Thursday, November 12, 2020

Ancient Auburn Haired, Caucasian Mummies Discovered in a Tennessee Cave

 Ancient Auburn Haired, Caucasian Mummies Discovered in a Tennessee Cave

The Natural and Aboriginal History of Tennessee (1823)
 Haywood describes a cave, the aperture into which was very small, near the confines of Smith and Wilson Counties, on the south side of Cumberland River, about twenty-two miles above Cairo, on the waters of Smith’s Fork. The workmen digging in the apartment next to the entrance, after removing the dirt, came to another small aperture upon the same level, which they also entered, and found a room twenty-five feet square. This room seemed to have been carefully preserved for the reception and burial of the dead. In it, near the center, were found three human bodies sitting in baskets made of cane, the flesh being entire, but a little shrivelled and hard. The bodies were those of a man, a woman, and a small child. The color of the skin was said to be fair and white, without any admixture of a copper color; their hair auburn and of a fine texture. The teeth were very white; in stature they were about the same as the whites of the present day. The man was wrapped in fourteen dressed deer skins, and over these were wound what those present called blankets. They were made of bark, like those found in the cave in White County. In form the baskets were pyramidal, being larger at the bottom and tapering towards the top. The heads of the skeletons were out side of the blankets.

Monday, November 2, 2020

Ohio's Tarleton Cross was to Scare Evil Spirits Away From the Graves at the Site

Ohio's Tarleton Cross was to Scare Evil Spirits Away From the Burial Mounds at the Site

There is a phase of sun and fire symbolism which seems hitherto to have received but little attention, viz., the presence of such symbols in crests or in the coats-of-arms of many of the oldest families and landed gentry of the British Isles. We find them in the greatest numbers in the armorial bearings of our Scottish families and those belonging to the most northern counties of England; probably for the same reason that they are most numerous on objects which have been found in the northern portions of Scandinavia. Some of the emblems of the sun and of the swastika as a fire symbol and the wheel are in use in some countries to this day as a preservative against fire. A type of fire symbol exists in some parts of England at our very doors. In Gloucestershire and Herefordshire — possibly also in some of the other southwestern counties of England — it is not an uncommon circumstance to see on the external walls of some of the older houses one or two pieces of iron in this form:  And sometimes thus : tershire man, and on being asked the reason of the + form of these irons, he replied that "they were made thus V_) in order to protect the house from fire, as well as from falling down." In the little village of Kingstone, in Herefordshire, it is still the custom of the people on the eve of May-day to I take two short pieces of wood and nail them in this form X over the door of a house or stable, removing the one of the previous year. On inquiry why this was done, the reply was, "To scare the witches or the evil spirits away." H. G. M. A.

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Osage Sioux Hopewell Indian Legends of the Woolly Mammoth

 Osage Sioux Hopewell Indian Legends of the Woolly Mammoth

Osage Sioux -Hopewell Indian mound builders platform pipe from Iowa.

     A remarkable story, alleged in support of the coexistence of the Indian, and the mammoth's great contemporary the mastodon, regarded by most scientists with distrust, though defended by some, was that of Dr. Albert Koch, collector of curiosities, who in 1839 disinterred the skeleton of a mastodon in a clay bed near the Bourboise River, Gasconade County, Missouri. Associated with the bones Koch claimed to have discovered, in the presence of a number of witnesses, a layer of wood-ashes, numerous fragments of rock, "some arrowheads, a stone spearpoint, and several stone axes," evidencing he claimed, that the huge animal had met its untimely end at the hands of savages, who, armed with rude weapons of stone and boulders brought from the bed of the neighboring river, had attacked it, while helplessly mired in the soft clay, and finally effected its destruction by fire.

Koch also published with his statement and in connection with another skeleton, that of the Mastodon giganteus discovered by him in Benton County, Missouri, a tradition of the Osage Indians, in whose former territory the bones were found, and which he says led him to the discovery. It states, says Koch, "that there was a time when the Indians paddled their canoes over the now extensive prairies of Missouri and encamped or hunted on the bluffs. That at a certain period many large and monstrous animals came from the eastward along and up the Mississippi and Missouri rivers, upon which the animals that had previously occupied the country became very angry, and at last so enraged and infuriated by reason of these intrusions, that the red man durst not venture out to hunt anymore, and was consequently reduced to great distress. At this time a large number of these huge monsters assembled here, when a terrible battle ensued, in which many on both sides were killed, and the remnant resumed their march toward the setting sun. Near the bluffs which are at present known by the name of the Rocky Ridge one of the greatest of these battles was fought. Immediately after the battle the Indians gathered together many of the slaughtered animals and offered them up on the spot as a burnt sacrifice to the Great Spirit. The remainder were buried by the Great Spirit himself, in the Pomme de Terre River, which from this time took the name of the Big Bone River, as well as the Osage, of which the Pomme de Terre is a branch. From this time the Indians brought their yearly sacrifice to this place, and offered it up to the Great Spirit, as a thank-offering for their great deliverance, and more latterly, they have offered their sacrifice on the table rock above-mentioned (a curious rock near the spot of the discovery), which was held in great veneration and considered holy ground."

