Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Large Hopewell Sioux Indians Discovered in a Alton, Illinois Burial Mound


Large Hopewell Sioux Indians Discovered in a Alton, Illinois Burial Mound

Alton Evening Telegraph (Alton, Illinois)  Aug 30, 1960

The Hopewell Dakota  Sioux,  Kamp Mound Site in Alton, Illinois

Skeletons indicated men six feet tall, More than 100 skeletons have been taken from four mounds atop the bluff near Kampsville by Perino during the summer, the largest such find in a long history of digging into burial grounds of the Hopewell (Dakota Sioux) who lived in this region 2,000 years ago.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Giant Skeleton and Roman Coins Found in Jackson, Ohio

 Giant Skeleton and Roman Coins Found in Jackson, Ohio      

Roman Emporer, Scipio Africanus (236–183 BC)

The Holmes County Republican, March 16, 1859

Discovery of a Mysterious Vault
Jackson, Ohio February 21.
     Our village is full of wonder and excitement.  Martin Marker, J. W. Hughes, and Washington Long, in digging a grave in the cemetery near this village, about ten o'clock, this morning, came to a large flat stone about four feet below the surface, which stopped their further progress, until they procured assistance and removed the stone from its resting place of ages when it was found to have closed the entrance to a subterranean vault.  All efforts thus far 3 P. M. ) to enter it with light have proved unsuccessful, on account of the foul air with which it is filled.  By means of a rake, human bone of gigantic size has been raised, and small chard of silver, with coins attached to each end.  The coins, though much defaced by time, have the appearance of those used among the Romans in the days of Scipio Africanus, though there were evident traces of hieroglyphic devices than cannot be deciphered.
       The men at the cemetery have by means of burning straw, made light in the vault and, though none have the courage to enter further than the entrance, it has been discovered that there is, immediately to the west of the opening, a chamber of about ten feet square, with steps dilapidated down its eastern side.  Three other chambers,rs branch out of this; one to the north, one to the south, and the other to the west. We are all curious of course, to know when and by whom these vaults were made and filled.

Monday, September 14, 2020

Celtic Mound Builders Skull Types Found the Ohio Valley

  England's Celtic Mound Builders Skull Types Found the Ohio Valley

One of the three contingents of the Celtic  (Beaker People) was the Borreby brachycephalics. The skull from a burial mound in England on the left is compared with Borrebys within Ohio's Adena mounds.  Celtic warrior found : Giant Celtic Warrior Unearthed in Ireland

   In the Bronze Age, or just before the introduction of bronze, Britain was invaded by tall, massive roundheads who seem to have come from about the same area near the mouth of the Rhine and northwestern Germany from which the later Anglo-Saxons sailed. Probably other brachycephalic came to England later during this period, but the custom
of cremation obscures their racial affinities. British anthropologists have long recognized a contemporary English and Scottish type as probably surviving from these Bronze Age invaders or as an effect of Recombination of the same subracial elements.

   It is tall, heavy-boned, weighty, and, in the middle and advanced years, obese. The skin is usually florid or beefy, the eyes blue or light mixed. Sometimes, however, and especially in Shetland, and in parts of northern England, and Scotland, and Ireland, the hair and skin are dark. The head is massive, brachycephalic, and sometimes rather flattened behind. If the high, pointed Armenoid-Dinaric brachycephaly exists in this type, it is uncommon. Brow-ridges are heavy, malars prominent, and the face rather broad, but not short. The nose is usually long, wide, and convex-decidely beaky. Beard and body hair are strongly developed.

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Amorite Giant's DNA in The Great Lakes and Ohio Valley

Amorite Giant's DNA in The Great Lakes and Ohio Valley

This map clearly shows the migratory DNA imprint left by the Amorite giant's movements from the Biblical Levant to western Europe and eventually to North America.


Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Nebraska Archaeologists Claims Neanderthal Skull Unearthed in Nebraska is 20,000 Years Old

The University of Nebraska Archaeologist Claims Neanderthal Skull Unearthed in Nebraska is 20,000 Years Old

    In "The Encyclopedia of Ancient Giants in North America" I chronicle numerous discoveries of Neanderthal hybrids, many of these were of giants stature. They were unearthed in 23 States, with most of the finds in Coastal and the Great Lakes region, but with some exceptions in states like Nebraska. Experts from the Smithsonian claimed they resembled Neanderthal. 

   They were found in both subsurface burials and in burial mounds. In the 1907 Geological Survey of Nebraska, it stated, "They are higher in human scale than Neanderthal man, but  lower than the mound builder." Many of the skulls found within burial mounds across the continent also had this Archaic type skull." 
    According to archaeologists and their Berengia theory, they can't date earlier than 10,000 B.C.  So, Mr. Archaeologists, just what Native American people were Neanderthal looking 12,000 years ago, or earlier?

