Showing posts with label okie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label okie. Show all posts

Friday, July 24, 2020

Iroquois "Okie" or Spirit Stones in Northern Indiana Associated with Paranormal Activity

Iroquois "Okie" or Spirit Stones in Northern Indiana Associated with Paranormal Activity

    At each of these three sites where the Iroquois placed "Spirit Stones" Paranormal Activity has been reported.  Near the stone bowl at Roann is a place called the Okie Pinokie Woods that is supposedly filled with disembodied spirits. One paranormal investigator reported a sense of dread and the feeling that something wanted him to leave immediately when he took the gravel road to the river at the Mississenewa Battleground site.  The gravel road takes you really close to the Iroquois Okie stone.

Iroquois Trail shrine located on an old Indian trail called 13 Curves

Associated with the Iroquois are larger sacred boulders that are called “Okies.” These boulder erratics from the melting ice sheets are usually found in odd spots, in a river or next to spring. It was believed that the boulders marked the presence of spirits.  
A large boulder with a bowl carved on the top called an Okie or Spirit Stone by the Iroquois is located on the Eel River in Wabash County.

This stone bowl is fed by a spring along the bank of the Mississenewa River in Wabash County, Indiana. It is located at the Mississinewa Battlefield Site in Wabash County, Indiana

Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee

  Fabrics from Cave Burials in Kentucky and Tennessee Fabric from a cave burial in Kentucky At an early date in the history of the country r...