Showing posts with label hebrew weapons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hebrew weapons. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Hebrew Weapons Discovered with Giant Nephilim Remains in New York

 Hebrew Weapons Discovered with Giant Nephilim Remains in New York

Socketed spearheads were developed by Amorite (Nephilim) metal traders around 1500 B.C. in the ancient Levant.  This weapons technology was replacing the earlier tanged daggers and spears. Are we to believe that "state of the art" Babylonian weapons technology found in North America's copper region is serendipitous?
 More giant's remains from New York here.  
The diagram shows the sequence from the "Stone Age" to the "Copper Age" in the Great Lakes Region.  Note how the jump was made from crude stone weapons to tanged daggers, sockets, and sickles that were just being utilized by the Babylonians, Hebrew, and Egyptians

History of New York, from "Prehistoric Man" 1888
 Brockville, New York
        In 1856, Dr. Thomas Reynolds of Brockville exhibited to the Canadian Institute a collection of copper and other relics discovered in that neighborhood under singular circumstances; and possessing a special interest owing to the distance of the site from Lake Superior. They included a peculiarly-shaped chisel or gouge, six inches in length (fig 67), a rude spearhead, seven inches long (fig 68), and the small daggers or knives, one of which is show fig 66, all wrought by means of the hammer out of native copper which had been subjected to fire, as is proved by the silver remaining in detached crystals in the copper. They were found at the head of LesGalops Rapids, on the river St. Lawrence, about fifteen feet below the surface, along with twenty skeletons disposed of in a circular space with their feet toward the center. Dr. Reynolds remarks of them: “Some of the skeletons were of gigantic proportions. The lower jaw of one is sufficiently large to surround the corresponding bone of an adult of our present generation. The condition of the bones furnished indisputable proof of their great antiquity. The skulls were so completely reduced to their earthly constituents that they were exceedingly brittle, and fell in pieces when removed and exposed to the atmosphere. 

Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee

  Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee Fabric from a cave burial in Kentucky At an early date in the history of the country r...