Nebraska Archaeologists Claims Neanderthal Skull Unearthed in Nebraska is 20,000 Years Old

Lincoln Daily Star, November 10, 1913
Rare Collection to Medical School
Three Skulls Given to University Branch by Dr. Gilder
Types of Three Races Shown by Relics Found in Nebraska Mounds
(Special to the Star)

   Omaha Neb., Nov. 29 – A series of three prehistoric skulls, estimated as ranging from 100 years to at least 20,000 in age, and representing the three races of mankind, which ave lived in the great Missouri Valley since the advent of the human race upon this continent, has just been presented to the new medical college of the University of Nebraska by Dr. R. F. Gilder of Omaha, archaeologist in the field for the university,
   The oldest skull is technically known as “Nebraska Loess Man, No. 8,” and is the eighth skull removed from the burial mound known as the “Long Mound.” this mound is located a few miles above Omaha and from the huge grave, Dr. Gilder removed twelve skulls, all of an order so low as to be scarcely above the ape in intelligence. The scientist made a careful and minute examination and declared that this skull had never been disturbed by man, but had been deposited by nature when the hills were made. Geologists declared that this had taken place at least 20,000 years ago and that the age of this people could not be less than that number of years.

Photo from the Smithsonian of skull number 8.

Number 8” had almost no forehead at all. There is a superciliary ridge over each eye as pronounced as the flange of a car wheel, while the back of this ridge the skull slopes to the rear of the head. Nature did not fit this man to be the head of a modern trust company, but he was provided with a head and skull that would shed missiles like a duck's back turns raindrops. The skulls from this mound have been subjected of much interest to archaeologists all over the world and savants from France, Germany, and several other countries have journeyed all the way to Omaha especially to see and study them. Universities in all parts of the world have asked for casts and replicas.

Smithsonian Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulleten 33, 1907

    "They are higher in human scale than Neanderthal man, but  lower than the mound builder."

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Did the Adena Giant Mound Builders Construct a Bridge Over the Ohio River?

 Did the Adena Giant Mound Builders Construct a Bridge Over the  Ohio River?

At the Portsmouth, Ohio mound and sacred via complex, the parallel walls extend to the Ohio River and continue on the other bank.  This would imply that a bridge continued the sacred via across the river?  The following account given by the Iroquois Indians about the giants being bridge builders may confirm a little talked about a hypothesis.

Iroquois Legend
   In Iroquois hydrography, Ohio—the great river of the ancient Alligewi (Adena) domain—is the central stream to which all the rivers of the mighty West converge. This stream the emigrants now attempted to cross. They found, according to the native annalist, a rude bridge in a huge grape-vine which trailed its length across the stream. Over this, a part of the company passed, and then, unfortunately, the vine broke. The residue, unable to cross, remained on the hither side, and became afterward the enemies of those who had passed over. Cusick anticipates that his story of the grape-vine may seem to some incredible; but he asks, with amusing simplicity, "why more so than that the Israelites should cross the Red Sea on dry land?" That the precise incident, thus frankly admitted to be of a miraculous character, really took place, we are not required to believe. But that emigrants of the Huron-Iroquois stock penetrated southward along the Allegheny range, and that some of them remained near the river of that name, is an undoubted fact. Those who thus remained were known by various names, mostly derived from one root—Andastes, Andastogues, Conestogas, and the like—and bore a somewhat memorable part in Iroquois and Pennsylvanian history. Those who continued their course beyond the river found no place sufficiently inviting to arrest their march until they arrived at the fertile vales which spread, intersected by many lucid streams, between the Roanoke and the Neuse rivers. Here they fixed their abode and became the ancestors of the powerful Tuscarora nation. In the early part of the eighteenth century, just before its disastrous war with the colonies, this nation, according to the Carolina surveyor, Lawson, numbered fifteen towns, and could set in the field a force of twelve hundred warriors.

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Giant Cro-Magnon Giant's Skull Photographed in California

Giant Cro-Magnon Giant's Skull Photographed in California

Giant                                     Giant's skull 1900 B.C. California Giant's Skull.

Free Republic, March 24, 2014
    A protruding brow, a lantern jaw, thick leg and arm bones, and teeth so crowded together that at one point they erupt in rows three deep. According to a new study of the ancient skeleton, they are signs of acromegaly, a rare disorder of the endocrine system that’s similar to gigantism.
   With the heads pointing west. The deceased were also often sent off with a fine complement of grave goods, Bartelink said.

   “The mortuary assemblages are rich with projectile points, shell beads, crystal, and charmstones, suggesting a more-or-less egalitarian society compared to groups more recent in time,” he said.

   In the case of Burial 37, the body was daubed with red ochre on the head, chest, pelvis, left elbow, and on both hands and feet. The grave was festooned with 48 beads made from the shells of Olivella sea snails, and another 7 ornaments crafted from abalone

                                                  Discover California's Ancient Race of Giants Here

Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee

  Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee Fabric from a cave burial in Kentucky At an early date in the history of the country r...