Saturday, June 16, 2018

Mass Grave of Giants Found at a Nephilim Square Temple in Michigan

Mass Grave of Giants Found at a Nephilim Square Temple in Michigan

Giant skeletons have been discovered at my of the square earthworks like this one in Jackson County, Ohio.

Civil History of Michigan, 1895
    Forts of the square or rectangular kind are sometimes found. There is said to be one or two miles below the village of Marshall, one in the township of Prarie Ronde, several on the Kalamazoo, and in other places. In Bruce Township in the county of Macomb, on the north fork of the Clinton, are several...eight miles from Lake St. Clair. In sinking the cellar of a building for a missionary, sixteen baskets full of human bones were found of a remarkable size. Near the mouth of this river, on the east bank, are ancient works representing a fortress, with a wall of earth thrown up similar to those in Ohio and Indiana.

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