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Portsmouth Ohio's and Avebury England Henge Decoded - Druid's Water and Solar Cult

 Portsmouth Ohio's and Avebury England Henge Decoded - Druid's Water and Solar Cult

  Let us consider the water cult.  It seems to have existed in the Ohio Valley but was closely connected with the solar cult, the ceremonies of that cult requiring the presence of water to make it complete. The water cult we recognize between some of the earthworks in Southern Ohio are identical to those in Great Britain.
  The first group of works that be shall cite is the one at Portsmouth.  The chief evidence is given by the avenues or the covered ways, which seem to have connected the enclosures on different sides of the river.  These, by the aid of the ferry across the river, must have been the scene of an extensive religious procession, which can be compared to nothing better than the mysterious procession of Druid priests, which once characterized the sacrifices to the sun among the ancient works of Great Britain.
   It is in the middle group that we discover the phallic symbol, the fire cult, the crescent of the moon and the sun circle. In the works of the west bank of the Scioto we find the effigy enclosed in a circle as a sign of animal worship, and in the concentric circles with the enclosed conical mound, on the Kentucky side, we find the symbols of sun worship.

The water cult was combined with the solar cult at the great works at Avebury, England; the avenues passed over Kennet Creek before they reached the circle at Beckhampton; the same is true at Stanton Druew and at Mount murray, in the Isle of Man.  In each of these places were coverede avenues reaching across the marshy ground toward the circles.
   At the circles were alterswhereon human sacrifice may have been offered to the sun; but the avenues mark the place through which procession passed in making their sacrifices, - a passage over water being essential to the ceremony.
   This is significant in connection with the works at Portsmouth.  here the avenues approach the river in such a way as to show that a canoe ferry was used to cross the river, the ceremony being made more significant by those means.
As additional evidence that the works at Portsmouth were devoted to the water cult and were similar to those at Avebury in Great Britain, we would again refer to the character of the works at either end of the avenues. It can be proven that the most striking features at Avebury are duplicated here; the sun symbol being embodied in the concentric circles upon the Kentucky side; the phallic symbol in the horseshoe mounds upon the Ohio side and the avenues of standing stones correspond to the covered ways which connected the enclosures on the Kentucky side with that of the Ohio side.

We have dwelt upon these peculiarities of the works at Portsmouth for the very reason that they seem to prove the existence of a water cult, and because it so closely resembles those in which the water cult has been recognized in Great Britain. We maintain, however, that it was as cult which was associated with sun worship and that the phallic symbol was embodied here. We maintain that sacrifices were offered to the sun, and that the human victims were kept in the corral one one side of the river; that they were transported across the water and carried up to the third terrrace, and immolated near the horseshoe, and that afterward the procession passed down the terrace, through the avenue, across the river, a second times, and mounted the spiral pathway to the summit of the terraced mound situated at the end of the avenue.

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Giant Osage Hopewell Skeletons Unearthed in Illinois Burial Mounds

 Giant Osage  Hopewell Skeletons Unearthed in Illinois Burial Mounds 

Osage ancestry built many of the burial mounds throughout Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio.  All of their legends claim that they once lived in the Ohio Valley.  Because university archaeologist refuses to recognize the Osage as the builders of the mounds, the Native American Graves Protection Act is not invoked, that only applies to "known" tribes.  Until then university archaeologist continues to desecrate Osage burials.
The following articles describing large skeletons is consistent with the Osage, who were known for their great height.

History of Daviess County, Illinois 1879
     The mounds on the bluff have nearly all been opened within the last two or three years by Louis A. Rowly, Esq., Mr. W. M. Snyder and Mr. John Dowling, assisted by Sidney Hunkins and Dr. W. S. Crawford. These gentlemen have taken much interest in these prehistoric structures, and have very carefully investigated them. In all that have been opened the excavators have found in the centre a pit that was evidently dug about two and a half feet below the original surface of the ground, about six feet long and four feet wide, in the form of a parallelogram. The bottom and sides of this pit are of hard clay. The bones in this pit indicate a race of gigantic stature, buried in a sitting posture around the sides of the pit, with legs extending towards the centre.

