Showing posts with label Kennewick man. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kennewick man. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Large Skeleton Found Near the Site of the Kennewick Man

 Large Skeleton Found Near the Site of the Kennewick Man

The facial traits of the Kennewick Man (7000 B.C) included a protruding brow ridge and a sloping forehead.  The large skeleton found near the site is evidence that Kennewick was part of the Maritime Archaic that began to come to North America via boats starting about 7,000 B.C. and lasting until 2,000 B.C. Simultaneous migrations occurred on both the Atlantic and Pacific coasts.

The Salt Lake Tribune,  January 9, 1934
Skeleton of Prehistoric Man Unearthed by Blast
   Wash., Jan. 8 (AP) – Buried in 35 feet of gravel and rock, perhaps
for centuries, what may be the skeleton of prehistoric man was
blasted out by Benton county gravel, crusher crew last week.
The skeleton was unharmed by the blast, and was taken to Crosser. Over
six feet tall and with huge snow white bones intact, it bore
vertebrae the size of a man's fist. Front teeth as as most man's
molars were in the skull, which had been crushed in one side, giving
rise to the belief the man may have died when the roof of a cave gave

Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee

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