Friday, September 4, 2020

Stonehenge Neanderthal-Hybrid Skull Compared with a Michigan Mound Builder Hybrid Skull

Stonehenge Neanderthal-Hybrid Skull Compared with a Michigan Mound Builder Hybrid Skull 

   The Skull from the mound near Stonehenge is compared with a skull from a burial mound in Michigan.  Both show the same "primitive" characteristics of a sloping forehead and a protruding brow ridge.  Photo from, "The Nephilim Chronicles: Fallen Angels in the Ohio Valley." More giants at Stonehenge : Large Human Remains Found in Stone Tomb near Stonehenge

Crania Britannica, 1865

At the Green Gate Hill, England Barrow 

  The skull was described as being brachycephalic, with a well-expanded forehead it well-formed cranium. The cheekbones are prominent and the face broad from the direction of the malar bones. The abrupt prominences of the nose arising from the deep depression below the well-marked frontal sinus is a characteristic feature of this skull; the nasal index, howeveris not too high. Another example of the ancient Brachycephalics of England is to be seen in the museum above referred to No. 297 described as having a deep nasal notch, receding external margins of the orbits, with prominent cheekbones and well formed jaws.

Upper Paleolithic type skull with "archaic" features of a protruding brow ridge and sloping forehead found in the Green Gate burial mound in England, near Stonehenge.  This same type of "archaic" skull has been found in great numbers in the Great Lakes and Ohio Valley burial mounds

Thursday, September 3, 2020

The Stars Called the Spirits of Heaven as Described in the Book of Enoch Observed at Mounds State Park

The Stars Called the Spirits of Heaven as Described in the Book of Enoch Observed at Mounds State Park, Anderson Indiana

Book of Enoch: "I beheld the celestial stars come forth. I numbered them as they proceeded out of the gate, and wrote them all down, as they came out one by one according to their number. I wrote down their names altogether, their times and their seasons, as the angel Uriel, who was with me, pointed them out to me. He showed them all to me and wrote down an account of them. He also wrote down for me their names, their regulations and their operations.  Enoch 32:2-3

 These stars are first, Regulus, the bright star at the heart of the Lion. The second star is Antares, the red star at the heart of the Scorpion, and also in the foot of the Serpent Bearer. The third star is Fomalhaut, the bright star both in the head of the Southern Fish and also in the stream of water being poured out by the Water Bearer. The fourth royal star is Aldebaran, the flaming red eye of the white Bull.

 What are these, my lord?

"And the angel answered and said unto me, These are the four spirits of the heavens, which go forth from standing before the Lord of all the earth.  Zechariah 6:1-6

 I blessed the Lord of glory, who had made those great and splendid signs, that they might display the magnificence of his works to angels and to the souls of men; and that these might glorify all his works and operations; might see the effect of his power; might glorify the great labor of his hands; and bless him forever." (Enoch 35:3)

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Make an Altar to God Like This, Not That

Make an Altar to God Like This, Not That

  In Exodus, (circa 1400 B.C.) God clearly states what is acceptable for a stone altar, Exodus 20:25 – “And if thou wilt make me an altar of stone, thou shalt no build it of hewn stone: for if thou lift up thy tool upon it, thou hast polluted it.”

 In Exodus, (circa 1400 B.C.) God clearly states what is acceptable for a stone 

Jacob's stone pillar and golden altar from a Catholic Church in Panama.  


Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Ancient Skulls in New Jersey and Maryland Determined to be Northern European

Ancient Skulls in New Jersey and Maryland Determined to be Northern European

These primitive skulls were determined to be of the same origin. The skull on the left was uncovered in Trenton, New Jersey. The skull in the middle was found in Burlington, Maryland and the skull on the left is from Bremen, Germany.  

Skeletal Remains Suggesting Or Attributed to Early Man in North America: 1907

Racial Affinities of the Burlington County and Riverview Cemetery Skulls The inevitable conclusions are that the Burlington County skull and that from the Riverview cemetery at Trenton are of a type totally different from that of the Lenape, or of any other Indian crania from the East or elsewhere of which we have thus far any knowledge.

   They are skulls of people of a different race with which no further acquaintance has yet been made in this country. What this race was, the writer was not able to show at the time of the publication of the report in 1902. Two possibilities suggested themselves at that time: One, that the crania represented some non-Indian people who preceded the Lenape about Trenton ; the other, that they might be crania of later intruders — or immigrants — into that region. The former theory could not be accepted without further proof, and the immigrant idea seemed hardly plausible, for the Delaware valley had been settled largely by Swedes, whose cranial type is radically different. On the whole, there are very few localities known, in Europe or elsewhere, where normally very low skulls had been observed.

