eight Foot Nephilim Tomb Photographed in Ross County, Ohio

Eight Foot Nephilim Tomb Photographed in Ross County, Ohio

This is a photograph of the burial mound near Londonderry, Ohio in Ross  To get directions to this mound and 32 other of the largest burial mounds in Ohio get "The Nephilim Chronicles: A Travel Guide to the Ancient Ruins in the Ohio Valley.  Here's a sneak peek of the 32 mounds

It was reported in The Washington Post

Although much reduced in size the burial mound at Londerry, is still visible in this field.  Note how the contour of the hill in the background matches the original, earlier photo.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Rare Glimpse into the Ohio Mound Builders World of Color

Rare Glimpse into the Ohio Mound Builders World of Color

"With three skeletons in the central Seip Mound, Ross County, Ohio, there were found preserved by the chemical action of large copper breastplates, corresponding portions of the burial robes bearing designs in color.  The photograph above was taken in situ.  The background of the fabric is maroon in color, with tan designs, outlined in black.  The designs are not woven into the cloth but are affected by staining or dying with mineral colors, possibly by the use of stamps or dies." Shetrone's, "The Mound Builders 1931." 

Monday, December 18, 2017

Ancient Fish Wells Carved in the Rock in Paint Creek, Ross County, Ohio

Ancient Fish Wells Carved in the Rock in Paint Creek, Ross County, Ohio

I am not convinced that these wells carved deep into the rock of Paint Creek were functional.  Their proximity to the ceremonial earthworks makes me lean more to them being sacred wells that may have been presided over by a priestess.

Illustrated History of Missouri

   Many years ago, in the bed of Paint Creek, in Ross County, Ohio, several deep cavities or wells were discovered, which gave rise to much speculation as to their origin and purpose. I believe they have since been found in many other localities. Mr. Pidgeon states that he discovered four similar ones in the bed of a small tributary of the St. Peters river, varying in depth from eight to twelve feet, from five to six feet in diameter at the bottom and from three to five feet at the top. These excavations were made in the soft slate rock which formed the bed of the stream. To the level top, or rim of the well, a thin flat rock was fitted, with a round or square hole in the center, about twelve inches in diameter. This opening could be closed at will, by a stone stopper perforated with small holes. A short distance below the wells he found one of these stoppers which fitted neatly the larger capstone of one of the wells. At the time of their discovery, the depth of the stream which flowed over them was ten inches. Mocking-Bird informed him that these were fish traps and that many such could be found in other streams, were they not so filled with mud and stones as to escape observation;  and also that they were constructed and used anciently for the purpose of securing a supply of fish for the winter. Large quantities of bait being deposited in them in the fall, the fish would gather there in great numbers, when the stopper would be placed over the mouth, which prevented their escape, and then they could be taken out with a small net as desired. While it is no doubt true that the mound-builders were an agricultural people, it is quite reasonable to suppose, from the fact that their most extensive works are found upon the shores of lakes and banks of rivers, that fish formed no inconsiderable item of their bill of fare.

Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee

  Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee Fabric from a cave burial in Kentucky At an early date in the history of the country r...