Showing posts with label queen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label queen. Show all posts

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Ancient Giantess Nephilim Queen of the Little Miami River: Her Tomb is Discovered in Warren County, Ohio

Ancient Giantess  Nephilim Queen of the Little Miami River: Her Tomb is Discovered in Warren County, Ohio

The Middleton, Ohio Daily News Signal,    March 21, 1908


Found in Gravel Bank on Warren County Farm

    Yesterday when digging into a gravel bank on his farm near Stubbtown, in Warren County, John Watkins discovered the burial grounds.

   The skeleton of a huge woman was unearthed.  It measured seven feet and five inches in length. About her neck were ropes of pearls and in her tomb other articles of value. Much excitement was aroused among the farmers in the vicinity and further excavation brought to light many other skeletons of this extinct race.  Some were found in sitting positions and some on their faces.  Watkins will try to interest the Ohio Archaeological Society in his find.

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Nephilim Queen's Tomb Uncovered in Athens County, Ohio

Nephilim Queen's Tomb Uncovered in Athens County, Ohio

Large human Nephilim skeletons were found in many of the burial mounds in Athens County, Ohio. There are still 7 burial mounds that can be seen from the road, with more hidden in the woods.  Athens County is a dark and foreboding place to visit.  For 32 of the largest burial mounds in Ohio

Centennial Atlas of Athens County, Ohio, 1905
    A small mound located on the very top of the hill bordering the eastern part of the Wolf’s Plains and a little northwest of the house now occupied by Mr. J. Taylor, superintendent of the Johnson Coal Mining company’s mine here, was opened by two or three of the citizens in the spring of 1905. They were in search of copper and stone articles and more especially inscriptions. At the bottom of the mound and lying on a huge flat stone was a skeleton apparently of a woman. The lower limbs were crossed. The bones had been much decayed by the action of water. The explorers stated that the bones were remarkably large. The jaw bone would fit over that of the average man of today and leave plenty of 

Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee

  Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee Fabric from a cave burial in Kentucky At an early date in the history of the country r...