Showing posts with label Joseph Brant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joseph Brant. Show all posts

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Mohawk Chief, Joseph Brant Claimed Burial Mounds Were Built by " white men from a foreign country."

Mohawk Chief, Joseph Brant Claimed Burial Mounds Were Built by " white men from a foreign country."

Life of Joseph Brant -Thayendanega
Includes the Wars of the American Revolution by William L. Stone, 1838

    Among other things relating to the western country" says Mr. Woodruff, " I was curious to learn in the course of my conversation with Captain Brant, what information he could give respecting the tumuli which are found on and near the margin of the rivers and lakes from the St. Lawrence to the Mississippi. He stated, in reply, that the subject had long been agitated, but yet remained in some obscurity. "A tradition, he said prevailed among the different nations of Indians throughout that whole extensive range of country, and had been handed down from time immemorial, that in an age long gone by, there came white men from a foreign country, and by consent of the Indians established trading houses and settlements where these tumuli are found".

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Iroquois Chief, Joseph Brant Claims Ancient White Men Built the Ohio Mounds

   Iroquois Chief, Joseph Brant Claims Ancient White Men Built the Ohio Mounds 

Were the Ohio Valley Mounds Built By White Men? Iroquois Chief Joseph Brant says that the Indian legends of the tribes from the St. Lawrence to the Mississippi shared a common history that the mound builders were white men.

Life of Joseph Brant -Thayendanega
Includes the Wars of the American Revolution by William L. Stone 1838
   Among other things relating to the western country" says Mr. Woodruff, " I was curious to learn in the course of my conversation with Captain Brant, what information he could give respecting the tumuli which are found on and near the margin of the rivers and lakes, from the St. Lawrence to the Mississippi. He stated, in reply, that the subject had long been agitated, but yet remained in some obscurity. "A tradition, he said prevailed among the different nations of Indians throughout that whole extensive range of country, and had been handed down from time immemorial, that in an age long gone by, there came white men from a foreign country, and by consent of the Indians established trading houses and settlements where these tumuli are found".

Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee

  Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee Fabric from a cave burial in Kentucky At an early date in the history of the country r...