Showing posts with label west virginia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label west virginia. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Celtic Peoples Stone Circle is Uncovered at Point Peninsula, West Virginia

Celtic Stone Circle is Uncovered at Point Pleasant, West Virginia

Another piece of evidence that links the Ohio Valley mound builders with the earlier Megalithic Celtic culture of England. Not far from this site in Athens County, Ohio a giant skeleton was found within a megalithic chamber. : Skeletons in Megalithic Arched Giant's Stone Tomb in Athens County, Ohio

Bureau of Ethnology, 12th Annual Report

West Virginia
     Below the mouth of the Kanawha the caving in of the bank of the Ohio had exposed a wall of stone, on some of the slabs of which were rude totemic and other marks made be some pecking tool. Careful excavations revealed a circular enclosure about 100 feet diameter, Inside measurements. The wall was composed of angular slabs of various sizes from the hills nearby and averaged 25 feet across the base by 3 1/2 in height. Many of the stones bore evidences of fire, the spaces between them (they were laid flat with joints broken) being Filled with charcoal, ashes, and earth, separate or mixed. No gateway was found, though no doubt one exist at some point not excavated. The sediment from the overflows has accumulated to the depth of about 5 feet since the wall was built, and its existence was never suspected until exposed as above stated by the falling in of the bank. This may not be aboriginal work.

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Biblical Amorite Giants Numerical Codex of Gematria Found Within West Virginia's Ancient Earthworks

Biblical Amorite Giants Numerical Codex of Gematria Found Within West Virginia's Ancient Earthworks

    The two basic numbers with the Gematria numerical codex are 666 that represent the Sun Father and 1080 that is symbolic of the Earth Mother. 

Two solar temples, called henges located in Charleston, West Virginia had a circumference of 666 feet, following the Gematria codex

A wider view of the two Gematria henges, measuring 666 feet shows that they were aligned to the Winter Solstice sunrise and the Summer Solstice sunset.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Hieroglyphs Found at Point Pleasant, West Virginia: Was This an Ancient Warning of the Mothman?

Hieroglyphs Found at Point Pleasant, West Virginia:  Was This an Ancient Warning of the Mothman?

Ancient Hieroglyphs Reported on a Rock Face at Point Peninsula, West Virginia. More on the Mothman and possible ties to the Demon Pazuzu here

Greensburg, Indiana Standard Wednesday, May 5, 1875      Near the town of Point Pleasant is a large ledge of rock facing the Ohio River, which a few years ago was covered with hieroglyphics, whether of Indian origin or the work of an earlier race is unknown. More on Pazuzu as there Mothman here

Monday, July 16, 2018

Map of the Mounds and Earthworks in Moundsville, West Virginia

Map of the Mounds and Earthworks in Moundsville, West Virginia

Map of the Grave Creek site in Moundsville, West Virginia.  Note the perfect geometry that creates a triangle from the  large mound to the two "lookouts."

1910 photograph of the Adena burial mound at Moundsville, West Virginia, (Grave Creek) The burial mound is the largest in the Ohio River Valley

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Mothman is the Babylonian Demon Pazuzu

Mothman is the Babylonian Demon Pazuzu

Statue of the Mothman at Point Pleasant West Virginia. Is this really Pazuzu, king of the Mesopotamia's demons? More on the Demon Pazuzu and the Mothman here

    With evidence that there were migrations from ancient Babylonian Amorites to the Ohio Valley, is it possible that who we call Mothman is a reincarnation of the Sumerian demon called Pazuzu? Pazuzu is the winged, dog-faced creature they find at the beginning of the movie, the Exorcist.    More on the connection between the Mothman and the demon Pazuzu here

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Moses and the Strange Horned Race Found in a Preston County, West Virginia Burial Mound

Moses and the Strange Horned Race Found in a Preston County, West Virginia Burial Mound

The actual translation of the Biblical Verse is: "And when Moses came down from the Mount Sinai, he held the two tablets of the testimony, and he knew not that his face was horned from the conversation of the Lord."

