Showing posts with label Pazuzu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pazuzu. Show all posts

Friday, June 1, 2018

Is the Mothman the Demon Pazuzu?

Is the Mothman the Demon Pazuzu?

                            Statue of the Mothman at Point Pleasant West Virginia    
There are Native American Legends about a winged creature with a dog face, red eyes and the body of a serpent that haunted the Ohio Valley.  This is very similar to modern sightings and description of the Mothman.  The Native Americans called this creature "Piasu."  Oddly, "Piasu" is not recognized as a name or word that matches any known American Indian language.     It is also of interest that Native Americans never lived in the region around Point Pleasant, West Virginia because they believed the area was haunted by "strange creatures." Hieroglyphs of an unknown ancient origin were also found at Point Peninsula.  Was this a warning about Pazuzu?
This winged creature that was described as having red eyes was called the Piasu by the Native Americans who feared this creature that haunted the Ohio Valley.  Is this the Mothman?   There is another strange similarity to another demon that is best noted for from the Movie the Exorcist called Pazuzu. This creature looked much like what has been described as the Mothman and the Native American's Piasu. The names of the two are so similar it is hard to dismiss the possibility that they are one in the same.
Pazuzu is a Sumerian deity is very similar in appearance to the noted Mothman.  Could this be the demon that haunts the Ohio River? Pazuzu also had glowing red eyes and could fly at great speeds.    Point Pleasant is located at the mouth of the Kanawha River that is of importance because of the many burial mounds and earthworks found the extent of the river with the Capital of the Adena (Allegewi) mound builders located in Charleston, West Virginia.
Map showing the Kanawha River with the location of Charleston West Virginia at the end where the river is highlighted in dark blue.  Kanawha can be translated as "awha" being "river" and possibly "Kana" being a reference to Cain.  This may seem like a historical stretch until you look at the mounds and earthworks in Charlestown, West Virginia that contained the remains of the Nephilim Giants.
One of two earthworks in Charleston, West Virginia that were 666 feet in circumference.  Is this the mark of Cain? Is this the origin of the name of the Kanawha River?  666 is from the Babylonian numerical code called Gematria.  This dictated that the number 666 represented the Sun Father and 1080 was symbolic of the Earth Mother.  These two numbers or their derivatives are found in nearly all of the earthworks in the Ohio Valley, Giant skeletons are found more numerous in these parts of the Ohio River than anywhere else in the Ohio Valley. The Algonquin Indians called the mound builders of the Ohio Valley, the Allegewi  "Al"= high place "eg" = Og the accounted giant in the Bible and "ewi" people or interpreted a,s the "high place of the people Og. Og was the accounted giant in the Bible and chief of the Amorites.  The Amorite people were known for their great size. Upriver from the Point : Pleasant was the Allegewi capital at present-day Charleston WV.  There is no greater concentration of mounds and earthworks in the Ohio Valley.
This is a partial map of the many mounds and earthworks in the Charleston, West Virginia area along the Kanawha River.
The following accounts of large skeletons were reported by the Bureau of Ethnology of the Smithsonian. It is clear that these scientists were under pressure not to report any skeletal remains that exceeded 7 feet in height.

Bureau of Ethnology 12th Annual Report, 1894
Kanawha County
Mound 19, the one farthest to the east, is 60 feet in diameter and 5 feet high. It was found to contain a rude vault of angular stones; some of them as much as two men could lift. This had been built on the natural surface and was 8 feet long, 4 wide, and 3 high, but contained only the decaying fragments of a large skeleton and a few fragments of pottery.
Bureau of Ethnology 12th Annual Report, 1891
Kanawha County
Mound 31 measured 318 feet in circumference, 25 feet high, and 40 feet across its flat top. (See Fig. 302) A 10-foot circular shaft was sunk from the top and trenches run in from the side. The top layer consisted of 2 feet of soil, immediately below, which was 1 foot of mixed clay and ashes. Below this, to the bottom, the mound was composed of earth apparently largely mixed with ashes, placed in small deposits during a long period of time. Three feet below the top were two skeletons, one above the other, extended at full length, facing each other and in close contact. Above but near the heads were a pipe, celt, and some arrow or spearheads. Ten feet below these were two very large skeletons in a sitting position, facing each other, with their extended legs interlocking to the knees. Their hands outstretched and slightly elevated, were placed in a sustaining position to a hemispherical, hollowed, course-grained sandstone burned until red and brittle. This was about 2 feet across the top, and the cavity or depression was filled with white ashes containing fragments of bones burned almost to coals. Over it was placed a somewhat wider slab of limestone 3 inches thick.
This is what mound #31 looks like today.  Much has been erased of the hundreds of mounds and earthworks in Charleston West Virginia.

For the full story of the Nephilim in the Ohio Valley and your guide to the tombs of the Giants. 
                                  300 Accounts of Giants and Proof of the Nephilim in the Ohio Valley

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Mothman is the Babylonian Demon Pazuzu

Mothman is the Babylonian Demon Pazuzu

Statue of the Mothman at Point Pleasant West Virginia. Is this really Pazuzu, king of the Mesopotamia's demons? More on the Demon Pazuzu and the Mothman here

    With evidence that there were migrations from ancient Babylonian Amorites to the Ohio Valley, is it possible that who we call Mothman is a reincarnation of the Sumerian demon called Pazuzu? Pazuzu is the winged, dog-faced creature they find at the beginning of the movie, the Exorcist.    More on the connection between the Mothman and the demon Pazuzu here

Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee

  Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee Fabric from a cave burial in Kentucky At an early date in the history of the country r...