Showing posts with label Ohio earthworks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ohio earthworks. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Portsmouth Ohio's and Avebury England Henge Decoded - Druid's Water and Solar Cult

 Portsmouth Ohio's and Avebury England Henge Decoded - Druid's Water and Solar Cult

  Let us consider the water cult.  It seems to have existed in the Ohio Valley but was closely connected with the solar cult, the ceremonies of that cult requiring the presence of water to make it complete. The water cult we recognize between some of the earthworks in Southern Ohio are identical to those in Great Britain.
  The first group of works that be shall cite is the one at Portsmouth.  The chief evidence is given by the avenues or the covered ways, which seem to have connected the enclosures on different sides of the river.  These, by the aid of the ferry across the river, must have been the scene of an extensive religious procession, which can be compared to nothing better than the mysterious procession of Druid priests, which once characterized the sacrifices to the sun among the ancient works of Great Britain.
   It is in the middle group that we discover the phallic symbol, the fire cult, the crescent of the moon and the sun circle. In the works of the west bank of the Scioto we find the effigy enclosed in a circle as a sign of animal worship, and in the concentric circles with the enclosed conical mound, on the Kentucky side, we find the symbols of sun worship.

The water cult was combined with the solar cult at the great works at Avebury, England; the avenues passed over Kennet Creek before they reached the circle at Beckhampton; the same is true at Stanton Druew and at Mount murray, in the Isle of Man.  In each of these places were coverede avenues reaching across the marshy ground toward the circles.
   At the circles were alterswhereon human sacrifice may have been offered to the sun; but the avenues mark the place through which procession passed in making their sacrifices, - a passage over water being essential to the ceremony.
   This is significant in connection with the works at Portsmouth.  here the avenues approach the river in such a way as to show that a canoe ferry was used to cross the river, the ceremony being made more significant by those means.
As additional evidence that the works at Portsmouth were devoted to the water cult and were similar to those at Avebury in Great Britain, we would again refer to the character of the works at either end of the avenues. It can be proven that the most striking features at Avebury are duplicated here; the sun symbol being embodied in the concentric circles upon the Kentucky side; the phallic symbol in the horseshoe mounds upon the Ohio side and the avenues of standing stones correspond to the covered ways which connected the enclosures on the Kentucky side with that of the Ohio side.

We have dwelt upon these peculiarities of the works at Portsmouth for the very reason that they seem to prove the existence of a water cult, and because it so closely resembles those in which the water cult has been recognized in Great Britain. We maintain, however, that it was as cult which was associated with sun worship and that the phallic symbol was embodied here. We maintain that sacrifices were offered to the sun, and that the human victims were kept in the corral one one side of the river; that they were transported across the water and carried up to the third terrrace, and immolated near the horseshoe, and that afterward the procession passed down the terrace, through the avenue, across the river, a second times, and mounted the spiral pathway to the summit of the terraced mound situated at the end of the avenue.

Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee

  Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee Fabric from a cave burial in Kentucky At an early date in the history of the country r...