  The quest in literature, however, had a result which may come very near a definite explanation of the enigma. In 1874 Virchow" reported a number of extraordinarily low skulls mainly from northwestern Germany, from the Elbe to the coast of Holland, drawing attention at the same time to several " Batavian " specimens and others of the same nature from the islands in the Zuy- der Zee that had been pictured or described previously.6 All of these skulls were comparatively recent, the oldest not dating beyond about the ninth century of our era. The majority ranged in form from mesocephaly to brachycephaly ; in capacity, from 1,215 to 1,700 c. c. ; and in vertical height," from 12 to 12.85 cm. Several of the skulls showed a depression of the base ; the majority were free from any indication of a pathological condition. Virchow recognized these skulls as constituting a distinct cranial form and called the type chamacephaly. He thought he recognized it in some Dutch paintings. As to its significance, he was undecided.

   The foregoing accounts, which do not seem to have been followed by any additional observations of importance on similar material, establish the presence in parts of northwestern Germany and Holland in or up to recent times of a cranial type characterized by precisely the feature which renders so extraordinary the skulls from Burlington county and Riverview cemetery, namely, very low height. The cephalic index and the capacity of the European chamaecephals show a wide range, which easily includes the same characteristics of the Trenton specimens. The facial measurements are lacking in the German reports, but Gildemeister speaks of a narrow face, a feature marked also in the two skulls from New Jersey ; and one of the latter, it will be remembered, shows a trace of basal depression, such as noticed in a more pronounced degree in some of Virchow's low crania. The illustrations of the European chamaecephals (see figures 5 and 6) show remarkable general resemblances to the two Trenton skulls — there are the same the rounded outline, without sagittal elevation, of the anterior and the posterior plane, similar shape of the superior plane, and similar aspect of the face. There can be no doubt of the relationship of the two forms, and it now remains to account for the occurrence of identical forms in regions so remote from each other. That such marked similarity of any two normal, important, extreme, and repeated forms in cranial morphology could be of accidental origin has never been demonstrated, and, in fact, is not conceivable.

   This type, though not as yet known with all the detail desirable, in at least one important character, from the rest of the whites on one side, and in all features from all the Indians of whom there is any knowledge, on the other. In view of these facts, the conclusion is unavoidable that close kinship exists between the European and the New Jersey specimens.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Large Skeleton Found Near the Site of the Kennewick Man

 Large Skeleton Found Near the Site of the Kennewick Man

The facial traits of the Kennewick Man (7000 B.C) included a protruding brow ridge and a sloping forehead.  The large skeleton found near the site is evidence that Kennewick was part of the Maritime Archaic that began to come to North America via boats starting about 7,000 B.C. and lasting until 2,000 B.C. Simultaneous migrations occurred on both the Atlantic and Pacific coasts.

The Salt Lake Tribune,  January 9, 1934
Skeleton of Prehistoric Man Unearthed by Blast
   Wash., Jan. 8 (AP) – Buried in 35 feet of gravel and rock, perhaps
for centuries, what may be the skeleton of prehistoric man was
blasted out by Benton county gravel, crusher crew last week.
The skeleton was unharmed by the blast, and was taken to Crosser. Over
six feet tall and with huge snow white bones intact, it bore
vertebrae the size of a man's fist. Front teeth as as most man's
molars were in the skull, which had been crushed in one side, giving
rise to the belief the man may have died when the roof of a cave gave

Monday, August 24, 2020

Neanderthal Hybrids with Apelike Skulls Uncovered in California

Neanderthal Hybrids with Apelike Skulls Uncovered in California

Boston Globe, June 25, 1922

Giant’s Graves in California

New Race of Men Dug Up, With Stone Implements Unlike Any Others

     Some of the skeletons are those of men measuring no less than 7 feet and perhaps more. Femur bones already sent to the University measure 21 inches in length.”“The skeletons represent a most astonishing race of people, who probably inhabited this country thousands of years ago,” said Mr. Steinberger. “Some of the skulls are large, with, high foreheads and well-rounded, while others are apelike, retreating from an inch above the frontal bone, with the top of the head flat and with but small space for brain activity.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Celtic Peoples Stone Circle is Uncovered at Point Peninsula, West Virginia

Celtic Stone Circle is Uncovered at Point Pleasant, West Virginia

Another piece of evidence that links the Ohio Valley mound builders with the earlier Megalithic Celtic culture of England. Not far from this site in Athens County, Ohio a giant skeleton was found within a megalithic chamber. : Skeletons in Megalithic Arched Giant's Stone Tomb in Athens County, Ohio

Bureau of Ethnology, 12th Annual Report

West Virginia
     Below the mouth of the Kanawha the caving in of the bank of the Ohio had exposed a wall of stone, on some of the slabs of which were rude totemic and other marks made be some pecking tool. Careful excavations revealed a circular enclosure about 100 feet diameter, Inside measurements. The wall was composed of angular slabs of various sizes from the hills nearby and averaged 25 feet across the base by 3 1/2 in height. Many of the stones bore evidences of fire, the spaces between them (they were laid flat with joints broken) being Filled with charcoal, ashes, and earth, separate or mixed. No gateway was found, though no doubt one exist at some point not excavated. The sediment from the overflows has accumulated to the depth of about 5 feet since the wall was built, and its existence was never suspected until exposed as above stated by the falling in of the bank. This may not be aboriginal work.

Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee

  Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee Fabric from a cave burial in Kentucky At an early date in the history of the country r...