Ancient Nephi Square Enclosures
A series of square enclosures have been documented from Long Island, New York to the Susquehanna River the lower tier of the Great Lakes in northern Ohio to Michigan. The reports generally describe the giant human remains near these earthworks. Indian legends reveal that these works were constructed by White Indians. Are these the Nephi?
History of St. Joseph County Michigan, 1880
Within three hours ride of Colon Village, there are no less than six fortifications of these ancient people. One of them is distinct visible yet, and is in a square form, fronting the St. Joseph River, with an avenue leading to the rear to Bear Creek.
A Place Called the Thumb, Sanilac County Michigan, 1880
In 1931, Wilbert B. Hinsdale in his "Archaeological Atlas of Michigan" located for a record, Indian villages sites, mounds, garden beds, circular and square enclosures, and other remains. In Watertown Township in Sanilac County, an unusual construction consisted of a square enclosure with an interior mound. In the southwest corner of Worth Township, Hinsdale located a rectangular enclosure with an opening to the north and a mound in front of the opening.
History of Sandusky County, 1882
There are pieces of evidence of another fort of the same kind above the Williams Reserve a short distance, on the high bank of the river, In section thirteen, township five, range fifteen, (Sandusky Township) This work is different in form from those heretofore mentioned, being nearly square, and is supposed to include about three acres of land. It is situated at a place where there was once an Indian village called Muncietown, about three miles below the city of Fremont.