History of Mifflin County, Ohio, 1880
      South of this, on the banks of Peoria Lake, near the city of Peoria, Illinois, there were excavated a few years ago by the Scientific Association of Peoria the contents of a very large, oval mound, and in it were found three human skeletons, a man, a woman and a boy, all lying straight beside each other, the boy asleep on the woman’s arm. The skeleton of the boy was about three feet long, but the man and the woman had a stature of seven feet. The bones were decomposed rapidly on being exposed to the air, except the skulls, which being of a harder texture had better withstood the tooth of time.  Though these figures were of immense stature, their immense skulls were fully in proportion to their frames, and possessed of a frontal development of reasoning powers of immense size.

History of Logan County, Illinois, 1886
      It is sometimes difficult to distinguish the place of sepulcher raised by the Mound Builders from the modern graves of the Indians.  The tombs of the former were in general larger than those of the latter, and were used as receptacles for a great number of bodies, and contained relics of art, evincing a higher decree of civilization than that attained by the Indians.
The ancient earthworks of the Mound Builders have occasionally been appropriated as burial places by the Indians, but the skeletons of the latter may be distinguished from the osteological remains of the former by their greater stature.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Hebrew Weapons Discovered with Giant Nephilim Remains in New York

 Hebrew Weapons Discovered with Giant Nephilim Remains in New York

Socketed spearheads were developed by Amorite (Nephilim) metal traders around 1500 B.C. in the ancient Levant.  This weapons technology was replacing the earlier tanged daggers and spears. Are we to believe that "state of the art" Babylonian weapons technology found in North America's copper region is serendipitous?
 More giant's remains from New York here.  
The diagram shows the sequence from the "Stone Age" to the "Copper Age" in the Great Lakes Region.  Note how the jump was made from crude stone weapons to tanged daggers, sockets, and sickles that were just being utilized by the Babylonians, Hebrew, and Egyptians

History of New York, from "Prehistoric Man" 1888
 Brockville, New York
        In 1856, Dr. Thomas Reynolds of Brockville exhibited to the Canadian Institute a collection of copper and other relics discovered in that neighborhood under singular circumstances; and possessing a special interest owing to the distance of the site from Lake Superior. They included a peculiarly-shaped chisel or gouge, six inches in length (fig 67), a rude spearhead, seven inches long (fig 68), and the small daggers or knives, one of which is show fig 66, all wrought by means of the hammer out of native copper which had been subjected to fire, as is proved by the silver remaining in detached crystals in the copper. They were found at the head of LesGalops Rapids, on the river St. Lawrence, about fifteen feet below the surface, along with twenty skeletons disposed of in a circular space with their feet toward the center. Dr. Reynolds remarks of them: “Some of the skeletons were of gigantic proportions. The lower jaw of one is sufficiently large to surround the corresponding bone of an adult of our present generation. The condition of the bones furnished indisputable proof of their great antiquity. The skulls were so completely reduced to their earthly constituents that they were exceedingly brittle, and fell in pieces when removed and exposed to the atmosphere. 

Monday, September 21, 2020

Ancient Canal Discovered in Illinois. Evidence of Amorite CopperTrade.

             Ancient Canal Discovered in Illinois. Evidence of Amorite Copper Trade.

 The Babylonian Amorites were a culture of peace and progress. The building of temples, the adorning of cities, the digging of canals, the making of roads, have also been noted in areas of the Midwest where giant human skeletons have been found.  More on Missouri canals photographed  Mysteries of Ancient America Books: Ancient Canal Discovered in Illinois. Evidence of Amorite CopperTrade.

History of Mifflin County Illinois 1885
    On the banks of Green River, in Henry County in Illinois, are traces of an ancient city, which was once the abode of a commercial people, and points to a time when the Rock River was a navigable stream of some commercial importance. A canal connected these two rivers some three miles above the junction. This canal is about a mile and a half long and is perfectly straight for about one-fourth of a mile from the Green River end; it is then relieved by a perfectly easy curve, reaching the Rock River at a bend, and showing that the engineering was done in a masterly manner. The soil is of a very fine texture, mixed with a ferruginous mineral deposit; hence its firmness, and the reason of it withstanding the washings of rains, for this great lapse of time. About twelve miles back and above this canal is another partly natural and partly artificial connecting Rock and Mississippi Rivers. This is so well preserved that about twelve years ago the "Serling" a small Rock River steamer, passed through it into the Mississippi River. These works are as old as the mountains of Egypt and were in all probability built by a contemporaneous people.

Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee

  Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee Fabric from a cave burial in Kentucky At an early date in the history of the country r...