History of Preston County, West Virginia  1882

  Sandy Creek Mound is the third and last in the county and is situated on the old McGillfarm, three miles east of Yellowsville, on a ridge between the forks of Little Sandy.  It was 15 feet high and 25 feet across at the base, being circular in form and was used as an internment mound.
   From the mound, the writer obtained a strange skull out of the top layer of bones. Digging down, we came upon several skulls in the bottom layer, but could not get them out, as they crumbled to pieces in our hands; finally the top of one was secured, and where the sutures meet on the top of the Caucasian head, they were prevented in this head by a small bone of about one inch in length by one half inch in width, of a peculiar shape.  All of the other skulls possessed this same peculiar bone.  The top of the skull secured and the others that crumbled showed the heads of a race to have been long and narrow, with low foreheads and long narrow faces.

Friday, November 24, 2017

Earliest Known Photograph of the Grave Creek Adena Burial Mound

Earliest Known Photograph of the Grave Creek Adena Burial Mound

Earliest known photograph of the Grave Creek Mound taken in 1857. This may also be the only photo that shows the earthwork that once surrounded the mound.

     The Grave Creek burial mound located in Moundsville, West Virginia is the largest and most famous in the Ohio Valley. The mound measures 69 feet in height with a diameter of almost 300 feet; it was surrounded by a moat 40 feet in width and five feet in depth with a single causeway that led to the mound. Engineers estimate that it required its builders to move more than 60,000 tons of earth; that's 24,000,000 million baskets of earth at 5 lbs per basket. This begs the question of who warranted such an effort?
    In 1838, an archaeological excavation of the Grave Creek Mound, led by Jesse and Abelard Tomlinson, uncovered the ruins of two large vaults, one situated directly below the other. The vaults contained several human skeletons and a considerable amount of jewelry and other artifacts. According to Henry Rowe Schoolcraft, who visited the site in 1843, the Grave Creek Stone was discovered in the upper vault, along with seventeen hundred beads, five hundred sea shells, five copper bracelets, and one hundred and fifty plates of mica. The Grave Creek Tablet was “a small flat stone, of an ovate shape, containing an inscription of unknown characters More detailed descriptions of the skeletons was featured in the Charleston Daily Mail, October 22, 1922 Archaeologists investigating the mound some years ago dug out a skeleton said to be that of a female because of the formation of the bones. The skeleton was seven feet four inches tall and the jawbone would easily fit over the face of a man weighing 160 pounds. There was also taken from the mound the skeleton of a man eight feet tall. There were no ornaments beside it. These skeletons were sent to the Smithsonian Institution in Washington.”

Grave Creek mound with visible scars from early excavations. Originally, the lower tomb containing the 8-foot giant was able to be viewed for a few cents, but a cave-in ended the attraction.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Mound Builder's "Watchers" in Indiana, Ohio and West Virginia

Mound Builder's  Spirit Facades in Indiana, Ohio and West Virginia

Natural sculpturing has created these stone facial profiles. They were considered "spirit stones" to the mound builders. In Wabash County, Indiana, stone works of the Iroquois Hopewell were more prolific than anywhere else in Indiana or Ohio. This site is known as "Hanging Rock" to the locals.

Another stone profile is found near Bainbridge, Ohio off of Paint Creek.  Paint Creek, located west of Chillicothe Ohio has more prehistoric ceremonial earthworks than anywhere else in the Ohio.  These earthworks were constructed by the Sioux Hopewell.

Called "The Old man of the Canyon" on Boone County, West Virginia

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Ancient City Streets Reported by Early Settlers in Cabbell County, W.V., Along the Ohio River

  Ancient City Streets Reported by Early Settlers in Cabbell County, W.V. Along the Ohio River

Cabell County, West Virginia Annals and Families, 1935   
   When the first white settlers came the land was covered by forests, but at Greenbottom they found well defined evidence of streets laid out at regular intervals and intersected at right angles with other streets.

Saturday, July 29, 2017

"Wheeling" Translates to "The Place of Skulls" in Algonquin Language

"Wheeling" Translates to "The Place of Skulls" in Algonquin Language

Wheeling West Virginia has always been noted as a "most haunted"  city that may have its origins in ancient times.

Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee

  Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee Fabric from a cave burial in Kentucky At an early date in the history of the country r...