Showing posts with label North America. Show all posts
Showing posts with label North America. Show all posts

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Stone Circles, Early Nephilim Megalithic Remains in North America

Stone Circles, Early Nephilim Megalithic Remains in North America

State Centennial History of the County of Ross Ohio 1902
To the south of this, about two hundred yards, is a stone circle one hundred feet in diameter and five or six feet high. In the center of this is a large stone mound some ten feet high.
This work was located in Huntington township, on the east side of Black Run, 200 yards south of the old Minney farm.

Ft Wayne, Indiana News Sentinel Feb. 2, 1935
Rendezvous of Cave Men is Found Near Hamilton (Indiana)
A Natural amphitheatre several hundred feet across have been formed on the Kugler farm in what is apparently a dried up stream bed. The old course of the creek has left a level site hemmed in on three sides by hills and rocks which would have made an ideal protected meeting place for early tribesmen. As the land in the enclosure is very rocky, attempts to clean the old stream bed have been unsuccessful. Numerous stones and stone implements were apparently planted there.
Immediately inside the opening of the amphitheater is a circle of large stones Measuring about 12 feet in diameter, surrounded by a larger circle of stones about forty foot in diameter.
The land surrounding the opening was prior to the visitation of curiosity seekers, well laiden with arrowheads, grinding stones, stone axes and other implements.

The Aborigines of Minnesota by N.H. Winchell 1911
Boulder Circles, S.W. 1/4 sec. 20 T. 109-45. There are a few double bolder circles, one within the other.  There are a few others further north, bordering the lake.(Lake Benton) Medicine County.

American Academy of Science

Mentions stone circles in New York. No locations were given. 

Friday, May 11, 2018

Northwest European Origins of North America's Maritime Archaic

Northwest European Origins of North America's Maritime Archaic

Tools kits of the Maritime Peoples in Northwest Europe and North East North America are identical.

Transatlantic Contacts of Primitive Man, Eastern Canada and Northwestern Russia, F. Ridley. 
   “For several years, similarities between the Archaic implement complex of the St. Lawrence Valley of north-eastern North American and those of the Atlantic and Arctic cultures of northwestern Europe have been recognized. The Atlantic culture dated from a period of 5,000 B.c. To 2,500 B.C. And the North American Archaic dated approximately;y 3,000 to 1,000 B.C., made common use of the polished gouge, polished celt, ground slate knives and ground slate projectile points. The Arctic culture of Scandinavia, succeeded the Atlantic culture, continued use of these implements and added the mortuary custom of covering the body with red paint, a custom common in the northeastern North America Archaic cultures.

Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee

  Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee Fabric from a cave burial in Kentucky At an early date in the history of the country r...