Sunday, January 31, 2021

The Iroquois Legend of the Stone Giants


The Iroquois Legend of the Stone Giants

The Iroquois believed that in early days there existed a malignant race of giants whose bodies were fashioned out of stone. It is difficult to say how the idea of such beings arose, but it is possible that the generally distributed conception of a gigantic race springing from Mother Earth was in this instance fused with another belief that stones and rocks composed the earth's bony framework. We find an example of this belief in the beautiful old Greek myth of Deucalion and Pyrrha, which much resembles that of Noah. When after the great flood which submerged Hellas the survivors' ship grounded upon Mount Parnassus they inquired of the oracle of Themis in what manner the human race might be restored. They were bidden by the oracle to veil themselves and to throw the bones of their mother behind them. These they interpreted to mean the stones of the earth. Picking up loose pieces of stone, they cast them over their shoulders, and from those thrown by Deucalion there sprang men, while those cast by Pyrrha became women.
These Stone Giants of the Iroquois, dwelling in the far west, took counsel with one another and resolved to invade the Indian territory and exterminate the race of men. A party of Indians just starting on the war-path were apprised of the invasion, and were bidden by the gods to challenge the giants to combat. This they did, and the opposing bands faced each other at a spot near a great gulf. But as the monsters advanced upon their human enemies the god of the west wind, who was 
lying in wait for them, swooped down upon the Titans, so that they were hurled over the edge of the gulf, far down into the dark abyss below, where they perished miserably.

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Stone Circles, Early Nephilim Megalithic Remains in North America

Stone Circles, Early Nephilim Megalithic Remains in North America

State Centennial History of the County of Ross Ohio 1902
To the south of this, about two hundred yards, is a stone circle one hundred feet in diameter and five or six feet high. In the center of this is a large stone mound some ten feet high.
This work was located in Huntington township, on the east side of Black Run, 200 yards south of the old Minney farm.

Ft Wayne, Indiana News Sentinel Feb. 2, 1935
Rendezvous of Cave Men is Found Near Hamilton (Indiana)
A Natural amphitheatre several hundred feet across have been formed on the Kugler farm in what is apparently a dried up stream bed. The old course of the creek has left a level site hemmed in on three sides by hills and rocks which would have made an ideal protected meeting place for early tribesmen. As the land in the enclosure is very rocky, attempts to clean the old stream bed have been unsuccessful. Numerous stones and stone implements were apparently planted there.
Immediately inside the opening of the amphitheater is a circle of large stones Measuring about 12 feet in diameter, surrounded by a larger circle of stones about forty foot in diameter.
The land surrounding the opening was prior to the visitation of curiosity seekers, well laiden with arrowheads, grinding stones, stone axes and other implements.

The Aborigines of Minnesota by N.H. Winchell 1911
Boulder Circles, S.W. 1/4 sec. 20 T. 109-45. There are a few double bolder circles, one within the other.  There are a few others further north, bordering the lake.(Lake Benton) Medicine County.

American Academy of Science

Mentions stone circles in New York. No locations were given. 

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

9 Foot Nephilim Giant Uncovered in Noble County, Indiana

 9 Foot Nephilim Giant Uncovered in Noble County, Indiana

Burial Mound located in Noble County, Indiana.  From, "The Nephilim Chronicles: A Travel Guide to the Ancient Ruins of the Ohio Valley."  Large skeletons were described in several of the mounds that were excavated.  The giants of northern Indiana were an extension of the Maritime Archaic that originated in Northern Europe,. More Indiana giants here : Indiana's Ancient Giant Race

Skeleton of a Giant Unearthed in Indiana by Workmen
     Relics of a prehistoric age are being brought to light in Noble County.  The find is in York township, where workmen excavating for a public highway found the skeleton of an inhabitant of early days.
   The bones indicate that the person was fully 9 feet tall.  The bones are unusually large and the position of the skeleton when found indicated that the body had been interred in a sitting position. The belief is advanced that the remains are those of a mound builder.
  Other discoveries in the same neighborhood indicate that York township was inhabited years before the Red Man set foot on Hoosier soil.  Noble County is believed to have been the burial place of a large number of mound builders.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

California Giant Skulls and Burial Rituals are Similar to the Adena of the Ohio Valley

