Monday, July 27, 2020

Fairies (Demons) Haunt an Ancient Subterranean Stone Enclosure in Wabash County, Indiana

Fairies (Demons) Haunt an Ancient Subterranean Stone Enclosure in Wabash County, Indiana

There is no other stone enclosure like the one found overlooking the Mississenewa River in Wabash County, Indiana. It is a stone wall that encircles a 4-foot hole. 

    Near LaFontain, Indiana, and near the Mississinewa Battlefield is a strange, ancient stone subterranean enclosure that is haunted by evil hobbits (demons).  The story is that you can see the hobbits glowing eyes coming at you or towards their stone subterranean house.  Mofre stories of paranormal activity associated with the mounds here

The stone wall and the pit that it encloses can be seen to the left.  A series of large rocks are on the north side with one white stone having a bowl carved into the top.  Sites with paranormal activity are abundant where the giant once dwelt.  Here is another account

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