 California Giant's Skulls and Burial Rituals are Similar to the Adena of the Ohio Valley

The same type of round-headed giants with "highbrows," are common in the Ohio Valley burial mounds

Spokane Daily Chronicle, June 14, 1922

   They Were Seven Feet in Height According to Discoveries just Made. The original residents of Southern California were giants, seven feet in height, according to an anthropological discovery of the University of California near McFarland, in the heart of the oil fields. They were also "highbrows" with large, well-rounded heads. They lived in mounds and used implements of stone. The excavations are being made under the direction of Arling Steinberger, in a now dry lake where the soil is heavily impregnated with alkaline salts and seepage of petroleum. This chemical combination acted as an ideal preservative so that the skeletons were found in a fine state of preservation. The first mound uncovered evidence was a burying ground, as the skeletons were found lying or sitting facing the east, as was customary in the last rites of primitive peoples. The skeletons are believed to be those of the first dwellers in Southern California.

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Early Man in North America Kill a Mastodon. Were They Mound Builders?

 Early Man in North America Kill a Mastodon in Missouri

Several Native American historical accounts claim the mound builders in the Ohio Valley used the Mastodon as a beast of burden to construct the large earthworks in the Ohio Valley.

     Several accounts have appeared of discoveries tending to prove that primitive man in the United States was contemporaneous with the mastodon or mammoth. Three of these have attained a wide circulation. First in time as well as importance is that of Dr. Koch, of St. Louis. " In the year 1839, I discovered and disinterred in Gasconade County, Missouri, the bones of a Mastodon giganteus. The greater portion of the bones had been more or less burned by fire. The fire had extended, but a few feet beyond the space occupied by the animal and had been kindled by human agency with the design of killing the huge creature which had been found mired in the mud. The fore and hind legs of the animal were in perpendicular position in the clay with the toes attached to the feet. All the bones which had not been burned by the fire had kept their original position, standing upright, and apparently quite undisturbed in the clay, whereas those portions which had extended above the surface had been partially consumed. Mingled with the ashes and bones were many broken pieces of rock quarried from the river to be hurled at the animal. I found also among the ashes, bones, and rocks, several arrowheads, a stone spear-head, and some stone axes. The layer of ashes, etc., was covered by a stratum of alluvial deposits from eight to nine feet thick. [Koch afterward] found in Benton County several stone arrowheads, mingled with the bones of a nearly entire skeleton, mentioned above as the Missourian. Two arrowheads found with the bones were in a layer of vegetable mold, which was covered twenty feet in thickness with alternate layers of sand, clay and gravel. One of the arrowheads lay under the thigh bone of the skeleton, the bone actually resting in contact upon it. The layer of vegetable mold was some five or six feet thick, and the arrowhead and bones were found buried in it. Above this layer there were six undisturbed layers of clay, sand and gravel." 

Monday, November 16, 2020

Gigantic Human Skeletons Discovered in Dearborn County, Indiana Burial Mound

Gigantic Human Skeletons Discovered in Dearborn County, Indiana Burial Mound

Adena Hopewell enclosure called the Oberting site in Dearborn County, Indiana.

History of Dearborn and Ohio Counties Indiana, 1885 

"There is a large mound in Mr. Allen's field about twenty feet high, sixty feet in diameter at the base, which contains a greater proportion of bones than anyone I ever before examined, as almost every shovel full of dirt would contain several fragments of a human skeleton. When on Whitewater, I obtained the assistance of several of the inhabitants for the purpose of making a thorough examination of the internal structure of these monuments of the ancient populousness of the country. We examined from fifteen to twenty. In some, whose height was from ten to fifteen feet, we could not find more than four or five skeletons. In one not the least appearance of a human bone was to be found. Others were so full of bones, as to warrant the belief that they originally contained at least 100 dead bodies of children of different ages and the full grown, appeared to have been piled together promiscuously. We found several skulls, leg and thigh bones, which plainly indicate their possessors were men of gigantic stature. The skull of one skeleton was one-fourth of an inch thick; and the teeth were remarkably even, sound and handsome, all firmly planted. The fore teeth were very deep and not so wide as those of the generality of the white people. Indeed, there seemed a great degree of regularity in the form of the teeth in all the mounds." 

Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee

  Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee Fabric from a cave burial in Kentucky At an early date in the history of the country r...